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Seeing the distrust of the chat group members, Lin Fengjiao was helpless.:”……”

Lin Jiu was at a loss whether to laugh or cry, muttering in his heart

“Or, I should also report such a big thing to the ancestor.”

The ancestor of Maoshan is either in heaven or in the underworld.

There are things like this that can be discussed, not to mention that this is a super big thing.

Regardless of the strangeness of the chat group or the horror of the group owner, this is a great opportunity. If you seize it, you will soar into the sky.

Just as I was thinking about things, I heard Wencai’s voice.

“Master, Master, Master Ren has sent someone to invite you to drink foreign tea.”

Lin Fengjiao came back to her senses:”I know about this matter, how is your martial arts training going?”

Wencai’s voice suddenly became hoarse.:”……”

Lin Fengjiao:”You are not allowed to eat at noon today. It seems that you have to practice well. Do you need your master to remind you every time? Do you ignore my words? You don’t know how to cherish such a good opportunity!”

Wencai:”Master… Master, I was wrong.”

At this time, Qiu Sheng also walked in. Seeing Wencai’s frustrated face, he scratched his head.

Qiu Sheng:”Master, what’s wrong?”

Lin Fengjiao:”How about you? Qiu Sheng, how is your practice going?”

Qiu Sheng:”Uh, Master,……”

Lin Fengjiao:”Humph! Good-for-nothings, if I don’t teach you a lesson today, do you really think your master has a good temper?”

Wencai and Qiusheng:”Master, please don’t…”……”

Peach Blossom Island

“I need a lot of martial arts secrets, as well as treasures or valuable items. I can get a lot of points by uploading them.”

Huang Rong left the chat group and found Huang Lao Xie who was still practicing, and told him about the new mall function in the chat group.

Ask him for advice, after all, her father is knowledgeable and resourceful.

Maybe he can give her more suggestions.

Huang Rong:”Dad, don’t think that points are useless now, the future may be uncertain, we must make plans early.”

Huang Rong:”Moreover, the group owner in the chat group has uploaded a lot of top martial arts secrets, and we will earn all the points in exchange for his secrets.”

Huang Yaoshi thought about it after hearing what his daughter said.

Huang Yaoshi nodded:”Rong’er is right. We don’t need points to buy martial arts now. It’s because others have given us good martial arts, which has saved us a lot of points, but this kind of good thing may not happen in the future. Originally, this was just a drop in the ocean made by the group owner for the purpose of experiment. It may be true in the future.”

“Moreover, the skills in the group are really amazing, so the points should be accumulated.”

After saying this, he pondered and thought for a while.

“Speaking of which, the martial arts secret book is quite simple. Shaolin and Quanzhen are the great sects of the time, so they must have a lot of martial arts secret books. We only need to take out a congenital-level skill to exchange for it, and this is a business that we can never lose money.”

Huang Rong frowned her delicate eyebrows, and her face, which used to be lively and cheerful, became serious.

Huang Rong:”These two sects are very rigid, I’m afraid it’s not that easy to get the skills.”

Huang Yaoshi chuckled:”Rong’er, you have to change your previous ideas now. You are a master of the grandmaster level. To put it bluntly, this world is also the law of the jungle. The strong have power, and the weak have no truth. As long as you show your strength a little bit, who dares to ignore your opinion, and who dares not to execute your orders. They will only treat it as a treasure.”

Huang Rong was stunned:”It seems so.”

Huang Yaoshi:”Besides, in addition to this, we can also go to the Kingdom of Jin to rob it. Back then, the Kingdom of Jin invaded the south and robbed an unknown amount of gold and silver. We can also sell it directly to the chat group.”

When Huang Rong heard this, her beautiful eyes lit up and she kept saying yes.

Huang Rong:”Dad, this is great. Not only can I get a lot of points, but I can also be a hero.”

“”Little Huang Rong, what are you discussing with Huang Lao Xie? Why are you avoiding the old naughty boy? The old naughty boy wants to listen too.”

At this time, the old naughty boy’s voice sounded in the distance, and a figure came at high speed.

Looking at the old naughty boy who suddenly came, Huang Rong and Huang Yaoshi suddenly had an idea.

Huang Rong waved her hand, and a peach blossom fell into her hand. She threw it lightly, and instantly fixed the old naughty boy in place.

The old naughty boy felt his body completely unable to move, his eyes widened, and looked at Huang Rong in disbelief.

“Little Huang Rong, how did you become so powerful! You also subdued the Old Boy in an instant? Is this the power of the Nine Yin Manual?”

Hearing the Old Boy’s question, Huang Rong smiled lightly. The Nine Yin Manual was naturally not so powerful.

Huang Rong:”That is not the Nine Yin Manual’s credit, but the other opportunity I got that made it so powerful. And I can let you break through the Xiantian realm, I wonder if you are willing? Do you want it or not?”

The Old Boy frowned:”Humph! Little Huang Rong, what are you thinking about again? The Old Boy is not so easy to fool.”

Huang Rong:”I want the inherited martial arts of Quanzhen Sect, of course, including Xiantian Gong.”

The Old Boy:”No, no, that’s my senior brother’s thing, I can’t exchange it.”

Huang Yaoshi smiled and said:”Rong’er, since the Old Boy is unwilling, let’s exchange the Xiantian Gong method to Shaolin Temple. By then, Shaolin will rise and Quanzhen Sect will be suppressed, or maybe it will decline. Then we can pick up the big bargain. Maybe, I don’t even need to pay for the innate level skills. I just need to say that Quanzhen Sect is under our protection, and they will probably kneel down and beg me to accept the Quanzhen Sect’s skills.”

Hearing Huang Lao Xie’s idea, the old naughty boy was very anxious.

“No! I don’t agree.”

Huang Yaoshi sneered:”It is our freedom to exchange the skills with whomever we want, Old Naughty Boy, you may not be able to control it. And what qualifications do you have to control it? Just relying on your strength that is not even innate? Too weak, this world is unreasonable.”

The Old Naughty Boy said anxiously:”Those bald donkeys in Shaolin Temple have no martial ethics. They got the skills and are shameless. What if they regret it? You will get nothing?”

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