Becoming a son of the sequence is the biggest reason why Ye Tian came to the Holy Ruins.

The system task is the top priority, and the rest is just a side job.

Now when he heard Zhang Quanxun say that the tenth sequence is coming to rescue, he immediately became excited.

"When will he arrive?"

Ye Tian looked at Zhang Quanxun and said,"Do you need me to wait for him here?"

As soon as the words came out, the three of them were stunned.

Brother, that is the son of sequence, the supreme among the young geniuses in the Hundred Battles Domain!

Although he is ranked tenth, his combat power must be very strong!

Do you want to be so eager?

And still waiting for him here...

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu raised their beautiful eyes slightly, looking at Ye Tian's excited and impatient look, a little weird

"The young supremes of Wuliang Holy Land are at least at the peak of the ninth level of the cave heaven realm. Should we avoid the sharp edge for the time being?"

The two of them were a little worried, after all, the gap in strength was still a bit large.

Ye Tian waved his hand and said,"We have to meet each other anyway, so the sooner we kill him, the sooner we'll be done!"

Although the level of cultivation was a big realm lower, even if the tenth sequence was stronger than Fu Jiuxuan, he was not afraid.

Practicing the Dou character secret greatly increased his strength, and he also had the trump card of the elixir.

If he was afraid of even the tenth sequence, how could Ye Tian fight for the hundreds of dead souls of Hongmeng Holy Land in the Holy Ruins and make a bright future?

"Let's use him to test what level the Sons of Sequence are at first!"

Ye Tian looked at Zhang Quanxun with a smile, and the excitement and eagerness in his eyes made Zhang Quanxun a little suspicious.

"You don't seem afraid at all?"

"Humph! When Senior Brother Lei arrives, it will be the time to kill the three of you!"

"Ye Tian, you have no idea how terrifying the Son of Sequence is!"

Ye Tian waved his hand casually, too lazy to say more to him. He glanced up and down at Zhang Quanxun with narrowed eyes, and suddenly said:"You must have some secret method to contact the disciples of Wuliang Holy Land?"

Zhang Quanxun was slightly stunned, subconsciously covered his storage bag and said in a cold voice:"What do you want to do!"


Ye Tian laughed loudly:"Of course, find them and kill them one by one!"

His words made Zhang Quanxun's expression change drastically. He glared at Ye Tian and roared:"You are shameless!"

While speaking, Zhang Quanxun stretched out his hand and slapped the storage bag. Suddenly, a jade slip appeared in his palm.

He was in a panic and was desperate to crush the jade slip!


Ye Tian pointed his finger, and a ray of spiritual power burst out from his fingertips, piercing directly through Zhang Quanxun's brow.

His eyes were sluggish, and he fell to the ground dead with extreme unwillingness and regret.

The jade slip in his palm was directly taken by Ye Tian.

Ignoring Zhang Quanxun's body being swallowed by the earth, Ye Tian and the other two looked over.

Under the urging of spiritual power, a light curtain map appeared on the jade slip, and there were many small red dots moving on it.


Ye Tian looked at the small red dots in surprise,"Are these the locations of the disciples of Wuliang Holy Land?"

Most of them were not far away from him, and should be the outer area of the Holy Ruins.

There were three small red dots, deep in the Holy Ruins, about a thousand miles away.

One of them did not go deeper, but moved quickly towards the outer area of the Holy Ruins.

"This little red dot should be the one with the tenth sequence!"

Ye Tian nodded secretly. This jade slip is equivalent to the radar in his previous life. After injecting spiritual power, he can see the position of his own disciples.

Ji Ziyan spoke in a condensed voice and sighed slightly:"The disciples of other sects should have this kind of jade slip in their hands, so that they can help each other in the Holy Ruins."

Si Lingzhu had helplessness on her pretty face:"It seems that the battle of the Holy Ruins ten years ago has given the major sects a lot of understanding of this place."

"The outer map is so detailed, it's a natural advantage!"

The two women looked at each other with surprise.

If it weren't for Ye Tian's inspiration, they really didn't know the existence of this jade slip.

"The area of the Holy Ruins is too large. It's still too early for the Tenth Sequence to come here!"

Ye Tian was a little unhappy. Looking at the little red dots on the jade slip, his eyes gradually narrowed.

"Since we are all waiting anyway, why not collect some interest first!"

He glanced at the red dot closest to him on the jade slip, and sneaked over with Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu.

Five miles away, six disciples of the Wuliang Holy Land just returned from exploring.

They were excited and said,"We got another treasure!"

The six people's clothes were stained with blood. They should have just finished fighting and snatched the spiritual medicine from the hands of other disciples.

The spiritual medicine exuded a faint divine light, and the rich medicinal fragrance made their injuries relieved.

It was a spiritual medicine of the level of natural treasures!

It does not need to be refined into a pill. It can be directly swallowed to transform into pure spiritual power to nourish the body and improve cultivation!

"Find a secret place and seize the opportunity to break through!"

"Senior Brother Zhang Quanxun and the others are still behind. We have obtained a few spiritual herbs first. It seems that we will break through to the Cave Heaven Realm before him!"

"Senior Brother Zhang should be waiting for those three trash disciples from Hongmeng Holy Land, and he might be playing with those two beauties now!"

"I'm so envious. I want to run into the three of them and give them a good beating!"

The six people walked and talked, not taking the Hongmeng Holy Land seriously at all, and even treating it as a joke.

But they just took two steps and stopped suddenly.

Ye Tian and the other two were standing in front with a smile, and they said jokingly:

"Don't be envious, we delivered it to your door!"

The six disciples of Wuliang Holy Land were stunned at first, and then they were overjoyed.

"Haha, I haven't even come to you yet, but you come to my door"

"What a surprise! You’re welcome then!"

"Brothers, we are used to seeing murderous intentions in the Holy Ruins, it's time to taste the taste of beauties and relax!"The six people spoke unscrupulously, their eyes lingering on Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu, showing their malice.

They rushed forward with their strength bursting out, with impatience.

The six people were all at the peak of the ninth level of foundation building, and their strength was not much different from Zhang Quanxun.

Ye Tian looked at the two women with a faint smile,"Two people each, a quick battle and a quick decision"


Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu nodded at the same time, and then their beautiful eyes showed murderous intent, and they rushed out brazenly.

The Douzi Secret was used without hesitation, and with the double strength increase, those disciples even had no need to resist!

Under the overwhelming attack of Ye Tian and the other two, they died directly!


Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu were excited, and the feeling of fighting made them feel extremely happy.

Not only did they feel the pleasure of revenge, but they also had the effect of honing the fighting secret and improving their combat awareness!

This was the training method that Ye Tian set for the two of them, and it really worked!

The two women looked at Ye Tian with more admiration!

"Collect the spoils, the next wave!"

Ye Tian took the six people's storage bags, two storage bags for each person, which contained a lot of blood stones and spiritual medicines, as well as spiritual stones and other things.

Another fortune!

The three of them followed the direction on the jade slip and walked towards the gathering place of the next wave of Wuliang Holy Land disciples.

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