Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

[SideB] Evil Dome, Bloody Wrath (2)

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There was a cautious and timid knock on the iron door painted green. The hands holding the back of my head that I was leaning on the chair hesitated for a moment, and I gently loosened my clasped hands and put them in front of the table. While freely picking up the mug on the table, I signaled the person who knocked on the door to come in. .

Turning the handle slowly, the girl carrying the black backpack kept rubbing the straps that had fallen naturally with her right hand, and looked at me suspiciously and disturbedly with her eyes.

"Hello, Teacher Lin. I'm really sorry to disturb you so late."

I've heard that opening line countless times. Every student who comes to me for advice will speak in this way, on the one hand appearing to be tactful and polite, on the other hand taking this opportunity to repeat the prepared words again.

There were scars on the girl's wrist that hadn't fully healed. I can almost conclude that she has tried many times to cut her wrists, and seeking my opinion now must be inseparable from this matter. Perhaps this is the rare confidence I have in the mean teacher who thinks he knows them.

The fact is not what I expected, the girl who suffers from "wrist-cut syndrome" said, "I don't know what to do! I dare not tell anyone."

I used my usual set as always. Problems that cannot be solved in reality find solutions only in dreams. The dream will tell me everything honestly, without any excuses or concealment out of pride, which is the truth about the superpowers I have that the students spread.

But this time the dream ended differently. I really grasped the girl's heart "want to hear my advice to her", the problem is not here. But when I was about to leave the dreamland—the kind of door with rudders that can only be seen on ancient ships appeared in front of me. A little dust also makes people feel a sense of distant age. The door was roughly pushed open by someone on the opposite side.

"Mr. Confused, you perfectly fit the criteria we need. Please agree to my invitation—to join us in the domination war. If you don't know what that is, don't ask. You just need to know how to win the domination war, you can gain the power to dominate reality.”

Yes. Just one sentence of invitation told me frankly his purpose and benefits to me. That's the attitude that even if I don't agree, he can find someone else to replace me. If I reject him, then he will turn his head and leave without any pity, and it is even less likely that he will keep me.

The man stood in front of the door, his dark green pupils were empty, as if he could ignore everything in front of him. An orthodox Chinese tunic suit and a stick with a Western magical feeling in his hand are very inconsistent on the same person. Looking out from the opposite side of the door, thousands of troops in uniform seem to be waiting for his orders.

"The reward for victory is very touching... But sorry, I refuse your request."

"Can you give me a reason?"

Unexpectedly, this man with dark green pupils actually made a speech that seemed to be to persuade me to stay, and he also told me his regret clearly and generously in his eyes.

"It's simple, I think the life I have is the best for me, and I don't want anything to break it."

That's the reason why I rejected Molu Tong, knowing that one day I would regret choosing such a day full of deception, and I was frustrated and even desperate to find another way out. The dark green pupil glanced at me with a sneer, the regret that was still in the eyes just now disappeared completely, and was replaced by disdain. Eventually he disappears with the door.

Back to the present. I finally participated in the domination war and met this man who belonged to a different camp, so the old invitation floated on the sea of ​​memory again. I suddenly thought, what would happen if he and the tea cat invited me at the same time?

"Hey... this way, this way!!"

Not far away, Xiao Lulu's voice was deliberately lowered. She hid vigorously at the bottom right of the window and beckoned to me. At this time, the tea cat changed into the form of a cat again, and sat obediently on my shoulder. I was stunned for a moment, then carefully went to the side of Xiao Lulu, and leaned back against the wall.

"Sister Lulu..."

"Shh~ This is the first time I've heard such a name..."

Xiao Lulu leaned on his chin and thought about it for a while, then nodded his head in satisfaction, and quietly raised his thumb. I always feel that Xiao Lulu's every move unintentionally is like a piece of white paper that has not been stained with anything, so pure that it is difficult for people to associate with her mature appearance.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I mean... do we have to eavesdrop here?"

After hearing this, Xiao Lulu put on a serious expression, sighed lightly, and began to talk nonsense earnestly.

"Xue Xueer, remember, this is not eavesdropping, it's "tactical monitoring"!"

Uh... There are so many troubles, I don't know where to start complaining about her... I think only Xiao Lulu can have this kind of ability.

Just now Tea Mao told us that she saw the stick boy at clock number one and the master of clock number twelve walking into the weeping cherry noodle restaurant.

After Xiao Lulu's so-called "tactical surveillance" operation, we learned that they were sitting near a window. As a result, it inexplicably developed into the current "tactical monitoring". I couldn't help but began to question whether it was a wrong judgment for me to allow Xiao Lulu to mess around like this a few minutes ago.

That's right. I always have a premonition that I will be found out. And I can't hear them at all. However, just when I thought Xue Xueer and I had made a fool of ourselves with Xiao Lulu this time, Xiao Lulu suddenly drew a circle in the air, and a cloud of black mist appeared in front of us.

"Connect the space here with the noodle shop, and you can hear what they are talking~"

Xiao Lulu raised his head proudly. I answered her nothing. Of course it can’t be because I was overwhelmed by her wit, I just resisted the urge to complain—since we can eavesdrop by connecting two spaces, why are we hiding by the window sill at the risk of being discovered at any time ?

I silently recited "Xiao Lulu idiot" three times in my heart to calm down my wildly fluctuating mood, and moved to the edge of the black mist.

The black mist seems to be connected to the space under their dining table.

"Brother Swingstick, about our do you think about it?"

"First of all, I'm using the title of 'Mirror Master' now, don't use such weird titles in the future!" Huang Mao's eyebrows were almost twisted together, and he didn't need to read his mind to know how crazy he was, " Secondly, don’t you guys all have problems with clocks?! Hmm? Opening your mouth and shutting your mouth is cooperation, you are annoying, you know? I think our attitude has been very clear—that’s impossible!”

Is it called "Mirror Master" because he can manipulate the reflection of the mirror surface? It's a good fit. From then on, I will be called a "psychiatrist"!

Sitting opposite Huangmao Jingshi is Xiaolongren, the leader of Clock No. 12. Well, after the last fight I found out that he is also a little dragon who will turn into a dragon. He glanced cautiously at the Mirror Master who was having trouble controlling his emotions. I always feel that Xiaolongren's face is full of stupid stubbornness.

"But... if you don't want to cooperate with us, you should have killed us long ago, right?"

"Well, I want to strangle you all right now. Really."

Even I think it's a miracle that Huang Mao hasn't done anything to them yet. When we first met, he directly penetrated my arm with a stick.

At this time, the young man sitting next to the little dragon man suddenly patted his thigh, and his dirty pupils suddenly lit up. He patted the table and pointed to the mirror.

"I see! A person like the Mirror Master is the so-called 'Tsundere'!"

The next second, the swinging stick hit the speaker's side face fiercely, with such force that his head flew and smashed to the glass window, and his head rolled to a position one meter away from us. Immediately afterwards, the young man whose head was separated gradually turned into blue shards of light and disappeared into the sky.

"It's fucking crazy." The mirror master took back the stick in his hand irritably, and gave the little dragon man next to him a hard look. I have a grudge with you because I want to avoid flanking. If you insist on refusing to keep your own business, I will smash your heads off one by one next time! Clock No. 1 will never ally with any clock, please be clear about this and get it early Get the hell out of here."

The Mirror Master stood up and smoothed the hair on his forehead irritably. He kicked back the chair, hitting the person next to him. The man stared at him, and he kicked him to the ground with all his body weight. He yelled at the stunned waiter and got out of the way, then left the noodle shop with his pockets in his waist and a slight bow.

When the mirror master's figure disappeared, they seemed to regain consciousness. One of them looked at the young man whose head was blown away and turned into flying debris, his face turned pale.

"What... what should I do about this, Brother Long, the seventh brother, this is..."

"It's fine. I'll come back to life in four hours."

"Brother Long, the No. 1 Clock gang is determined not to cooperate with us! Those rumors are indeed true!! It is said that No. 1 Clock implements absolute independence, and it is impossible to agree to form an alliance with anyone. If we continue like this, we will only anger them..."

This statement caused everyone to explode, and the rest of the people also echoed in a hurry.

"Shut up! Let me think about it!"

The veins on Xiaolongren's face popped out, and he gripped the beer glass on the table tightly. And in just a few seconds, the beer glass was smashed into glass slag by him, and the bubbling orange-yellow liquid splashed all around. I thought he was becoming angry from embarrassment, but I didn't expect the gloom in his eyes to suddenly turn bright.

Don't you also understand that it is impossible to cooperate with them, are you finally willing to give up?

However, it turns out that I underestimated his stupidity and stubbornness——

"Why didn't I think of it just now! They refused to agree to cooperate with us, in the final analysis, it is because our ability is not recognized by them! You must know that No. 1 clock is worthy of our follow, so now we can do something that is not recognized by them what you can do!"

"Could it be...boss, what do you mean—we will help them carry out their operations from now on?"

"That's right, no matter what they do, we will help them, and we can also get a piece of the action. If this continues, one day they will recognize our ability, and the strongest alliance between us and No. 1 clock will be born !"

There is really no way this guy can be saved. As the commander-in-chief of the clock, he would actually formulate a course of action such as "blindly following". This approach is completely voluntary and lowers his status than others, okay? Also, how on earth did you become fans of clock number one?

However, the others didn't realize the problem at all, and their morale almost reached the highest point, and they even started to shout the slogan "The boss really is the boss!". There is no help.. These idiots have completely contributed to the "worship chain" of "the rest → boss → clock number one".

"Lin Yu, I think I should manipulate the black mist to tear them apart a hundred times, maybe they can wake up a bit."

"Hmm.. to act in such a way that even idiot Xiao Lulu thinks they are idiots, these guys are really stupid!"

"No! What do you mean, what do you mean by 'even me'!" Xiao Lulu's frowning looks more mature. Of course, his inner age will not grow because of this. "And I'm not an idiot! Don't add strange prefixes to my name from now on!"

Xiao Lulu put his hands clenched into fists in front of his chest, stomped his feet angrily and repeatedly denied it. Well, now the age on the outside can also be attributed to a child, even Xue Xueer couldn't help showing a gentle smile in his eyes, and the slightly red palms blocked the corners of his mouth.

"Then I would like to ask the genius Xiao Lulu, is your "Tactical Monitor" over?"

"Hmph~ I'm not interested in eavesdropping on a group of persistent idiots yelling and screaming, let's go~"

"You finally admitted that you were eavesdropping? It's not easy."

"Idiot Lin Yu is so annoying to you," Xiao Lulu stared at me, and hit my arm with his fist without pain, "Shut up!"

I was just about to joke with Xiao Lulu again, when the commotion from the black mist was suddenly covered by the sound of someone's palm hitting the table heavily. I was wondering, but I saw Xiao Lulu's eyes tremble suddenly, and a leg wrapped in heavy clothes stretched out from the black mist in midair. The expression of the little dragon man in the window became very serious. If he guessed correctly, he must have accidentally stretched his legs into the black mist of Xiaolu Road, and thus discovered something strange.

"Long... Brother Long, what's wrong with you?"

The little dragon man ignored the people around him, but bent down and pulled the tablecloth away. Xiao Lulu also panicked at this moment, and hastily folded his hands together to put away the black mist, and then deafening screams rang out. The leg protruding into the black mist was instantly snapped by the space that suddenly separated, and fell on the head that rolled to the side.

The sharp cry of pain gradually changed to the roar of the turbulent world. The dining table was knocked into the air and squeezed directly to the ceiling. The gigantic dragon-shaped monster flapped its dragon wings and hit the wall we were leaning on, creating chaos like an earthquake.

Xiao Lulu took two steps back, stretched out his arms to draw semicircles, and the black mist formed a room for one person to pass by. Xue Xueer and I quickly followed her into the black mist. She turned around and folded her palms together, retracting the black mist, and Long Xiao disappeared to the other side. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Clock No. 12 is full of idiots who are not good at thinking, but after all, there are also 12 rulers who can become dragons. The three of us are definitely not their opponents. This group of people who cannot communicate must say nothing The dragon's claw grabbed us, and with a little force, the three of us could only see each other in 4 hours.

"here it is..?"

I looked around, and the frowning townspeople shyly avoided the opportunity to look directly as they passed us. Just as we can somehow recognize that they are not Dominators, so do they seem to be. I finally set my eyes on Xiao Lulu in confusion.

Xiao Lulu looked very tired. It must be because the weeping cherry noodle restaurant is not close to here, and it took almost all of her strength to connect the two places.

The tea cat on my shoulder suddenly jumped down from my shoulder and lightly supported the swaying Xiao Lulu. Lulu, who was supported, stretched out the food and directed me to the diagonally right direction. It was a dark and damp alley between two buildings.

"Walking through that alley... you will arrive at Xinghai Tavern..."

"You sent us here are really messing around!"

I always feel that it is wrong to praise her, and it is also wrong to criticize her. If it were me, I would definitely choose the nearest safe location, and then just walk all the way. But that's right, it's not Xiao Lulu's style not to do impulsive things.

"Tea Cat, you stay here with Black Cat first. I'll go in and see what's going on at Xinghai Tavern."

"かしこまりました, Master 様 (I understand, Master)!"

After realizing that the tea cat would definitely not be able to change the name, I simply pretended not to understand and said "Huh?", then squeezed out an expression of indifference and waved my hands, and led Xue Xueer into the deep room. alley. Well, it might be a good choice to let the tea cat wear a maid outfit by accident..

When I was about to reach the end of the alley, a figure suddenly appeared from the right side. I hurriedly dragged Xue Xueer to the broken box placed against the wall, pressed her head down with my hand, and hid behind her Cautiously stuck his head out. On the street ahead, there were quite a few robots standing still.

——It is impossible for me not to know the people in the alley I passed by. I just met them at the weeping cherry noodle restaurant. The fact that Master Huang Maojing will appear here means that Xinghai Tavern is already owned by No. 1 Clock? I reached out to bypass Xue Xueer, pushed the box forward a few meters, and moved small steps with Xue Xueer to hide.

" did your hair get so messy?"

The Mirror Master casually sat on the shoulder of the road, and turned the swinging stick along his back to between his right arm and his waist, which was inserted into his pocket.

I lowered my body and looked towards the person he was talking to. Hearing this, the man was arranging his hair, and his dark green pupils gleamed with anger.

"Damn it, it's definitely the little girl from the number two clock! She let me fall in the broken space for ten minutes, a full ten minutes! I just found the gap and escaped!"

Although the dark green pupil's tone was extremely serious, the Mirror Master and I both laughed "poof". I can't blame me for this. Thinking of this unsmiling middle-aged uncle's face twitching, the corners of his mouth comically twitching, and his eyes rolling in despair, I couldn't stop laughing.

But at this moment, the alarm bell rang suddenly, and the robots and dark green pupils on the street all turned to our side as if they had heard someone's order. be hundreds of pairs of eerie blue electronic eyes emitting flashing red lights symbolizing warnings, and burning lasers shot out from their eyes at the same time, all sweeping towards us, separating the ground from ours. The box in front was scorched black, Xue Xueer and I hurriedly stood up at the same time, and took several steps back. To a large extent, it was because Xue Xueer was constantly mobilizing her legs to move backwards, and I was more driven to retreat. But Xue Xueer was forced by the approaching lasers.

This kind of movement made the mirror master stand up quickly, clenched the stick in his hand, and fixed his vigilant eyes on us, and threw the stick over without saying a word, just like Li Xuan's. The arrow rushed towards my eyes, and was finally swallowed by the black mist that suddenly appeared in front of me. I caught up with the Mirror Master, only to see that the stick was spat out by the black mist behind him and hit his own back chest.

"Didn't I tell you to wait there...?"

"But you may not be able to deal with any of them..."

"If I say that, I'll be very discouraged..."

Enduring the dull pain in his back, the mirror master stretched out his right arm, and swung the stick as a command, and quickly returned it to his hand. Xiao Lulu waved his right arm quickly, and the black mist quickly chased towards the mirror master. The mirror image reflected by the projected lens was entangled with the main body, and turned into a black cloud that burned more intensely. The colors of the sky that was almost turned into blood were reflected together.

"Hey, what are you still doing!"

Sensing something was wrong, the Mirror Master stepped back a few steps, and stood back to back with the dark green pupil.

"You don't need to say, I will definitely settle the account that made me fall for a full ten minutes."

As soon as the words fell, the dark green pupils tapped the staff, and the dark gray gunpowder smoke on the ground suddenly rose to the sky. The humanoid machines standing in a square formation vertically and horizontally stepped on their right feet in place, and the dust on the ground vibrated. The raised hand of the dark green pupil suddenly lowered and pointed towards the direction of Xiao Lulu, and countless blue electronic eyes approached here in a mighty manner.

"Vientiane copy——!"

Following Xue Xueer's gesture of folding his hands together, a bright white curtain wall suddenly stood solidly in front of thousands of troops, turning into the most reliable formation at this moment. And the men and horses rushing to the front rushed over first. Someone's delicate body was pushed to my wrist by the tea cat. Before I could react, she took a step forward. She stretched her left hand to the side, and she grasped the sword that reflected silver light in all directions, and then her right hand snapped. Hold it tightly around the hilt cautiously, and then swing the giant sword that may stand taller than her, and slash at the humanoid machine that is rushing over. The light was getting dimmer, and it hit the ground hard, and there was liquid that seemed to be capacitor fluid all over the place.

On the other side, the Mirror Master, who was chased by the pitch-black clouds and had nowhere to retreat, simply turned around, and his toes rubbed against the ground to stop his body. He picked up the stick and threw it hard at the lacquer cloud formed by the black mist, and the cloud broke into two pieces with this force. Xiao Lulu in his arms frowned, stretched out his left index finger to draw a circle, and the black mist that split into two began to rush towards the Mirror Master from two directions. The Mirror Master, who was pinched from left to right, gritted his teeth and rolled over on the ground, finding the opportunity to grab the arm of the robot beside him, and threw it towards the black mist. The black mist that engulfed the machine halted its forward movement.

"Lin Yu, take Xiao Lulu and retreat first~ I'll just find the right time to bring Xue Xueer out~"

After hearing this, I nodded my head, looked around and looked at the hiding place. But the words uttered by the deep dark green pupil with a slightly hoarse voice suddenly locked my wandering eyes——

"Heh. Not only did you escape from the Core Research Association, but you were able to come back from the dead on the deserted star. You really have the means?"

"You did you know this! Could it be that you are also the professor's experimenter? Where...where did you meet me?"

"I'm not stupid enough to be locked up by them. I happened to be nearby when you and another companion were pointed at gunpoint."

Just about to ask him a few more questions, the tea cat glanced at me. She shook her head from side to side, as if to indicate to me that he was just delaying time and looking for a gap between us. And our advantage is only temporary, when Xiao Lulu can't hold on anymore, Master Jing, who is incompatible with Xue Xueer's control ability, can break down Xue Xueer's curtain wall.

"Hey, hey, don't think about slipping away. One day you will be bumped into by me again! Whether we meet in reality or here, I will never let you go."

"Really? I think you may not be able to win me in reality." I said this to tell him that he is just taking advantage of "there are many people". At this time, I also captured the best hiding place, hugged Xiao Lulu, turned around and ran towards the entrance of the alley, "In reality, you don't have a puppet army, so you don't have the right to say such big words, right?"

"You must not be aware of the special nature of that place. There is a place with a high synchronization rate with the dream, and under certain conditions, you can use the control ability."

His words startled me a bit. The sky was completely blood-colored. I'm not ignorant of this, but I never considered using abilities when I was in the Core Research Society. Reality is reality and dreams are dreams. Even now I live by this principle. Of course, this is not contempt for the ruler, so it doesn't mean that I still don't recognize myself as the ruler. According to Molutong, other things that can be done in the dream can also be done in the Core Research Association. Then if the black cat and Xiao Lulu use their imagination to destroy the "handcuffs" that bind them like a lucid dream, will this turn into reality?

"thanks for your reminder."

I threw this sentence at him, and took Xiao Lulu out of the alley. From the other side of the curtain wall, dark green pupils clicked their tongue unwillingly, and I ran to the overcrowded shops on the opposite street. But at this moment, violent vibrations rumbled from the ground, and I couldn't help but stop in my tracks. There were bursts of impact sounds from below, as if a monster that had been sleeping for a long time was gradually waking up, constantly hitting the covered rocks.

"This... what's going on!?"

I hastily hugged the weak Xiao Lulu, fearing that the building would collapse with the tremors, so I took her away from the surrounding walls and stood on a relatively empty street. There was the sound of glass shattering in the nearby alley, and immediately I saw Tea Mao and Xue Xueer exiting the deep alley and running towards me quickly, with our backs facing each other, forming a triangle shape.

"Hey, tea cat, did clock number one send reinforcements?"

I turned my eyes slightly to look at the tea cat next to me. For some reason, she looked a little flustered, as if she was trying to remember something. And just when her face suddenly became clear, the surrounding changes attracted our attention—under the sky that was reflected in blood red, there were desperate wailings from the overcrowded shops, as if the deep soul roar.

"Hey, what's going on this time!!"

Just after saying this sentence, those townspeople who screamed turned their heads stiffly. Their eye sockets are full of black eyes, and the whites of their eyes can no longer be seen. The skin color also turned from flesh-colored to a disgusting turquoise, and he rushed towards us like a demon with teeth and claws. The tea cat grabbed my right hand, who was staring at them in a daze, and ran back towards the alley, bumping the mirror master who was about to run out. Just as he was about to throw a swinging stick and hit us fiercely, the townspeople who turned into evil spirits from behind jumped on him, biting his body according to the most primitive instinct.

"Fuck you, uncle, what the hell is this?!"

The mirror master clutched his neck and yelled in pain, kicking away the evil spirit that rushed up. He clenched the swing stick tightly with both hands and lightly folded it, and the swing stick split into two iron bars in his hands, and he threw the stick of the evil spirit that was holding onto him so hard that he couldn't let go no matter what. opposite wall. After breaking free from the shackles, he ran after us as if fleeing.

"Tea cat... Do you have any clue about these guys?"

Her eyes were still inexplicably preoccupied, she bit her lower lip lightly, her moist pupils seemed to reflect the past.

"It's exactly one day after the ruler's clock runs.. How could I forget this? It happened at this time during the last domination war..."

What I didn't know was that William also yelled to remind us before leaving——

"An hour to go, and it will be exactly one day after the clock ticks! By then none of you will be going to town!"

The tea cat who has been deprived of the past memory is trying to tell the past, and it seems to be blaming himself. The voice was as low as a whisper, but the blocked emotions were secretly surging in the voice.

"The residents of the town are all dreamers who cannot wake up in reality and are locked in a dream... They who have been deprived of the right to wake up have accumulated strong resentment. When this emotion accumulates to a certain extent, they will Turn it into the energy that supports the ruler's clock. After another day, the land that vented its anger will arouse their anger... The dream madmen call it—"urban resources."

As long as you look at the blood-colored sky, you can see it—those blood reds that are so bright and dazzling are the colors reflected in the sky by the real resentment and anger of the sleepers.

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