The two were moving very fast, one of them was almost at the top of Thunder Mountain.

The other was still a hundred feet away.

The battle between Ye Tian and the Fifth Tianlan, as well as the overwhelming divine light, were seen by the two Sequence Supremes.

At this time, their eyes were like knives, looking from afar.

A voice came from the mouth of a figure near the top of the mountain:

"Hongmeng Holy Land, this time the Tianjiao is much stronger, and he even walked to the Emperor Mountain!"

The voice was like a huge bell, covering the thunderous sound.


The figure was shrouded in a hazy light. It was Leng Lingshan's master, the young supreme of Daoyi Holy Land, the third sequence!

He stood not far from the top of the mountain, bathed in thunder like a god, with an extremely strong aura.

His eyes were shining with divine light, looking at Ye Tian like a dead man.

"There are no True Dragons left in Hongmeng Holy Land, and the three of you are just pawns!"

He said this in a strange way, and then ignored it. He waved his hand casually and said,"Old Four, you are the only one left in Wuliang Holy Land. Kill the three of them, and I will allow you to challenge me!"

He spoke in a defiant tone, as if challenging him.���It is the supreme honor.

Ordinary people would look down upon hearing such an attitude.

But the man a hundred feet away had a divine light in his eyes!

""When I kill these three people, I will definitely take back the third-order position!"

As the man spoke, he turned his palm and took out a strange wooden sword. The wooden sword was covered with various runes, revealing a strong aura.

He was the fourth-order, the last person left in the battle of the Holy Ruins of the Infinite Holy Land.

He was also the strongest among the young supremes of the Infinite Holy Land!

"Shen Wuming!"

Ten years ago, he was the third young supreme among the ten sequences.

The first two were the Hongmeng Holy Land prodigies, whose strength swept everyone and dominated the rankings.

If it weren't for the combined efforts of the various avenues to besiege and kill them, I'm afraid the sequence ranking would not change until now!

But since ten years ago, after killing these prodigies and causing the bloody battle in the Holy Ruins.

Daoyi Holy Land is the biggest beneficiary.

They obtained the saintly treasures provided by Hongmeng Holy Land, and even gained a lot of opportunities after killing hundreds of Hongmeng prodigies.

This allowed the three young supremes of Daoyi Holy Land to reach the top!

Seize the top three sequence rankings!

There may even be fragments of the ancient scripture of the Douzi Secret Emperor that were taken away by them, but this is just speculation by others, and no one in Daoyi Holy Land has revealed it.

"The three of them radiated the secret light of the word"dou", and they all succeeded in comprehending it."

The fourth sequence Shen Wuming, with a burning gaze, looked at Ye Tian and the other two from a distance

"If I can obtain the Douzi Secret by killing you, my strength will increase greatly. When I challenge the third sequence, I will definitely win!"

He regarded Ye Tian and the other two as opportunity babies, and wanted to kill them to get the Douzi Secret.

Just now, when he saw the fifth Tianlan being killed, Shen Wuming was surprised, but he was not worried.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are only at the level of the Cave Heaven Realm, hum!" A murmur came out of his mouth, and the spiritual power on Shen Wuming's body emanated and merged into the wooden sword in his palm.


A ray of light flashed, and the wooden sword in his palm disappeared without a trace. Only strange runes flowed on Shen Wuming's body.

It emitted a shocking momentum and bursts of murderous intent.

Apart from that, there was nothing!


Ye Tian and the other two were stunned, not knowing what he was doing.

However, Ye Tian could sense the overwhelming fighting spirit and murderous intent in him, and knew that an enemy of this level would not do useless work.

So he instinctively raised his spiritual power for defense, and even held the Seven-Colored Destiny Sword in front of him, ready for battle.


As soon as the long sword was raised, a huge force suddenly attacked.

Ye Tian's face changed slightly, and he was forced to step back half a step!

The light in front of him was flowing, and the wooden sword that disappeared from Shen Wuming's hand suddenly appeared in front of him.

It stabbed the colorful destiny sword, making a sound of steel contact, and trembling inexplicably.

The attack failed, and the light on the wooden sword reappeared and suddenly disappeared.


Ye Tian was caught off guard by this strange attack. His spiritual power exploded, and the four great caves behind him opened up.

The golden thunder from the first cave spread out and struck Ye Tian's body.

"Bang! Bang!"

With a dull sound like hitting the void, the wooden sword was chopped out and stabbed towards Ye Tian's forehead.

""Come on!"

When the wooden sword stabbed out for the first time, he had already gathered the strongest attack.

Now seeing the wooden sword appear, he immediately chopped it down!


The long sword carried Ye Tian's powerful and heavy attack, as well as the power of the supreme realm, and directly chopped the wooden sword away.

It didn't break!

"What kind of technique is this?"Ye Tian was a little confused, he had never seen it before.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu looked at each other, and spoke in unison, with some difficulty, uttering two words:

""Supernatural power!"


That's not the power of awakening realm. Awakening supernatural power, Dharma world!

The fourth sequence is only the cave heaven realm, but he actually felt a trace of supernatural power. It's really a monster!


The wooden sword flew up and down like a ghost, at an incredibly fast speed.

It did not disappear into the void just now, but its speed was extremely fast, exceeding the perception speed of the Cave Heaven Realm.

So it appeared and disappeared mysteriously.

And the wooden sword carried the peak aura of the Cave Heaven Realm, as if Shen Wuming had integrated all his power into the wooden sword, using the sword to replace people and kill enemies with the sword!

"This sword-controlling magic is also very fragrant……"

Ye Tian was somewhat delighted to find that each of the top five sequences had their own unique abilities. This pleased him greatly, and the desire to get something for free was rekindled.

""Whore him!"

Ye Tian's body was extremely fast, and he slashed at the wooden sword.

The attack missed and was dodged by the wooden sword.

But Ye Tian showed a triumphant smile:"I'm waiting for you to dodge!"

The moment the voice came out, he was already ten feet away.

Under the use of the Wind and Thunder Phantom Art, his speed was increased to the extreme. He turned into a golden light in the thunder and quickly swept up the mountainside.

It was heading for Shen Wuming's body!

"Since all your strength is on the wooden sword, I will cut your flesh and everything will be over!"

Ye Tian's purpose was very clear and his speed was very fast. In a blink of an eye, he had reached a hundred feet in front of Shen Wuming.

After Shen Wuming noticed his purpose, he raised his eyebrows slightly and pointed his hand.

The wooden sword was even faster and arrived in front of Ye Tian in a blink of an eye, stabbing at his back!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

As Ye Tian opened his mouth, the colorful long sword of destiny in his hand, with the blessing of the Hongmeng divine body, slashed on the wooden sword.

Just like before, neither of them could do anything to the other!


Ye Tian smiled, and the hidden third cave sky behind him exploded. The sword intent of the emperor inside turned into a small sword with attributes, bursting out with an extremely sharp sword light, breaking through the air in an instant. It directly crossed the last hundred feet of distance and slashed on the dumbfounded Shen Wuming!


Shen Wuming, who had no defense, only had time to activate the holy body before he was chopped off by a sword.

Amidst the flying blood, a broken arm was smashed into pieces by the thunder!

After falling to the ground, Shen Wuming looked at Ye Tian in horror, stepping towards him like a demon god


Please urge me to update.


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