Ye Tian felt like a floating cloud, the world was changing.

The scenery under his feet was changing rapidly, and he had already crossed a road of thousands of miles!

"Hongmeng Holy Land, come and participate in the battle of the Holy Ruins!"

The elder's clear and solemn voice resounded through the world.

The four people appeared on a cliff thousands of feet high, attracting countless gazes.

Looking around, there were many figures.

The geniuses of the major sects gathered here, and everyone had a very transcendent aura and was extremely cold.

"Hongmeng Holy Land?"

"They actually have a genius who dares to come here, they are really not afraid of death!"

People were talking in surprise, their eyes fell on Ye Tian and the other two

"The strongest one is only at the fifth level of foundation building? Even my junior brother is not as strong as him, what a loser!"

"The Hongmeng Holy Land is in trouble. A mere Foundation Establishment disciple can be the team leader. What a joke!"

"Didn’t they say that a holy body was awakened? Could it be that kid?"

"So what if it's a holy body? Among the ten sons of the sequence, which one is not a holy body? There is also a divine body!"

Ye Tian and his two companions walked out of the holy land for the first time, and were instantly ridiculed by everyone.

He narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

The situation is really serious. Before entering the holy ruins, the disciples of the major sects began to target them.

This is like bullying the Hongmeng Holy Land because there is no one there.

Look down on the three of them!

"After entering the Holy Ruins, leave that kid to me!"

"The other two beauties have great bodies, and my sword has been thirsty for a long time!"

"I feel so sorry for Hongmeng Holy Land. It took so much effort to cultivate three geniuses, but now they are all going to die in the Holy Ruins. Zizizi!"

Countless strange laughs came, and their murderous intentions were not concealed. Their eyes wandered around Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu, and some people were greedy.

Ye Tian took in all these looks, but he frowned and looked at the side.

"Great Elder, there are countless geniuses from various sects, why are all those present at the Foundation Establishment Stage? There isn't even one at the Cave Heaven Stage?"

"Ten years ago, these rubbish were able to defeat hundreds of Tianjiao of our sect?"

He was indeed a little confused. There were nearly a thousand disciples from various sects at the scene, and the strongest was only at the peak of the ninth level of foundation building.

With such strength, he could kill them with a slap! He didn't even need to activate the Dou character secret, let alone take pills!

"The Cave Heaven Realm Prodigy and the Ten Great Sequence Sons have already entered the Holy Ruins in advance."

"They will fight in the depths to grab opportunities."

The Great Elder sighed and said,"There are no Sons of Sequence in my Hongmeng Holy Land, so we need to fight all the way from the outside to the depths."

"You three may have to work harder."

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu nodded:"It's okay, just use these garbage to practice!"

Like Ye Tian, they also called those Taoist disciples garbage.

The other party mocked and targeted them first, so they naturally didn't look happy.

And with blood feuds, both sides had already been extremely jealous!

"I seemed to have heard a huge joke, two little girls at the first level of foundation building, saying that we are trash?"

Someone laughed strangely:"After you go in, I can kill you with one palm!"

"Don’t cry and beg for mercy when the time comes, I won’t show any mercy to women!"

Someone else echoed,"If Brother Zhang doesn’t want them, you can leave them to me, I will play with them!""

"Hahaha, deal!"

Such outrageous voices came one after another, making Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu extremely angry, their chests trembling with anger.

This scene attracted more people to make a fuss, and the scene became chaotic again.

"Being angry won't solve the problem. If you're really angry, just go in and punch them to death."

Ye Tian said this calmly, letting the two girls calm down.

They nodded slightly, with cold murderous intent in their eyes.

"With the Dou character secret, these disciples are not a threat at all!"

The elder was very satisfied when he saw the three people united against the enemy.

He warned them,"You must be extra careful with the geniuses in the depths. Each of them is very powerful."

"Especially among the sons of the ten major sequences, the weakest ones are all strong men in the Cave Heaven Realm!"

"The Battle of the Holy Ruins is also a sequence ranking. All the major sects will have opportunities and rewards. The higher the ranking, the higher the reward!"

When Ye Tian heard about the son of the sequence, his eyes moved.

The system task is to make himself a son of the sequence. It seems that as long as you complete the task, you will not only get the elixir reward, but also the opportunity of the major sects?

Then I won't be polite!

"All the disciples have their rankings, and it's on that stone tablet!"

At the entrance of the Holy Ruins, there is a stone tablet of 100 feet, on which nearly a thousand names are written.

After Ye Tian and the other two took a look, they saw their names at the bottom of the stone tablet.

The three of them were ranked at the bottom!

"In terms of cultivation level, the three of us are really at the bottom."

Ye Tian smiled calmly and didn't care.

On the contrary, Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu's eyes fell on the top of the stone tablet, and they changed slightly.

The ten blood-red names on the top stimulated everyone's eyes.

The ten sons of the ten sequences were listed on top!

They stared at a name, their eyes were extremely complicated, and their fists were clenched tightly, very uneasy.

Before Ye Tian could speak, he heard the elders of the major sects speak at the same time.

"The Land of Holy Ruins, open!"

Hongmeng Holy Land, Wuliang Holy Land, Daoyi Holy Land, Zhan Dynasty, Beast King Clan, and various ancient families.

Standing in various places in the void, performing supreme secret methods.

With their strong cultivation, they jointly set up barriers to cover the Land of Holy Ruins.

Then, terrifying divine light appeared in their hands, gathered together and fell on the Land of Holy Ruins.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the void in all directions of heaven and earth, and the scene changed drastically!

In front of the cliff where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, a thousand-foot chasm appeared, spreading to an unknown place farther away!

The chasm was filled with tragic killing, and bursts of bloody smell rose.

Among the mottled gravel, it was like a chasm blasted out by someone with supreme cultivation!

"Deep and terrifying!"

Looking far away, people can't see what's inside.

They just feel that the thick silence is full of vitality, which is very inconsistent, but it exists.

And from time to time, miserable sounds are heard, as if they are from the underworld!

"Is this... the place where the remains of the saint fell?"

Ye Tian sensed the rising breath inside, feeling a little strange, yet a little familiar.

This state made him look strange, and he always felt that there were many mysteries inside!

But he was full of expectations and fighting spirit!

"I don't know what kind of opportunities there will be, and what kind of elixir rewards I will get if I complete the task!"

As thoughts flashed, disciples from various sects swarmed out.

With an excited look on their faces, they went straight into the Holy Ruins as if they were snatching treasures.

Many people glanced at Ye Tian and the other two with murderous intent, and disappeared with a sneer.

"We'll go in too."

Ye Tian took a step forward as he spoke, followed by Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu.

In the complex look of expectation and worry from the great elder, the three of them walked into the Holy Ruins.

The next moment... as if the space had changed, they had appeared in another world.

It was completely different from the thousand-foot chasm seen from the outside world. It was desolate and deadly here, and all you could see were broken bones and black blood, as if telling of a massacre.

As soon as they landed, they heard bursts of air-breaking sounds behind them.

Ye Tian didn't even think about it, and punched out!


Author's words:

This is the fourth update. If you like it, please give it a 5-star rating. It is very important to the author. Thank you.

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