"Damn it!"

Ji Ziyan cursed inwardly:"Ji Lingtian actually brought out such a terrifying existence!"

Si Lingzhu's pretty face turned pale,"The ice coffin and the evil corpse are lying across the sea of blood, how can we leave?……"

They were panicking, not knowing what to do next.

Ye Tian frowned slightly:"We can only reach the other side first!"

The vortex force under the keel boat gradually increased with the revival of the evil corpse in the ice coffin.

The three of them rushed to the edge of the blood sea with all their strength, not daring to make any mistakes!

At the same time, Ye Tian was also confused:

"How did Ji Lingtian know that there was a terrifying existence beneath the sea of blood?"


As surprised as he was, everyone outside the Holy Ruins was also suspicious.

When the blood vortex appeared, they felt that the entire Holy Ruins world was shaking violently.

It was like a major earthquake, affecting the outside world.

In addition, the Holy Ruins was shrouded in red blood, and there was a sinister aura mixed with the wailing of thousands of ghosts, which could be heard faintly.

"The sound……"

The elders looked at each other, and then their expressions changed drastically.

"The remains of a saint! Resurrected?"

They all knew that there were remains of a saint in the Holy Ruins, but they had always thought that they were dead bodies sunk in the sea of blood. How could they be resurrected?……

"Could it be that after thousands of years of absorbing the essence of the sea of blood, it developed intelligence?"

"Or maybe it was originally alive, and started to revive after being stimulated!"

The elders guessed, and it was almost certain.

This kind of situation has never happened since the appearance of the Holy Ruins.

They only knew that there were endless opportunities in it, and the remains of the saints fell in the sea of blood.

But they didn't expect that it could be revived!

Their faces turned ugly,"Damn it, who is the blind person who stimulated it!"

"This kind of terrifying shock can affect people outside the Holy Ruins, which shows how terrifying it is. The power is probably enough to kill all young supremes in seconds!"

"They are the future of all the sects, and we cannot afford to lose them!"

Many elders were anxious to rush into the Holy Ruins, but were stopped by others.

"Are you crazy? The Holy Ruins World has gone through thousands of years and is already fragile!"

"Entering the Holy Ruins at the Awakening Realm will cause the void to be annihilated!"

"By then, there will be no need for the saint's corpse to take action, the void annihilation alone will be enough to destroy all the geniuses!"

"Even the entire Holy Ruins will be reduced to ashes!"

These elders knew the horror and critical point of the Holy Ruins, so they could only arrange for the Cave Heaven Realm geniuses to go in and look for opportunities.

If a cultivator above the Awakening Realm entered, the Holy Ruins space would collapse.

Otherwise, those holy places and the great masters at the level of the Holy Lords would have turned the Holy Ruins upside down!

"What should we do now? Let them wait for death?"

Many elders were anxious and helpless.

If it was in the outside world, even if the remains of the saint appeared, they could kill them with so many powerful people here.

But that was the land of the Saint Ruins, and they could only rely on the young supremes to deal with it themselves.

The gap in strength was too big to compare!

"Now it all depends on their own luck. If they unfortunately die, they can only accept their fate!"

"However, after the saint's corpse is revived, the opportunity deep in the holy ruins will surely come out!"

The great elder of Daoyi Holy Land said lightly, looking at the other elders.

"Life and death are determined by fate, success and failure are up to God!"

"Perhaps, this Saint Ruins Trial is the moment to truly seize the opportunity!"

When his voice came out, everyone was stunned, and then they understood. When the remains of the saint revived and appeared in the world, the Saint Ruins would face collapse!

Then this Saint Ruins Trial, I am afraid, will be the last one, and it will definitely lead to the final opportunity.

Since ancient times, crises and opportunities have coexisted. Whoever can grab the opportunity after the crisis comes, he is the real destiny supreme.

If you can walk out of the Saint Ruins alive, the future will be limitless!


At this moment, the sky stone tablet flashed with light, and the sequence ranking was refreshed.

The elders looked at it immediately:"The sequence ranking is refreshed, is there any change?"

As soon as they raised their eyes, they were stunned. They rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and saw the names of Ye Tian and the other two appearing on the sequence ranking, which was a bit unbelievable.

The seventh sequence Leng Lingshan was replaced by Ye Tian! The eighth sequence Ji

Lingtian was replaced by Ji Ziyan! The ninth sequence Si Lingshuang was replaced by Si Lingzhu!

The names of the three of them appeared blood red on the stone tablet.

The elders were shocked and lost their voices:"The three of them actually refreshed the sequence ranking again, and they are all on the list!"

Previously, Ye Tian killed the tenth sequence, which made these elders very angry.

Now the three of them are all on the list, and they killed three sons of the sequence from the major sects again, which is simply pissing off these elders!

Every young supreme is a rare monster that is rare in a lifetime, and in the end, they did not die in the hands of the corpse, but were killed by Ye Tian and the other two!

This made the elders furious and shocked at the same time.

"The speed at which Ye Tian and the other two improved their strength was terrifying!"

Before entering the Holy Ruins, they were only at the Foundation Establishment stage, and it was difficult for them to deal with the outer disciples.

Now, in just a few days, they have grown to the point where they can kill the young supreme and take away the sequence ranking.

It's really terrifying!

"Hongmeng Holy Land, wolfish ambitions!"

"He is trying to destroy my lineage! This feud is irreconcilable!"

These elders gnashed their teeth, completely forgetting what they did ten years ago.

The Great Elder of Hongmeng Holy Land did not even look at those people, but looked at the sequence ranking list calmly, and was not surprised at all, as if he had a premonition.

"It was a little slower than expected, probably because of the saint's corpse."

The elder held a jade slip on his fingertips and was transmitting:"The saint's corpse has appeared, and the plan has begun!"

After he finished speaking, the jade slip vibrated slightly, and a female voice came out.

With a cold and indifferent tone, and a faint smile:"Okay!"

There was only one word, but if Ye Tian was present, he would recognize that this female voice was the voice of the beautiful Saint Master whom he had never met.

It seemed that some plan was quietly unfolding at this time.


At this time, the blood sea in the Holy Ruins had already surged up.

The power of the vortex was extremely strong. The keel boat of Ye Tian and the other two rushed all the way, and was only ten miles away from the other side, but it was stuck here.

No matter how the keel boat was urged, it could only barely keep from being pulled back by the vortex.

It could not move forward!

"Only ten miles away, and we can survive!"

Ye Tian and the other two burst out with all their strength, struggling desperately.

Not far from them, there was a keel boat side by side, also struggling at this time.

The sixth sequence!

At this time, there were only two keel boats left in the sea of blood. The other sequences had already reached the other side, so they were not affected by the whirlpool of the sea of blood.

The sixth sequence burst out with a strong spiritual power fluctuation, and the nine caves opened together, desperately urging the keel boat.

He looked at the whirlpool in the distance, and the huge devouring power coming from the ice coffin, with a look of horror, and despair on his face:"I'm going to die!"

It was retreating, and in the blink of an eye it was already side by side with Ye Tian and the other two, still retreating under the huge force!

However, when it saw Ye Tian and the other two, the Sixth Sequence suddenly showed joy on its face.

A cold light flashed in its eyes, and it punched.

It transformed into a sky-wide strong wind, which rose up like a knife and covered the keel boat of Ye Tian and the other two.

The powerful force burst out, making the keel boat sway unsteadily, and the speed that had just stabilized was directly forced to start retreating.

Ye Tian's eyes suddenly became cold!

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