"It's been ten years since my soul returned to heaven!"

""Great revenge has been achieved, and a tomb will be built to see you off!"

Ye Tian's sonorous words seemed to be filled with boundless blood.

The hundred stone tablets in front of him were also filled with solemnity, as if the souls of the hundred geniuses who had fallen in the Hongmeng Holy Land were looking at Ye Tian with satisfaction, and then merged into the stone tablets to have a resting place.

Ye Tian turned the square into a cemetery so that the entire Hongmeng Holy Land could see this place.

In a trembling heart, countless disciples of the Hongmeng Holy Land had lost their voices and looked at Ye Tian in shock. As his momentum soared to the sky, the charm pill on his body exuded a faint breath, which dissipated the anxiety and worries in the hearts of these disciples.

Someone spoke in a deep voice:"I believe in the Son of God. I always feel that he carries an inexplicable breath, which makes me feel at ease! I believe that the Son of God did not lie to me!"

"When you say that, I also feel the aura of the Holy Son, which gives me a strong sense of security.……"

There were even disciples with hot tempers who looked at the hundreds of stone tablets and graves with a look of sadness on their faces.

Their hearts were deeply touched and they spoke loudly with anger and admiration.

"Damn it! For ten whole years, the disciples of Hongmeng Holy Land have been keeping their heads down, being bullied and mocked by the major sects, and dared not resist!"

"Today I finally got my revenge! Saint Son Ye Tian, vented the anger for Hongmeng Holy Land. One person can be as good as a hundred geniuses!"

"A man should be like this, this is the great spirit that a disciple of the Holy Land should have!"

As they spoke, they bowed deeply to Ye Tian.

"Holy Son, from now on, I respect you as the Young Supreme of Hongmeng Holy Land!"

Their sonorous words touched the other disciples, and the grief and admiration spread all at once, infecting countless disciples.

They were no longer timid or afraid, and no one wanted to escape.

Feeling the strong murderous intent on the stone tablet, and the momentum of Ye Tian that seemed to make the wind and clouds shake, they all stretched out their hands.

They bowed to him from a distance and spoke loudly:

"We wish to honor the Holy Son as the Young Supreme of Hongmeng Holy Land!"

"The only young supreme!"

"The backer of the younger generation of Hongmeng Holy Land!"

The roars of thousands of disciples mixed together, as if they could break through the clouds and cover the entire holy land.

Whether it was the disciples in seclusion or the elders deep in the holy land, they couldn't help but look solemn when they heard the mixed and magnificent voices.

A cohesive force can be felt, appearing in all the disciples, mixed together.

Pure and firm!

Liu Taixu was surprised and murmured:"Ye Tian can actually get the support of all the disciples of the holy land. This has never happened before among the saints!"

"In just a short time of one stick of incense, he managed to calm all the disciples and even gain everyone's respect?"

"Even if I come forward, I can't achieve this effect.……"

Liu Taixu's gaze crossed the space and fell on the square.

After seeing the hundred blood-colored stone tablets, he could not help but look surprised, and his eyes showed understanding.

"Ye Tian's move was very much to my liking. It not only provided a final resting place for the hundreds of unjustly dead heroes, but also united all the disciples in their fighting spirit."

"The sect and friendship are both perfect. With such a holy son in our Hongmeng Holy Land, there is no need to worry about not prospering!"

He looked at the elders, and the peak aura burst out in satisfaction. The Heaven-Flipping Seal leaped up and spanned the void.

Gathering the power of all the elders, it shook violently!

""Hongmeng Fantian Formation, rise!"

This is one of the most powerful formations in Hongmeng Holy Land, which is usually controlled by the Holy Lord.

Now, with the power of all the elders, combined with the ninth-level divine weapon Fantian Seal, the Hongmeng Sect Protection Formation can be activated.

Suddenly, a light curtain covered the entire Hongmeng Holy Land, a hundred miles in radius!

The pure power of the formation, and the divine chains of order flowed on it, with an extremely terrifying power that seemed to be able to hurt the saints! Turning the area of 100 miles into a huge barrier to protect the sect.

""It's coming so fast!"

As soon as the barrier of the Hongmeng Fantian Formation was formed, the elders such as Liu Taixu sat cross-legged in the void and controlled the center of the formation.

He looked into the distance and became extremely solemn.

He could feel several terrifying auras with the power of annihilation appearing a hundred miles away.

There were nine people, with blazing and dazzling divine light on their bodies, turning the place they were in into a furnace of heaven and earth, as if they could melt everything!

The moment they appeared, they enveloped the void on all sides of the Hongmeng Holy Land, full of murderous intent.

"The Lords of all the major sects have come to the Hongmeng Holy Land!"

Ye Tian noticed the moment those figures appeared. Although he could not see any figures, he could feel the invincible power. Under the infinite murderous intent, the world was trembling!

The other disciples also felt the great terror and looked shocked.


When everyone was shocked, a cold snort came from a hundred miles away.

Just a snort made everyone's souls hurt, as if struck by lightning.

If it weren't for the fluctuations of the mountain protection formation, which blocked most of the power.

I'm afraid that just this sound would have seriously injured and killed everyone!

"Is this the power of a saint? It's too terrifying!"

Countless disciples cried out in shock, feeling like an ant facing the sky.

But no one was afraid at all, with the sect behind them and the formation in front of them.

There was also an incomparable power in everyone's heart.

As long as Ye Tian was still there, the power in their hearts would not dissipate.

This was faith!

""Tantai Qingyan, you have lost your three souls and are seriously injured and dying."

The voice spoke again, with boundless murderous intent and resentment.

"Today, the Holy Lord is here!"

"If you don't show up again, I will wipe out the Hongmeng Holy Land!"

The vibrating void hummed, as if there was an infinite sword light sweeping across the world, slashing at the Hongmeng Fantian Formation.

The entire barrier roared and trembled, and the Fantian Seal burst out with extreme power to resist the crisis.

The Order Divine Chain danced, without breaking the formation.

Every sect has a mountain protection formation to protect the sect from being attacked and destroyed by the enemy, and its power is extremely strong.

The Hongmeng Fantian Formation is also a saint-level formation. Although it is activated by a group of elders, it will not be able to be destroyed in a short time.���Broken existence!

""Boom boom!"

The external attack continued, and thunder crashed down, shaking the formation and stirring up waves.

There was also a whistling sword light, accompanied by various colors of terrifying robbery light.

Those saints attacked together, and each attack was with the intention of shattering the heaven and earth, turning the Hongmeng Holy Land a hundred miles away into a dark forbidden land.

Living beings were annihilated, and mountains and rivers were shattered!

Even the sky seemed to be knocked down, which shows how terrible the power of the saints is.

"The nine saints attacked together, the formation could not last long……"

Ye Tian's expression changed slightly. The power of a saint was really terrifying.

The Hongmeng Fantian Formation was not controlled by a saint. The power of the elders would be exhausted soon.

Once the formation was broken, life and death would be revealed!


Sure enough, within a stick of incense, the elders and others all vomited blood and looked depressed.

The formation shook violently and almost broke.

After all, the power of Nirvana Realm was too far behind that of Saints, and they could not resist for too long.

The elders looked sad, and Ye Tian gritted his teeth and soared into the air. He stood directly beside the elder Liu Taixu, and the peak power of the Cave Heaven Realm burst out, merging all his spiritual power into the center of the formation.

"The elders and I will fight the enemy together!"

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