Fu Tianyu was extremely terrified. The powerful drug was tearing through his body, and he was completely powerless. He could only watch himself become a useless person, with no chance of defying fate.

"Ye Tian, I will never forgive you!"

Fu Tianyu was furious and his face turned even paler.

He couldn't even stand and fell to the ground. He felt extremely scared and powerless. In front of Ye Tian, he seemed to have taken every wrong step and was suppressed everywhere.

"That pill is fake, it’s not a top-grade pill at all!"

"From the beginning to the end, I was played around by Ye Tian.……"

Fu Tianyu finally understood, but it was too late.

After his strength disappeared in an instant, how could he withstand the strongest pressure from Master Wudao? He was directly hit and vomited blood!


A light curtain enveloped Fu Tianyu, which was a protection mechanism to prevent him from dying.

Fu Jiuxuan was extremely angry in the outside world:"Ye Tian, what did you do to him!"

"Fu Tianyu is an unrivaled genius, how could he become a useless person!"

"There must be something strange about your elixir!"

He was not a fool and saw the clue at a glance.


Ye Tian sneered:"When I gave you the elixir, you old man also checked it, there is no problem!"

"Now that something has happened, you blame me? I was so kind to give you the elixir, but my kindness has gone to waste!"

"He just forced his potential, got too impatient and lost himself, and ruined himself"

"It has nothing to do with me if it comes to this!"

Ye Tian was not polite and directly attacked.

Elder Fu Jiuxuan had been ill-intentioned towards him before, so he naturally didn't have a good attitude either.

Ye Tian's voice resounded throughout the holy land, causing many people to nod slightly.

"I testify that Saint Son Ye Tian did give the medicine out of kindness!"

"He took out a top-grade elixir to help Fu Tianyu awaken his supreme bone out of consideration for the younger generation of our Hongmeng Holy Land!"

"Such good intentions were actually regarded as bad intentions by the elders. I really feel sorry for the Son of God!"

"It's hard to be a good person, I'm not convinced on behalf of the Holy Son!"

Countless disciples supported Ye Tian, almost one-sided voices, noisy.

Fu Jiuxuan was furious, but he was helpless.

He could only hide his murderous intent in his heart and look for an opportunity!

Fu Tianyu is the family's genius. He can prove the existence of a saint in the future after awakening the holy body. Now he is completely abolished by Ye Tian. That is an irreconcilable hatred.

He must be killed!

Ye Tian was too lazy to pay attention to their thoughts. At this time, the system voice sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: reaching the top of the Enlightenment Pavilion!"

"Mission Reward: 1 Magical Weapon Pill! 1 Taunt Pill!"

"New task issued: Dragon Vein Foundation Building!"

Task completed, rewarded again.

Ye Tian couldn't wait to check:

"Divine Weapon Pill: After taking it, you can obtain a supreme divine weapon, and the seal will be unsealed depending on the host's cultivation level!"

"Taunting Pill: After taking it, you can have the power of taunting. Taunting cultivators below the Cave Heaven Realm can reduce the opponent's strength by 50%!"

After seeing the effect of the pill, Ye Tian was shocked.

The Divine Weapon Pill and the Taunting Pill are simply two god-level trump cards.

The Taunting Pill looks like a fancy operation pill, but its effect can actually reduce the enemy's strength by half!

Even if you challenge the Foundation Establishment Stage, you will be invincible before the fight even starts!

"It's really coquettish, I like it!"

Ye Tian was in a good mood, his eyes fell behind him.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu's figures just arrived and stepped onto the last step.

"I lost, hehe." Si Lingzhu said playfully, sticking out her tongue.

Like a girl next door, she jumped to Ye Tian's side and said,"The Holy Son is so strong, I will be your follower!"

""I can act like a spoiled child, but I can also chop people up!"

Ye Tian was slightly surprised. As a king body, he actually took the initiative to become a follower?

Are you greedy for my pills, or my body?

"We'll talk about it later!"

Ye Tian still felt like a stranger to Si Lingzhu, and he didn't know if she was really showing her kindness or had other intentions.

After saying that, Ye Tian looked at Ji Ziyan with a strange smile.

"Princess, it's time to cash in the bet!"

Ji Ziyan's pretty face flushed instantly, and her slender, plump and upright body trembled slightly.

She was extremely uneasy.

She thought that even if there was a big gap between her and Ye Tian, it would not be too big.

Who would have thought that after she had exerted all her strength, she could not even catch up with the corner of Ye Tian's clothes!

This strong sense of blow made her very dissatisfied.

More importantly, she lost the bet.

She had to be Ye Tian's maid!

"Come, call me Master!" Ye Tian looked at her jokingly.

He looked her up and down without hiding his eyes, and said in amazement:"You have a good figure, trembling, very tempting"

"She is also very pretty, a great beauty!"

"Being my maid is barely enough!"

These three sentences made Ji Ziyan tremble with anger.

When had she, a princess, ever suffered such an injustice ?



Ji Ziyan cursed angrily and glared at Ye Tian:"When I can crush you, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Ye Tian was fearless. He was not a pervert. He was just testing Ji Ziyan's bottom line.

As long as he angered her and made her take action, he could crush her openly. If he could destroy the princess's royal body, there would be one less target.

What a pity.

Although Ji Ziyan was angry, she remained rational:"I will accept the bet and be your maid, but I didn't say it's now!"

After that, she turned around and left, taking advantage of the bet loophole. She didn't dare to stay any longer, for fear that Ye Tian would not give up.

"Okay, I'll wait for the day when you warm my bed!"

Ye Tian's calm voice came, and he sneered in his heart.

In ancient times, there were people who planted demons in their hearts, and once caused a generation of goddesses to fall into the devil's way!

Although he didn't know the magic skills, after planting the seed of a maid in Ji Ziyan's heart, her heart of Taoism would be hindered a little.

As long as it is not completely resolved, she will never catch up with her own strength!

Ye Tian's voice made Ji Ziyan's body tremble violently. She stomped her feet in anger and walked directly into the Enlightenment Pavilion.

Si Lingzhu smiled and glanced at Ye Tian, and also stepped into the Enlightenment Pavilion

"Dragon Vein Marrow Washing!"

There is a holy dragon vein in the Enlightenment Pavilion, which contains countless opportunities. It is said that there is a great power lingering around, which can make people comparable to the ancient emperors and build the foundation to the limit!

Ye Tian just took a step and wanted to enter the Enlightenment Pavilion, and the voice of the Holy Lord sounded in the holy land.

"After the dragon vein cleansing of Wudao Pavilion, the battle for sequence begins!"

"This matter is presided over by the Grand Elder of Hongmeng Holy Land, who is fully responsible!"

After saying this, the Holy Lord's divine light shadow dissipated between heaven and earth. This was just a Dharma body that she condensed with her great power.

It will dissipate when the time is up.

However, at the moment of dissipation, Ye Tian also heard her voice transmission.

""When I'm not around, if anyone has bad intentions towards you, kill them without mercy!"

There was a hint of inexplicable meaning in the cold and murderous voice.

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows. The beautiful master seemed to be telling him something.

His eyes fell into the distance. The resentment on Fu Tianyu's face and the murderous intent in Fu Jiuxuan's eyes were all revealed!

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