Ji Lingtian, going to die bravely?

This kind of bold move made Ye Tian and the other two stunned.

Ji Ziyan used her attacking skills to attack, but she was a step too late.

Three five-clawed golden dragons wrapped around the peak of the cave realm and fought desperately, so she couldn't stop them.

Ye Tian raised his hand and punched, directly destroying the three golden dragon phantoms. Looking around, Ji Lingtian's figure was no longer visible. He only heard his last words before he died:

"The God King in White entered the sea of blood, and the God King's dragon energy led the ice coffin!"


The huge vision of the God King in White also fell from the sky, with the momentum of going to death, and crashed down.

It sank into the sea of blood and disappeared.

It only caused huge waves, which were broken up by Ye Tian and the other two, and turned into a drifting blood rain.

Apart from this, there was no movement?


Si Lingzhu said strangely:"Did this guy get his brains knocked out just now?"

Ji Lingtian is the eighth sequence, and his combat power is much stronger than Si Lingshuang. After all, he carries all kinds of secrets of the War Dynasty and the inheritance of the emperor.

How could he, who is born with pride, choose to die?

"Ji Lingtian has been gifted since childhood, and was deeply loved by his father, who taught him everything he knew!"

"He also relied on his position as the crown prince to kill all other members of the royal family, and acted arrogantly!"

Ji Ziyan said with hatred:"As arrogant as he is, he will never let himself be defeated by others, especially by me, who failed to seize the throne!"

"So he chose to die, but he also wanted to retain the last bit of dignity!"

While pondering, Ji Ziyan still had doubts in his eyes, staring at the sea of blood.

"But the last sentence just now clearly showed that he was scheming and sinister. Even if he died, he would drag us to be buried with him."

"Why is there no movement now?……"

Ye Tian also had a puzzled look on his face. Just as he was about to speak, a system voice came from his mind, making him even more confused.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the stacking task, and you will be rewarded with 1 attribute pill!"

As expected, as long as you get involved in the battle, you can get the pill for free.

But Ye Tian was stunned because there was a second system voice.

"Ding! The free pill effect has been used up, and I got for free: Thunder attribute! Emperor Fire attribute! God King Dragon Qi!"


Ye Tian felt that there were more question marks on his forehead.

Ji Lingtian was seeking death himself, and I didn't defeat him, so why did he use up his last chance to get something for free?

And what he got for free was not an attribute, but some kind of dragon energy?


The Supreme Bone in his chest trembled slightly, and the Golden Crown of Luck shook a bit, cheering and jumping for joy.

Ye Tian only saw the golden dragon energy of the God King that he had just obtained for free, which was directly swallowed by the Golden Crown of Luck!

"Damn, is it the power of destiny that’s causing all this trouble?"

The Golden Crown of Luck trembled again and fell silent.

Only the imperial aura obtained from the Saint’s Medicine Garden, mixed with the divine dragon aura that had just been absorbed, began to merge.

It seemed as if a transformation was about to occur...

Ye Tian looked puzzled:"Can the Golden Crown of Luck transform?"

The Golden Crown of Luck, which already had the power to avoid danger and seek good fortune, what abilities would it have if it transformed?

He couldn’t figure it out, but he was looking forward to it.

"Perhaps for the Golden Crown of Luck, this God King Dragon Qi is more important than the cave heaven attribute?"

Since it is the power of luck that triggers the free pill, getting this ray of God King Dragon Qi must be of great use!

He just needs to wait quietly.

While pondering, Ye Tian stood on the edge of the dragon bone ship, frowning slightly.

He always felt that Ji Lingtian had no good intentions when he jumped into the sea of blood, and his resentful eyes when he was dying, and his words of dying together.

All of these made Ye Tian have a bad premonition in his heart.

"Speed up!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and threw all the remaining blood stones into the blood-colored light ball. The stagnant dragon bone ship suddenly trembled.

As the speed increased, it cut through the sea of blood, and the speed was still increasing. In the blink of an eye, it appeared ten miles away.

At this time, Ji Ziyan suddenly exclaimed:"Not good!"

She was most sensitive to the dragon's energy. At this time, she looked behind her and her expression changed drastically.

"Ji Lingtian used the vision of his holy body to bombard the depths of the sea of blood, stirring up chaos!"

"He is the prince of the War Dynasty, with the dragon energy of the God King. He actually sacrificed this original dragon energy to the blood sea, which brought out a terrifying existence!"

The three looked up, their expressions changed slightly.

They saw that where Ji Lingtian sank into the blood sea, a huge vortex suddenly appeared.

With a terrifying suction force, it spread over dozens of miles!

And it exuded an extremely cold and evil power, as if something was about to be born!

In just a moment, the evil spirit was overwhelming, and the sun and the moon lost their light!

Blood rain was floating on the entire blood sea, everywhere!

The keel boat of Ye Tian and the other two was also at the edge of the vortex at this time, and was just affected.

Under the swallowing power of the huge vortex, it was pulled back violently.


Si Lingzhu and Ji Ziyan's expressions changed drastically, and their spiritual power burst out, attaching to the keel boat, trying to control it to move forward.

But the power gap was too big, and the keel boat was still being pulled back quickly.


Ye Tian did not hesitate and threw all the remaining bloodstones into the blood-colored light ball. Even if it was already saturated, he would add it as if it was free.

The keel boat roared and vibrated, and the speed increased to the limit to compete with the pulling force.

And Ye Tian's expression was cold, and he slapped his palm towards the vortex.

The Dou character secret blessed the golden thunder power, forming a giant hand of a hundred feet long, and the palm was covered with the golden thunder's Yang power, which bombarded the vortex.

The Yin evil power that soared into the sky in the vortex was bombarded and trembled.

The extremely terrifying devouring power had a moment of stagnation.


Ye Tianqing shouted, and the three of them burst out their spiritual power at the same time, forming a huge driving force.

The dragon bone ship, which was blessed by countless blood stones, started to move rapidly.

At the critical moment, it left the vortex range!



Two loud noises came from behind, and the keel ship that Ji Lingtian and the others were on was sucked into the seabed by the vortex.

The giant ship made of the ancient dragon's sacred bones was being strangled by the vortex.���Into fragments!

Shattered in an instant, not even a slag is left!


Ye Tian was so shocked that he lost his voice after seeing the keel boat destroyed.

Their previous fierce and invincible fight, the emperor's fire and thunder that destroyed the world, could not shake the keel boat at all.

He didn't expect that the power of the vortex was so terrifying that the keel boat didn't even last for a second, and it was over?

"What is that?"

Si Lingzhu exclaimed, pointing at the vortex with his little hand, his face filled with horror.

The three of them looked from afar. The vortex was so big that it was like a giant eye in the underworld staring at them, and their souls trembled.

When the extreme Yinsha power erupted, a cold divine light slowly bloomed from the depths of the vortex.

An ice coffin appeared directly in the void, as if it appeared from the bottom of the sea of blood in an instant.

"Blood, I need blood……"

There were bursts of sobbing coming from it, like the sad cries of thousands of ghosts in the raging waves of the blood sea.

After hearing just one sentence, Ye Tian and the other two almost lost consciousness and had the urge to commit suicide.

They wanted to jump into the blood sea and nourish the ice coffin with blood!

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