After the death of more than a dozen people from the Fu family, their blood was all drawn into the ground and disappeared.

Even their bodies began to decay and slowly turned into ashes.

Only a pile of dry bones and dark bloodstains were left to prove that they had once existed.

"Too weird!"

This terrifying scene made the three people's faces change slightly.

They always felt that this holy ruins was full of unknown horrors and mysteries.

"Be careful."

Ye Tian warned, and spread out his palm, and more than a dozen storage bags appeared.

Inside were all the treasures of the Fu family. It was estimated that they didn't take too much with them when they escaped in a hurry, but they were already very rich.

There were thousands of spirit stones alone, as well as ordinary elixirs such as Qi training pills, practice scrolls, magic weapons, etc.

The three of them made a fortune in the holy land!

Ye Tian flipped through it and found a volume of practice book, which was a fragment.

It was called: Nine Caves Yunshen Jue!

"It turned out to be a method for practicing in the Cave Heaven Realm?"Ye Tian flipped through it in amazement.

Then... he found that he couldn't understand it.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu also looked strange, thinking it was very strange.

"I can understand the words above, but when they are put together, I always feel confused."

Ji Ziyan pondered and said,"In addition to the power of devouring and tearing, the nine caves in the cave realm can also accommodate the attributes of soul cultivation!"

"It is said that people with destiny and opportunity can nourish divine objects within, and their strength can be increased several times with the help of each other!"

Si Lingzhu also hesitated and said:"I heard that the strong in ancient times could even nourish the residual souls of gods, feed their bodies, and step into the ancient forbidden areas!"

"This is too mysterious. Not to mention the Holy Land, even if there is one person in the entire Hundred Battles Domain who can comprehend the fur, he will already be at the peak of the young generation and no one can defeat him!"The two women had extraordinary backgrounds. One was the Saint of the Beast King Clan, and the other was the Princess of the War Dynasty. They knew a lot about these secrets and cultivation.

After they finished speaking, Ye Tian nodded slightly.

His eyes fell on the Nine Caves Soul Enlightenment Technique. Although it was a fragment, if it was really the magical technique they said, it would be against the sky.

It is comparable to the level of the Great Emperor's ancient scripture!

"It just requires destiny and opportunity to practice, and few people can comprehend that kind of mystery!"

Ji Ziyan sighed:"This fragment is probably obtained by the Fu family by chance, and it was put aside because it could not be practiced."

Si Lingzhu also nodded:"Brother Ye Tian, you are unparalleled in talent, keep this technique first, just in case you have the opportunity to practice it successfully one day!"

Neither of them was interested in comprehension, so Ye Tian put it away by himself.

There is no technique that cannot be solved by an enlightenment pill. If there is, then take a few more!

He is only at the fifth level of foundation building, and there is still some distance from the cave realm. It will not be too late to comprehend it at that time. The Holy Ruins are full of crises and are not suitable for practice.

The three continued to walk deeper. They saw several natural treasures on the way, but they were all taken away.

Leaving behind were bloodstains and dry bones all over the ground.

Si Lingzhu summoned a few butterflies to explore the way, and they were very fast. In a blink of an eye, they went dozens of miles deep.

""After performing the Dou word secret just now, did you two have any insights?" Ye Tian asked.

Si Lingzhu said playfully, a little excited:"I feel that I have reached the bottleneck. I only need an opportunity to comprehend the first level of the Dou word secret!"

Ji Ziyan was no longer as cold as before. She nodded with joy between her eyebrows.

"Having you demonstrate the attacking skills on the spot is indeed more effective than practicing hard!"

Ye Tian nodded.

The disciples from other sects who came to the Holy Ruins were almost all dozens or hundreds of geniuses.

But there were only three of them in the Hongmeng Holy Land!

If Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu's strength could be improved, then the three of them would be more confident here.

"After walking for so long, we have gained nothing except a lot of bloodstones."

Si Lingzhu frowned slightly, a little puzzled:"Aren't there opportunities everywhere?"

Ji Ziyan pondered and said:"We don't know anything about the Holy Ruins, and we are not as familiar with it as other disciples. It is normal that we can't find opportunities."

Ye Tian echoed:"The sons of the ten major sequences have entered the Holy Ruins in advance and are now fighting in the depths. I'm afraid that the opportunities on the periphery have been taken away by them."

The two girls immediately understood and felt helpless.

With the guidance of the predecessors, they can get opportunities faster than them. This is the benefit of having a backstage


Ye Tian smiled and spoke with a trace of yearning on his face.

"Since others can find opportunities but we can't, then this matter will be easy to handle."

"If we rob them, the opportunity will be ours!"

The harvest from killing the Fu family just now opened up a new world for Ye Tian.

Anyway, the entire Holy Ruins is full of enemies, and they will burst into life-and-death murderous intent when they see each other.

So there is no need to spend a lot of effort to find opportunities, just rob them directly, it's the best!

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu looked at each other, and their eyes lit up at the same time.

"You are so bad……"

The two spoke with excitement, as if they were looking forward to it!

In this way, the three of them killed the spirit beasts while walking and harvested a lot of blood stones.

The two girls' understanding of the Dou character secret has deepened a lot, and they are only one step away from a breakthrough!

At this time.

There were bursts of roars not far away, and colorful lights were roaring in the sky. It seemed that some opportunity appeared nearby.

It caused many disciples to fight and scramble.

"Here comes the chance!"

Ye Tian and the other two's eyes lit up, and they quietly lurked over.

Looking closely, they saw that indeed many people were fighting.

In the explosion of countless divine lights, a group of foundation-building disciples were lying.

There were still a dozen people left in the field fighting desperately, and the winner was decided in a short time.

Only five people were left in the field, and they took the opportunity with shining eyes.

The other disciples were sucked dry of blood by the strangeness of the Holy Ruins and turned into dry bones, full of reluctance!

In the flow of divine light, a weapon and several volumes of martial arts books appeared and were put into their pockets.

Judging from the momentum, it should not be an ordinary item.���

"Magical weapons are weapons second only to divine weapons!"

Si Lingzhu said in surprise:"It is a great opportunity that a magic weapon can flow out of the Holy Ruins!"

The weapon that surprised her must be good. It seems that there are really treasures in the Holy Ruins.

""Who are you?"

At this moment, several people from the other side looked over with a fierce look, and Ye Tian and the other two were discovered.

They were all at the peak of the ninth level of foundation building, and their perception was much stronger.

While Ye Tian and the other two were talking, they could be directly sensed.

""Get out!"

Several sword lights slashed at him instantly, and they attacked without saying a word.

Ye Tian sighed, waved his hand to break the sword lights, and the three people walked out indifferently.

As soon as they appeared, the two sides looked at each other and showed surprise at the same time.

"It's you guys!"

Si Lingzhu and Ji Ziyan's faces turned cold instantly.

The other party was stunned for a moment before reacting, and immediately laughed, speaking jokingly

"I wonder who is so blind as to ambush us!"

"It turned out to be three useless disciples from Hongmeng Holy Land!"

"I haven't taken the initiative to look for you, but you've come to me, so prepare to die!"

The people on the opposite side were the disciples of the Holy Land who had ridiculed Ye Tian and his group before.

Wuliang Holy Land, the foundation-building genius!

They had teased Ji Ziyan and the others before, and now they were looking them up and down while talking, revealing a sinister smile and a lustful look!

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