Ye Tian spoke coldly, his dark eyes were filled with coldness, and he said lightly:

"They are all gathered together, so I don't have to look for them one by one!"

The seven-color divine light flashed in his hand, and the seven-color destiny sword of the divine weapon was already in his palm.

In the blooming of the misty divine light, Ye Tian exuded a murderous intent!

It seemed that he was going to face hundreds of Tianjiao disciples from various major sects alone!

"Is he crazy?!"

The faces of these Taoist disciples were filled with anger and murderous intent. After receiving the news from their elders, they gathered together to kill Ye Tian and the other two.

Now that everyone has met, it is the best time to kill Ye Tian and the others.

But unexpectedly, Ye Tian actually took the lead and wanted to challenge them alone!

It's crazy!

"Even if you want to die, you don't want to die like this!"

Some people recognized that the long sword in Ye Tian's hand was a magic weapon. They were slightly shocked and then looked disdainful.

"So what if you hold a magic weapon, how many people can you kill?"

Many people sneered,"Although you defeated Lei Zucan, the Sequence Supreme, with so many of us together, no matter how powerful you are, you can't win!"

More than a dozen disciples of the sects gathered together, and their aura burst out, causing a shocking wave.

The cultivation of the foundation-building stage and the cave-heaven realm was mixed together, and the divine light of various skills burst out, seemingly covering the sky!

"Today, we will work together to kill the Hongmeng Holy Land Tianjiao, and recreate the scene of ten years ago!"

They were excited and thought they had won.

Countless murderous eyes fell on Ye Tian and the other two, as if they were looking at dead people.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu came back to their senses at this time, looking at the momentum of hundreds of Tianjiao gathered together, that terrifying power seemed to make the sun and the moon dim.

Their faces turned pale, and they felt that they were invincible.

"Ye Tian, shall we run away first? There are too many people on the other side!"

The combined attack of these people has exceeded the limit that the Cave Heaven Realm can withstand. I am afraid that even the great masters in the early stage of the Awakening Realm would not dare to fight head-on!


Ye Tian shook his head calmly:"When practicing, one should be brave and invincible. Escape is not my style."

The colorful destiny sword in his hand rang, and he raised his hand slightly.

"Do you want to recreate the tragic scene of ten years ago?"

Ye Tian pointed his sword forward and said grimly:"It just so happens, I also want you to taste the taste of death!"

As he spoke, the murderous intent on his body had reached its peak.

As if it had become a substance, it emanated from the long sword, as if it was going to penetrate the entire sky!

And there was an invincible sword intent, which suddenly emerged from the dantian.

Ye Tian's whole person was like a Nine Heavens Divine Sword unsheathed, with a sharp edge!

"He really wants to fight all of us alone!"

"What are you waiting for? Kill Ye Tian, and the remaining two will be nothing to be afraid of!"

"Let's go together and avenge our dead disciples!"

Hundreds of people's skills glowed, and they gathered murderous intent. Their aura burst out like hitting the void, and thunderous sounds were heard.

At the same time,

Ye Tian uttered four words, which resounded throughout the world.

""The Emperor of Heaven's Sword Intention!"

As soon as the words fell, a dazzling divine light suddenly appeared in the entire space.

In the blazing and dazzling eyes, all the lights were eclipsed.

The divine light was wrapped with a domineering and pure sword intention, and it suddenly swept out from the colorful Destiny Sword!

In the entire space, it seemed that only this sword light existed.

It passed through the void.

It also passed through the bodies of everyone in front...

In an instant, everything was silent!


Ye Tian put away his sword and stood there, calm and composed.

He took out a handful of Gathering Spirit Pills and swallowed them, quickly recovering most of the spiritual power in his body.

The Heavenly Emperor's sword intention cut through the void and spread to a farther distance, with extreme destructive power. It directly blew up a mountain, blasting it into rubble all over the sky!

The Heavenly Emperor's sword intention is his greatest killing technique at present, and it is extremely powerful!

Using up almost all the spiritual power in his dantian, Ye Tian launched the strongest attack!

His combat power is comparable to the peak of the Ninth Layer Cave Heaven Realm, and the power of this sword has already broken into the awakening realm!

And with the pure and extreme killing intention, he broke through the surface with a point and directly killed everyone!


At the same time, the bodies of hundreds of disciples in front of them exploded!

Under the pure power of the Heavenly Emperor's sword, they didn't even have time to resist, and their bodies were directly cut off.

All their lives were cut off!

The blood rain in the sky flew down in an instant!

The strong and pungent smell of blood filled the world.

There were bursts of sobbing in the void, echoing in the blood rain, conveying the extreme sadness. It was as if the world was crying!

"Ten years ago, when the hundred geniuses of Hongmeng Holy Land died, it was also this scene."

Ye Tian's eyes were filled with sorrow and regret.

If he had been there ten years ago, the fate of the hundred geniuses of Hongmeng Holy Land would not have been so tragic.

"If their spirits in heaven saw you avenging them, they would definitely be very pleased!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu spoke softly. Although they were shocked by the sword just now, as disciples of Hongmeng Holy Land, they could feel Ye Tian's inner emotions.

The three of them looked at the drifting blood rain, as if they could see figures in the dark, smiling and nodding at them.

They were the unyielding spirits of the hundreds of geniuses of Hongmeng Holy Land, who had been existing in the Holy Ruins for ten years!

After seeing that the great revenge was taken, these figures raised their thumbs and dissipated with satisfaction, as if their wishes had been fulfilled.……


It seems that there is a murmur in the Holy Ruins, and then it disappears.

After Ye Tian and the other two came back to their senses, tears had already fallen from their eyes.

It seemed that they were bidding farewell to the heroic spirit!

""Hua hua hua."

The blood rain fell and was directly absorbed by the earth and disappeared.

The corpses of hundreds of disciples gradually turned into dry bones!

The killing was tragic.

For a moment, the whole valley was like a Shura field!

"The only pity was that hundreds of storage bags were also chopped apart by the sword.……"

Ye Tian gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, feeling relieved.

Next, it was a serious battle of sequence!

Only by killing those young supremes could he completely avenge himself.

Only then could he complete the system task!

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at Lei Zucan on the ground. He had already been scared silly.

He stared at the tragedy in the canyon with a dull look, his face pale and his whole body trembling.

Seeing Ye Tian stepping forward, Lei Zucan was extremely horrified:"You just fought me, but you actually hid your strength!"

Ye Tian sneered:"You are just my whetstone. Isn't it a waste to kill you with one sword?"

After fighting with Lei Zucan just now, he had a deeper understanding of the Douzi Secret and had touched the bottleneck of the second level!

At the same time, his strength in all aspects has reached the peak and is about to break through!

Lei Zucan is quite powerful. If he is not a divine body, I am afraid this is really dangerous.

The power of thunder has a destructive effect on most forces.

It is extremely domineering and even terrifying!

Find a way to get it!

""Baichao Pill!"

After thinking about the effect of Baichao Pill, Ye Tian threw it directly into his mouth.

At the same time, he punched Lei Zucan with hope in his eyes.

"Whether or not you can get the power of thunder for free depends on God's will!"

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