Ye Tian was completely shocked by the magic of the purple gold token. He didn't expect it to be able to operate like this.

It helped him maintain two caves in succession, just waiting to obtain the attributes before merging.


Ye Tian was in a good mood. In this case, he no longer had to worry about

"Reach the top!"

After Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu arrived, the three stepped forward.

The five caves behind Ye Tian opened at the same time, and the rich spiritual power on the Thunder Mountain was rapidly devoured by him. The spiritual power consumed in the previous battle was restored in an instant, and it was still improving.

Bang bang!

The thunder on the Thunder Mountain fell, and was destroyed and refined by Ye Tian's five caves.

Unable to stop the footsteps.

Not long after, the three had reached the top. The moment they stepped on the top of the mountain, the thunder in the sky suddenly disappeared. On the top of the mountain, there was no thunder harassment.

There was only a huge and magnificent coffin!

The red and golden light on this coffin each accounted for half, and it looked like a confrontation.

But if you look closely, you will find that the golden light is constantly being swallowed by the red light, and the evil spirit revealed is coming.

Deja vu!

""How come this stone coffin is exactly the same as the ice coffin in the sea of blood!"

Si Lingzhu exclaimed, and subconsciously stepped back and hid behind Ye Tian.

Ye Tian frowned and looked at them, and found that they were indeed the same.

However, this is a stone coffin, while the one in the sea of blood is an ice coffin!

"Could there be a saint's evil corpse in here?……"

Ji Ziyan's face was filled with fear and horror. The three of them looked back.

They found that under the Thunder Mountain, the terrifying sea of blood had spread to its extreme.

It had reached the feet of the nine golden-armored black turtles, and was only one step away from the Thunder Mountain!

Looking far away, a huge figure condensed above the sea of blood, its entire body made of blood, and it was terrifyingly red.

The figure was a thousand feet tall, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, and it looked very scary from a distance.


Two red divine lights burst out from the figure's eyes, coming over a thousand miles.

"Blood, the blood of the Tianjiao!"

Accompanied by the sound of thousands of ghosts crying, the moment the eyes saw Ye Tian and the other two, the figures above the sea of blood began to appear.

Stirring up the blood sea, the blood rain spread throughout the depths of the Holy Ruins.

Even the top of the Thunder Mountain was covered with blood rain!

"The evil corpse in the ice coffin has revived!"

The evil corpse in the sea of blood actually appeared completely and began to rush towards them.

The terrifying aura that seemed like the power of heaven could be felt from such a distance.

The greatest crisis in the Holy Ruins is about to come!

"The evil corpse in the sea of blood has already appeared, and the greatest opportunity in the Holy Ruins will also appear!"

"Is the opportunity in this sarcophagus? There should be a way out!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu were trembling as they approached the sarcophagus to find a way out. The evil corpse in the sea of blood was too scary, so they had to escape quickly.

But they didn't find any exit, and they bumped into a man who exuded a cold aura.

The third sequence!

He stood with his hands empty, his face gloomy and ugly, and ignored the two of them.

Instead, he looked straight at the sarcophagus, as if in deep thought.

The third sequence murmured,"How do I open the sarcophagus?"

He checked for a while, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Ten years ago, when he came to Thunder Mountain, there was a quasi-saint medicine on the top of the mountain, a supreme treasure!

It was obtained by the first sequence!

Now that he has stepped onto the top of the mountain, he thought it was also a quasi-saint medicine.

Unexpectedly, a sarcophagus appeared!

He tried many methods just now, but couldn't open the sarcophagus. Now the evil corpse in the sea of blood has appeared. The crisis has come, making him impatient.

"If you take another step forward, I will kill you!"

The third sequence has a slender figure and a scar on his handsome face, which makes him look ferocious and terrifying.

The faint aura on his body gives people a sense of terror.

It seems that he has an amazing physique and a terrifying aura.

And the peak cultivation of the cave realm bursts out with the aura of dominating the world!

This aura alone can surpass all other sequence supremes!

""Get out!"

After saying that, the third sequence was still looking at the sarcophagus, thinking about how to open it.

In the distance, in the sea of blood, the terrifying figure of the evil corpse was approaching rapidly.

Ye Tian was also a little anxious, but he looked at the sarcophagus and pondered for a while, then spoke softly.

"The blood sea evil corpse has arrived, the good corpse... why don't you show up!"

His words made the other three people stunned at the same time.

Good corpse?

What is that!

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu looked at Ye Tian with confusion, not knowing what he meant.

On the contrary, the third sequence was slightly surprised after hearing this.

"Inside the sarcophagus is the corpse of a saint?"

"There are actually two bodies of saints in the Holy Ruins, how did you know that?"

Ye Tian didn't even look at him, his eyes were fixed on the sarcophagus, and there was a purple light dancing in the cave behind him.

"To be exact, there are three!"

Three bodies of saints!

When this news came out, the three of them were shocked!

The bloody sea of evil corpses alone were so terrifying, as if they were destroying the world. If there were two more... why would you run away? Just sit down and wait for death.

"The third one is the intelligent corpse, we have already seen it!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu were stunned, and then they exclaimed at the same time:"The figure of the Taoist priest in the Saint's Medicine Garden!"


Ye Tian looked strange, staring at the stone coffin, and spoke again:"Good Corpse, if you don't show up again, the entire Holy Ruins will be destroyed, and you will no longer exist!"

Up to now, he had already guessed about the Holy Ruins.

The figure standing on the long river of time in the small world of the Saint's Medicine Garden made him start to wonder.

It was not until the appearance of the evil corpse in the ice coffin in the sea of blood that Ye Tian guessed even more.

Now after seeing the stone coffin, he completely understood!

"Taoism, beheading three corpses to achieve the Tao, the supreme magic method!"

In the Hongmeng Holy Land, when the Saint Lord left the Hongmeng Dao Realm to comprehend the Dou character secret, Ye Tian once saw a series of residual images under the effect of the enlightenment pill.

It said that in ancient times, there was a saint who, when he became an emperor, beheaded three corpses!

One evil corpse carried the sin of killing, one good corpse carried the good nature and soul, and one wise corpse planned to cut off the lives of the people!

These three corpses together are the remains of the saint!

They are the remains of the saint after the saint, the Great Emperor!

They were not killed by others and left here.

"The Great Emperor of Hundred Battles actually has such courage that he can become a Taoist by beheading corpses!"

The purple gold token, the Great Emperor's Dao Lotus, the Great Emperor's Fire of Hundred Battles... all these things are closely related to the Great Emperor of Hundred Battles.

Ye Tian has guessed that the predecessor of this saint's corpse is the Great Emperor of Hundred Battles!

Ye Tian murmured:"No wonder he can sweep across three thousand Dao realms, suppress the turmoil of a generation, and lead the emperors of later generations to follow him against the long river of time."

"Such amazing talent, unprecedented in history!"

At the moment when Ye Tian murmured, purple tokens flew up and down in the fourth and fifth caves behind him, and suddenly rushed out.

With a strong purple-gold divine light, it hit the sarcophagus!

Then, the huge sarcophagus suddenly began to tremble.

Ji Ziyan and the other two retreated in surprise:"There is really a living being in the sarcophagus!"

They were shocked and at a loss.

At the same time.

A magnificent voice with supreme majesty resounded through the world like a huge bell.

"I once stepped onto the top of the mountain and became enlightened by beheading corpses!"

"The inheritor has appeared and stepped forward……"

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