Before he could think deeply, he saw a flash of a long sword behind Fu Tianyu, and it had already appeared in his hand.

The light of his holy body was radiating, and his murderous aura was awe-inspiring.

"I want to challenge you!"

Challenge me?

Ye Tian didn't even look at Fu Tianyu, but looked at the elders:"Can he challenge me?"

The elders were startled and nodded hesitantly.

"The Lord has issued an order to start the sequence battle"

"The position of the Holy Son of Hongmeng Holy Land will be open for one day after it appears! Any disciple below the Cave Heaven Realm can challenge it!"

"The challenger needs to open the gambling table and challenge the Son"

"The winner will become the Holy Son, and can become the true disciple of the Holy Lord, and enter the dragon vein to cleanse the marrow and strengthen the body!"

After hearing this, Ye Tian rolled his eyes.

In name, they made me the Holy Son, but in fact, they still think that I am not strong enough.

What sequence battle is nothing more than a group of people challenging me, and the winner is the king. The one who fights to the end is the Holy Son!

"Isn't this a living target?……"

Anyone can challenge me?

Ye Tian's eyes were slightly cold. If it weren't for the mission, I really want to throw this Saint Son Token in your face!

I haven't gotten any benefits from holding the token yet, and I'm challenged by others first?

But he didn't refuse.

The crisis in this world is everywhere, and the only fundamental thing is to improve your strength!

"After establishing the position of the Holy Son, becoming the true disciple of the Holy Lord? This doesn't matter, but the dragon vein marrow cleansing sounds like it should improve strength!"

Ye Tian thought for a moment and nodded directly:"Okay, I accept the challenge!"

He looked at Fu Tianyu and said jokingly

"Go back and enjoy the pleasure of the Holy Body, or you will be useless tomorrow!"

After saying that, Ye Tianchang smiled and walked towards the cave not far away.

This is the benefit of becoming a Holy Son, which is much more comfortable than the hut of the outer disciples.

Fu Tianyu looked at his back, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Tomorrow I will beat you to death and kill you with all my might!"


After the dust settled, the two Saint Lords on the top of the mountain were still talking.

The old man looked at the figure behind Ye Tian with a cold look on his face:"Saint Lord, someone wants to attack the Saint Son. Do we need to kill him?"

The Saint Lord smiled and shook his head:"In Hongmeng Holy Land, no one has been able to kill the Saint Son I have identified."

"You don't have to do anything, we just need to see if Ye Tian has any other cards."

"As for the person who did this, after tomorrow, I will wipe out her and her entire family."

"Let all the elders not take any action, just watch."

"In addition, no one should covet Ye Tian's trump card and secrets!"

After the Holy Lord said a few words, all the elders in the Holy Land received the order and did not take action!


After Ye Tian arrived at the cave, he looked around and found a spiritual spring that made people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

He sat cross-legged and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The crises I experienced today were more than those I experienced in the past year!"

First, Wang Teng's hostility, then Fu Tianyu's murderous intent, and the terrifying strength of Wang Teng's maid.

They were all crises!

If it weren't for Ye Tian's decisive killing and the system's support, he would have died eight hundred times.……

"System, open the list.

The properties panel opens immediately:

【Ye Tian

【Realm】Peak of the ninth level of Qi training

【Supreme Realm

【Constitution】Supreme Holy Body (to be upgraded)

【Heavenly Emperor Sword Intent

【Pills] 666 Qi-training pills, 1 Sudden Enlightenment Pill, 1 Calming Pill...

Ye Tian glanced at them and thought that his current strength was still a bit monotonous.

Although he had the Supreme Bone and became the Supreme Saint Body, he could upgrade to a stronger physique in the future.

But his only skill was the Heavenly Emperor Sword Intent.

He had just entered the Holy Land and had no time to learn other skills.

Although the Heavenly Emperor Sword Intent was very powerful, it consumed too much spiritual power.

When the red and blue were full, he could only send out the sword intent once at most.

"You can't fight like this on the gambling stage tomorrow. You'll have to take drugs to recover your spiritual power in a few rounds. How can you have enough time?"

Although there are still 666 Qi training pills, it takes too long to recover. It takes time.

""Sudden Enlightenment Pill, Calming Spirit Pill... These two pills are not cultivation pills, so they are not urgent now."

Ye Tian was a little worried for a moment.

He couldn't use his ultimate move to kill the rookie tomorrow, right?

What a waste!


When he was worried, a sound suddenly came from outside the cave.

Ye Tian stood up instantly, and the sword intent of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly condensed on his fingertips. He looked at the person with a cold expression,"What are you doing here?"

A figure slowly approached. After Ye Tian saw it clearly, his face became even colder.

This figure was Wang Teng's maid, the maid with the cultivation level of the Cave Heaven Realm!

"Revenge for Wang Teng?"

Ye Tian could only guess this purpose. After Wang Teng was abolished, the maid had gone crazy. She didn't care that this was in the Holy Land, and she wanted to kill Ye Tianxia!

He had just become the Son of God, and those elders were probably still examining him with their own thoughts, so there was no one to protect him for the time being, and he could only rely on himself.

The light of the Supreme Bone on Ye Tian's chest flickered, and his spiritual power exploded, condensing the strongest attack.

He could attack at any time!

The strength of this maid was two realms beyond his own, so he had to be careful.


The maid chuckled and said jokingly,"He is indeed a smart and decisive boy. No wonder he was able to defeat Master Wang Teng.""

"Although your sword power is very strong and can hurt me, it can't kill me!"

The maid walked and laughed, step by step into the cave.

Ye Tian looked stern. The fantasy world was indeed full of dangers. As soon as night fell, the murderous intent came!

"My young master was crippled by you. Now he has lost his royal body and has no future."

The maid smiled and her expression turned cold. Her voice was as cold as ice.

"Only by awakening the supreme bone like you, can he stand among the geniuses again!"

"I dug out your supreme bone, I wonder if you can still survive?"

While she was speaking, the aura and cultivation of the Cave Heaven Realm on her body burst out.

The entire cave was shaking violently and almost collapsed.

The ultimate life-and-death crisis came in an instant.

It made Ye Tian's scalp numb.

He thought of countermeasures quickly in his mind. This maid was terrifyingly powerful. Even if the Emperor's sword intent could hurt her, she could not be killed, and the crisis could not be resolved.

After all, as long as she could move her fingers, she could deliver a fatal blow!

"Hmm? Move your fingers?"

An idea flashed in Ye Tian's mind. If I don't let her move, can't she just stand there and take the beating?

""Tap, tap."

The maid stepped forward, and a terrifying flame swept out from the cave around her. The blazing flame evaporated the spiritual spring in the cave in an instant.

The water vapor rose in the entire cave, making the maid look even more terrifying.


When the maid showed her murderous intent, the steam in the cave became thicker.

Ye Tian quickly took out a pill and threw it into his mouth.


There was a surge of spiritual power in his body, and a mysterious power emanated from his body. It was not powerful but very strange. When the maid noticed it, she was instantly furious.

She stretched out her hand and flames burned around her. With the strongest murderous intent, she was about to rush towards Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian had also completed the fusion of the pill.

He didn't bother to think about anything else, and directly stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of the maid.

He shouted


After the words came out, the maid was stunned for a moment, thinking that something was attacking her.

In the end, she was unharmed.

The maid was immediately angry, thinking that Ye Tian was playing a trick on her.

In her rage, she no longer waited and wanted to burn Ye Tian completely!


When she wanted to raise her hand, she found that she... couldn't move at all!

Even her soul seemed to be frozen in an instant!

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