When Ye Tian spoke lightly, roars resounded throughout the world.

Like thunder, eight red-armored black turtles roared and flew out from the gap in space! They directly covered the entire sky, and the extraordinary state of momentum was so strong that the void rumbled.

In the shocked expressions of Jiang Kui and others, Ye Tian jokingly said:

"Now, are you still arrogant?"

"Are you still planning to bully the minority with your numbers?"

Ye Tiancai was only at the Cave Heaven Realm. Facing Jiang Kui, who was three realms higher than him, he was not afraid at all.

He had the support of nine holy beasts and was fearless!

Although Ye Tian knew in his heart that the other red-armored black turtles could not consume too much power.

Each time they consumed power, they would lose three points of their sanity. If their cultivation fell below the extraordinary realm, it would be extremely difficult to recover to the peak!


"These eight are just for scaring people!"

Ye Tian knew this fact in his heart, but others did not know.

Under the nine holy beasts, they were all silent, as if they were facing a great enemy, without any arrogance just now

"A bunch of rabble!"

Liu Taixu laughed loudly. Although he didn't know why Ye Tian was favored by the nine holy beasts, he could turn the tide of the battle now.

This made Liu Taixu in a good mood, especially when he saw the frustration and helplessness on the faces of Jiang Kui and others, he felt very happy.

"Ye Tian, make your move!"

Liu Taixu's face showed a domineering look again, and without saying anything, he asked Ye Tian to make his move.

Ye Tian nodded. Among the nine holy beasts, only Yun Mu was in good condition and could launch two attacks.

It might be a good idea to take the opportunity to kill a few elders of the holy land.

"Yun Mu."

Ye Tian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he pointed a finger at Jiang Kui, and spoke in a domineering manner like the great elder.

""Kill him!"

Just now, it was this Jiang Kui who was shouting so happily. Kill him first!

Yun Mu received the order and roared immediately.

The strongest attack of the extraordinary realm condensed on the giant claws of the black tortoise, emitting a strong energy and terrifying power.

Jiang Kui and others suddenly changed their color, and hurriedly used various magic weapons, ancient scriptures and other means of self-defense, and retreated quickly.


A beam of light blasted out from the giant claws of the black tortoise, directly blasting into the void.

Suddenly, a large crack in the void spread out, attacking Jiang Kui.

His expression changed drastically, and the crisis of life and death came in an instant.

At this moment, after he saw the great elder of Daoyi Holy Land next to him, his retreating figure suddenly changed.

He used his most proud ancient scripture skills to change his shape and shadow!

He actually directly exchanged positions with the elder!



Two loud noises were heard, and the place where Jiang Kui was before was directly annihilated into nothingness.

With one blow, even the void was shattered.

Then it suddenly disappeared, and calm returned!

"The Great Elder of Daoyi Holy Land is dead……"

Before people could react to what had happened, they saw a powerful Nirvana Realm being killed without even a scream. The power of the golden-armored black tortoise, the sacred beast, was so terrifying!

The other elders were horrified, and were blasted by the force of this blow, spitting blood and flying backwards.

All were injured.

"Master, I tried my best."

Yun Mu's voice came. She had just recovered and had not yet fully controlled her power, so she could not kill Jiang Kui.

Ye Tian smiled faintly and said,"You did a good job."

Although Jiang Kui was not dead, the Great Elder of Daoyi Holy Land was also a great Nirvana Realm power. Killing him would not be a loss!

In front, Jiang Kui and more than a dozen Taoist elders had already shown fear and panic in their eyes.

They communicated with each other and began to think about their way out.

"One golden-armored black turtle is already terrifying, and now nine of them appear one after another. How can we fight them?"

"If these nine extraordinary holy beasts go crazy and kill people, we will all die here!"

"Only by performing the secret blood escape can you leave……"

Such thoughts lingered in their hearts, and their eyes were fixed on Ye Tian.

All their disciples were killed, and they left like this, feeling extremely aggrieved and unwilling.

"Ye Tian was able to obtain nine sacred beasts in the Holy Ruins, his luck was amazing!"

"Moreover, he quickly broke through an entire realm, which was enough to prove that he was a genius. If he couldn't kill him today, he wouldn't know when he would have the chance again in the future.……"

"The Holy Lord and his men are about to break out of the Qinghuang Secret Realm. If they knew that all the genius disciples were killed, they would definitely be furious!"

"What are you afraid of? Everything was done by Hongmeng Holy Land. The Holy Lord will make the decision himself!"

"We can't beat Ye Tian's sacred beast, there is really no way!"

These people were unwilling, full of murderous intent and complicated expressions.

When they reached their level of cultivation, they had too many thoughts in their minds. Thousands of thoughts emerged in a single thought, and they calculated so much that even their eyelashes were empty.

They were in a favorable position just now and could join forces, but now that the crisis has emerged, they are thinking about leaving.

These people don't have the courage and character of Liu Taixu, who can risk their lives for the holy land and their own disciples.

All of this was seen by Ye Tian. Seeing that they did not flee, it was obvious that the shock they received was not enough.

Especially the great elder of the Wuliang Holy Land, Jiang Kui.

He looked at Ye Tian with the most murderous intent in his eyes. He almost died just now and hated Ye Tian completely.

If there is a chance, he will definitely kill Ye Tian!

"Find a way to kill Jiang Kui……"

Ye Tian was thinking in his heart, considering whether to let Yun Mu launch a final attack.

He would not be able to sleep or eat if he did not kill this great elder.

"Ding! New task released: Kill Jiang Kui!"

At this time, the system actually released a new task.

Although he didn't know why the task was released at this time, as long as the task was released, he had to complete it.

Kill Jiang Kui...

This task required Ye Tian to do it himself, without the help of external forces!

Ye Tian was slightly stunned, and his expression became complicated.

"Let me, in the Cave Heaven Realm, fight against the Nirvana Realm?"

"System, are you sure you are not going to kill me?"

This task is too difficult!

Ye Tian smiled bitterly and fell into thought. The system would not issue an impossible task for no reason.

Since there is a task, it means that he must have a way to kill Jiang Kui!

Looking up, Jiang Kui and others were showing divine light of martial arts, and they were looking for a chance to escape.

If he couldn't think of a way to let Jiang Kui run back to Wuliang Holy Land, then it would take a long time to complete this task!

"Maybe, pills can do it?"

While thinking, Ye Tian directly opened the system list to see if he had any pills that could kill people across three realms.

"The stealth pill doesn't work, and sneak attacks can't break the defense."

"The skill pills are not enough. Even if I comprehend the ancient scripture of the Great Emperor, it is not enough. The realm gap is too big."

"Death Pill?"

When Ye Tian saw the Death Pill, his eyes lit up and he immediately checked the notes.

"The Death Pill, after taking it you can possess strange powers and make your opponent die bravely!"

"It can only be used when crossing a major realm, otherwise it will be invalid!"It can only be used when crossing a major realm.

Ye Tian suddenly wanted to curse, doesn't this mean he can only use it on Awakening Realm cultivators?

It is invalid on Nirvana Realm, so what's the point of using it.

However, he frowned and saw another pill, and the corners of his mouth suddenly broke into a smile.

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