By now, the two of them had already reached their peak of murderous intent, and each wanted to kill the other.

Especially Fu Jiuxuan, after seeing Ye Tian being such a monster, his murderous intent towards him was even stronger.

"The hatred has already been formed. If you are allowed to grow up, the Fu family will be wiped out!"

"I will kill you even if I have to sacrifice my soul!"

Fu Jiuxuan's body was bleeding, and his face was twisted and ferocious, which was very scary.

Although he was seriously injured, he had a grim smile on his face.

"Without a killer move, you are just an ant in front of me!"


The magic weapon stretched across the void, blocking the elders and countless gazes.

Fu Jiuxuan was fearless, and the nine caves around him reappeared in his roar. Although the caves had become illusory due to the serious injury, they still appeared.

The extremely powerful tearing force, with the intention of swallowing, enveloped Ye Tian

"Although my strength has now fallen to the first level of Cave Heaven Realm, I am still in the Cave Heaven Realm!"

""I'm a whole realm beyond you, what can you use to stop me!"

With one blow, the might of the Cave Heaven Realm, which far exceeded the strength of the Foundation Establishment Stage, blasted Ye Tian away.

This shocked the elders and disciples, who thought Ye Tian was going to be killed.

But in the Enlightenment Pavilion, Ye Tian's laughter suddenly came out.

"Falling to the first level of the cave realm, your strength is just like this!"

Ye Tian's eyes flashed with divine light. Although the spiritual power in his body was exhausted by the sword intent of the emperor, he still had a supreme physique!

At this time, he laughed very happily, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth casually, and stepped forward.

Surprisingly, under the cover of Fu Jiuxuan's murderous cave, his speed was getting faster and faster, almost turning into a residual shadow and rushing over.

In an instant, he was in front of Fu Jiuxuan.


The devouring power of the Nine Caves exploded under Ye Tian's fierce and invincible punch.

It became even more illusory, as if it was about to explode!

Fu Jiuxuan was about to speak in horror, but was knocked away by Ye Tian's punch again.

"Even if I can only strike twice with the Seven-Colored Destiny Sword, so what?"

"You may have forgotten that I, Ye Tian, specialize in killing enemies above my level!"

The chaotic light of the Supreme Bone on his chest enveloped his iron fist. Ye Tian did not use any skills, but simply punched down directly. The power of each blow was like the burning sun, full of powerful force!

The power of the Hongmeng Divine Body was even greater than that of the Holy Body.

Ye Tian exerted it to the limit, and the whole person was like an ancient beast, terrifying and intimidating.

""Boom boom boom!"

In the shocked eyes of countless people, Fu Jiuxuan vomited blood.

The nine caves around him didn't even last for ten breaths before they were blown up by Ye Tiansheng.

Just as the spiritual power that turned into the sky was about to merge into Fu Jiuxuan's body, Ye Tian rushed over again.

The domineering punch seemed to be able to collapse the sky.


Fu Jiuxuan looked horrified. He felt the crisis of life and death. He was desperate to explode the cave in his body, and to destroy his own cave in exchange for a short burst of power to kill Ye Tian.

"" Fixed!"

At this moment, Ye Tian said another word.

Fu Tianyu's expression changed drastically, thinking that he was going to be frozen again.

However, after a moment of shock, he found that he could move freely. Ye Tian was just tricking him. Fu Jiuxuan was furious!

But in this short moment, life and death were decided.


Ye Tian's fist, full of chaotic light, with a vast momentum, hit Fu Jiuxuan's chest. It directly broke all the bones in his chest, and even his Dantian was shattered by the punch. Fu Jiuxuan collapsed on the ground like mud.

"How can you be so scary?……"

Fu Jiuxuan spat out blood wildly, and was extremely shocked.

Ye Tian, with his newly established foundation, not only destroyed his cave heaven, but also surpassed him! Even if he was seriously injured, he was still a strong man in the cave heaven realm! He was actually crushed by Ye Tian!

"I won't give in!"

"The Fu family will hunt you down for the rest of your life, and use your blood to sacrifice to our holy body!"

Fu Jiuxuan roared to the sky, with extreme reluctance and resentment in his eyes.

"So much nonsense!"

"As long as the Fu family shows up, I will slaughter them all with my supreme power!"

Ye Tian sneered and punched out, directly blasting Fu Jiuxuan to pieces. The ninth-level strong man in the Cave Heaven Realm, die!


Until this moment, Ye Tian exhaled a breath of foul air, and his tense mind relaxed.

After crossing nearly two realms, if he hadn't had the Calming Pill to catch him off guard, he would have been in real danger.

This had already exhausted him, and he had to use so many trump cards to kill Fu Jiuxuan.

This made Ye Tian's face turn a little pale, and he was a little unsteady.

But the harvest was huge.

The moment he killed Fu Jiuxuan, he heard the system voice in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for exceeding the mission: killing the elder of the holy land!"

"Mission reward: 1 Gongfa Pill!"

"New task issued: Become the Son of Sequence!"

Ye Tian was stunned. This skill pill only had three simple words, without even any notes.

But he felt a sense of vastness from the pill, and it was extraordinary at first glance. It was probably even more amazing than the magic weapon pill.

It's sent!

Just as he showed a look of joy on his face, he heard the system voice come out again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the achievement: taking drugs to kill a powerful person of a higher level!"

"Achievement Rewards: 2 Big Smoke Pills, 2 Enlightenment Pills, 1 Strength Double Pill!"


Completed the achievement reward again!

Ye Tian was overjoyed, 5 pills at once!

I didn't expect Fu Jiuxuan to be a boy who sent money. After killing him, there will be a lot of pills!

Double rewards, so cool!

"Two new pills appeared, the Gongfa Pill and the Strength Double Pill."

Ye Tian did not look at the effect in detail. He heard the constant vibration coming from the sky above the Wudao Pavilion. A group of elders began to attack and quickly broke Fu Jiuxuan's life magic weapon and were about to break in.

He now had no power to protect himself, so just in case, he had to hurry up to recover his strength.

"I took a handful of Juling Pills and recovered 30% of my spiritual power, which was a bit slow."

After thinking about it, Ye Tian took out a big smoke pill.

"Can a cigarette appear after taking it? Restore spiritual power and repair injuries? It's just right now!"

Without hesitation, Ye Tian took it directly. He only felt that the pill circulated in his body.

A light flashed in his hand, and a cigarette suddenly appeared.

Just like the magic weapon pill, something will appear after taking the drug.

"After traveling to a fantasy world, I didn't expect to be able to smoke. It's so cool!"

He rubbed his fingertips, a faint flame appeared, and he lit the cigarette and took a puff.


Amid the light smoke, Ye Tian raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The spiritual power in his body recovered rapidly, and even the injuries from the fight just now were healing visibly!

""It's amazing!"

Ye Tian's eyes lit up and he enjoyed it happily.

It can not only satisfy his appetite, but also restore his condition. It's a good thing!



At the same time, the spiritual energy light curtain above the Wudao Pavilion shattered, and the figures of a group of elders quickly poured in.

""Holy Son!"

The elders wanted to attack before, but were stopped by the voice transmission of the great elder.

Now that they saw that the battle in the formation was over, they broke the formation to see if the Holy Son was seriously injured.

But they were stunned as soon as they came in.

Including the countless disciples of the Holy Land who were paying attention to this place, they were also extremely shocked.

In the Enlightenment Pavilion, the spiritual liquid pool disappeared completely, and the two beauties Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu hid beside them with shocked expressions.

Fu Jiuxuan had disappeared long ago. In the ruins that looked like a Shura field, Ye Tian stood tall.

Facing the bloody scene on the ground, he gently exhaled a puff of smoke.

In his indifferent eyes, the meaning of looking down on others was noisy!

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