Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~


——Human beings are animals keen on "forgetting". They say love words like "Don't forget me" or "Don't forget each other" with affection, or impassioned big words like "Remember history" and "Remember every failure", but once they make any mistakes, I can't wait to erase things from the memory of others and myself.

After all, "forgetting" is always easier than "remedial". Even children who are still in elementary school will use words like "I forgot to bring my homework" instead of "I didn't write it" to avoid the teacher.

As a human, I am the same, I am a bastard who is deeply forgotten... But I would rather "Only I remember it clearly" than "Everyone remembers what happened, and I am the only one who forgot and didn't know" .

"Hey...the things that only you don't remember, the things that you only forget, don't they mean things that didn't happen?"

No! How can it be?

Every time someone accidentally mentions something that doesn't exist in my memory, and because of my confusion, the topic is changed to other irrelevant topics, I will have an indescribable sense of loneliness. It seems that everyone I know is sitting around the table and whispering, but I am kept out of it, and I am not even allowed to sit in the corner of the table.

If human beings who are good at forgetting always encounter a moment when they have to remember something, then maybe I am now at this moment when I am destined to do something that contradicts the nature of being good at forgetting.


In a tavern that has already fallen into night, an entertainer leaning back with his saxophone in his hands is playing elegant jazz ecstasy. The wine glass covered with cold steam collides with the liquid droplets floating into the air, which are crystal clear under the light with comfortable colors, and then exits the scene gorgeously under the bright light, giving the adventurers who laugh freely bit.

I stared blankly at the plates that had been swept away on the dining table, leaving only residues, but the plates were suddenly taken away swiftly by the passing waiter. I couldn't help but follow the moving plate, and then I noticed that there were only me and Lin Yu left at the table... Oh, and the tea cat on his shoulder that couldn't lift up was also there, but even She too fell into a deep sleep.

"You see, what do I want to do?" Lin Yu, who was holding a beer glass, shrank back vigilantly, his eyes full of suspicion. After staring at each other for a few seconds, he looked at the beer in the glass with a sudden realization, "If you want to drink, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible!!"

"Hey, who told you that I'm going to drink!! Also, why do you always have strange paranoia in such inexplicable places!"

"After all, I also have principles that I insist on. For example, students are absolutely not allowed to drink under my nose! Well, after all, I am also a role model for others?"

"Uh... I really didn't mean to praise you...Really, so please don't put on such a smug expression, Mr. Lin Yu?"

Lin Yu realized that I was deliberately mocking him, and immediately snorted childishly. I just smiled secretly because of his childishness, when I heard him gently put the wine glass in his hand on the table, I raised my head instinctively, so I met his eyes as his smile gradually faded away.

"According to William, Kazuhiko Sato had no reason to engage in the domination war. What about you? Su Luoyang, do you have a reason to participate in the domination war?"


I originally thought that when I faced this kind of question, I would be able to blurt out the answer. But when I was actually asked this question, I could only utter meaningless words squeezed out of confusion and pain. Lin Yu didn't seem to want to know the answer very much, but more to question me. Maybe he was just worried that I would end up like him too.

He seems to have left time for me to answer this question on purpose, but for some reason, I couldn't help looking at Xia Yinci and Su Huilin who gathered outside the tavern after the meal. They seemed to have come to an unknown world full of curiosity The protagonist of the light novel, and Elus, who claims to be a tour guide, scrambles to prevent them from causing trouble in their own world.

"Su Ruoyang, you should understand what William said, right? The real reason for Sato Kazuhiko's death is that he thought he didn't have to force it. In other words, he had no reason to participate in the domination war. There is no souvenir." Lin Yu raised his index finger with his hand on the table, and knocked on the table with five fingers alternately, making noises, "I have to think now——Compared to Sato, what about us?"

Lin Yu's words without any other intention made me feel dizzy, and my eyes wandered aimlessly.

At the other end of the World Gate, William and Chartre sat on the hands of the clock. The atmosphere was not harmonious, and they seemed to be arguing; outside the door, Xiao Lulu took the black cat to join the A snowball fight was organized, and Su Huilin, who used the grass as a cover, suddenly jumped up and threw the snowball. Elus leaned her head on the staff wearily, and stood by the side to act as the referee.

Compared with Sato Kazuhiko's wish of "going back to the past to make up for the mistakes I made", my wish of "breaking the tradition that governs the war that continues to this day" is naturally more illusory. If only those with strong obsessions like William can endure seemingly endless deaths again and again, then it will be the turn of others next time... For example, Lin Yu, just like me, will definitely end up in the same ending as Sato Kazuhiko of.

After all, did Kazuhiko Sato really understand his future goals? Or was the conversation with Sato Kazuhiko that day just two incompetent people licking each other's wounds like stray night cats?

"Well...but, actually, I don't believe that human obsessions will become worthless."

The seriousness in Lin Yu's tone became less and less serious, and she gradually returned to her usual carefree attitude. He stretched out his arms and stretched his waist too leisurely, as if the words that made me think about it just now were not what he said.

"I...why did I join the domination war?"

Just as I sank my head again while talking to myself, a vague but familiar melody suddenly sounded in my ears, which was incompatible with the jazz music in the tavern, and even formed a sense of abruptness, which made my consciousness feel a little restless for a moment stand up. However, the moment I realized that it was the ringtone of my mobile phone, the jazz music suddenly withdrew from the improvised ensemble, and I suddenly returned from the tavern in a foreign land to my bedroom.

I stared at the dark brown bedside table in a daze, covering my slightly dazed head. After a while, I grabbed the buzzing and vibrating cell phone next to the pillow, which was ringing at the highest volume, and dragged my drowsy consciousness to pick it up. After starting this phone call at 7:30 in the morning on weekends to disturb people's dreams——

"Hello? Su Ruoyang?"

Father's tired voice was quickly silenced. The noisy electronic sounds at the other end of the microphone are intertwined, as if a soulless program is playing a unique symphony dedicated to the computer.

"So it's Dad... Is there something urgent to call so early?"

Someone else's voice came from the other end of the phone, and my father seemed to have to temporarily put down the phone because of that person's interruption, and communicated with the other party in German. While waiting for his reply, I simply lifted off the sheet that was pressing on me, crumpled it casually and threw it at the end of the bed, then I sat up on the bed, leaned against the bed board behind me, and took a habitual glance The calendar on the bedside table—today is Saturday.

"I'm sorry..." The phone was finally held to his ear again, I heard his footsteps, he walked to the corner, and said to me in a low voice, "It's like this, you and I Mom has a lot of important things to deal with, so she won't be back for a while. Remember to tell your sister when she wakes up."

"So you made a special call to wake up your poor son just to let your lovely daughter sleep more!"

On the surface, he deliberately responded half-jokingly to his father's order, but his heart was actually surging...

Regarding what the "important things" in Dad's mouth refer to, even if I can't say "clearly", I can still be regarded as "knowing a little bit". In the collective nightmare incident not long ago, Lin Yu and I unintentionally fell into the hands of the Core Research Association. In the end, we managed to escape by relying on our usually unknown father.

At that time, when I was imprisoned in the same room as the black cat, the black cat also told me that "most of the prisoners can't escape the core research association". Thinking about it afterward, the fact that I was able to escape, and that nothing major happened until now, may be all because of my father's secret interference.


Calling out this name that should be familiar enough to blurt out, but I suddenly feel empty in my heart, and the things in front of me seem to have no boundaries, turning into illusory illusions. I took a big gulp of air to adjust my breathing, squeezed the mobile phone as the only thing I could touch, and unconsciously translated the questions in my mind into words——

"Why did I never know that you used to be a scholar of the Core Research Association?"

"Ah... Maybe when I was working there, you were too young to remember anything, haha."

Sure enough, he vaguely brought up a topic that was important to me again. However, just as I secretly pulled out a wry smile, laughing at myself for always being kept out of things by the people around me, my father continued to speak, and the tone of pretending to be relaxed just now added a lot of seriousness at this time.

"You don't need to care about the past. The only thing you should worry about now is that the "Core Research Association" has not given up on you, and they intend to take you there at any time."

"As expected...isn't it that simple..."

"So Su Luoyang.. Please be careful of the surroundings during this period of time. If something goes wrong, leave immediately. Don't let your guard down at any time, understand?"

I finally realized the real intention of this phone call, and I couldn't help but throbbing incessantly. No one spoke again, and he seemed to be patiently waiting for me to give an affirmative answer, otherwise he would never be relieved. I left the bed in agitation, pressed my phone's screen tightly without saying a word, and walked to the stairs distractedly.

"Okay I see.. If you have nothing else to hold on to then I'll hang up."

"Well, there is one more thing I need to confirm with you again."

The noise of a major mechanical operation sounded from the other end, which almost overwhelmed the sound that he deliberately lowered and was not easy to hear clearly. However, his words still pierced through my ears clearly afterwards, making my steps tremble and stop involuntarily—"Su Luoyang, are you still going deep into the matter of dominating the war?"


It's not that I was stunned thinking about how to find an excuse to fool the past. In fact, even I myself once again fell into the confusion of how to make a choice. At this moment, his question spread rapidly like a virus. I kept retreating and choosing to escape, but stumbled and fell into the sea full of memories.

"The death of the dead is meaningful only when it revives the living."

"I'm actually not as good as you,

You have the right to return to this world four hours later...」

"Kazuhiko Sato tried hard to persevere, but in the end he chose to give up.

What he wants may be very simple, and may not need the power to dominate reality to help him. "

"What about you, Su Ruoyang?

Do you have a reason why you must join the Domination War? "

Why on earth do I continue to dominate the war?

Is it for the so-called "breaking those inhuman stereotypes made by dream madmen"? Or "have already been invited by Xia Yinci to join the domination war, and they can't withdraw irresponsibly no matter what"?

How can I, who have persisted until now with these fragmentary and illusory reasons, be able to perform better than Sato Kazuhiko?

However, if I use my father's warning as an opportunity to cowardly choose to quit halfway, what about Xia Yinci who is on the verge of death? What about Su Erin who was implicated by us?

What should I do? Where can I find the correct answer to this question that appeared arbitrarily on the answer sheet of my life?

"never mind.."

A hoarse sigh came from the microphone, and the words he seemed to be talking to himself and persuading himself to give up pulled me out of the black hole that wanted to swallow me up, giving me temporary relief.

"No matter what I say, I can't change your mind. Her influence on you is indeed indelible, how can I stop you..."

"This kind of thing... I am incompetent, how can I be so firm as you?"

"All in all, during our absence, you two should have three meals a day as usual! And order less takeaway—"

"Don't be so worried... How do you think we survived when you were not around?"

"—The most important thing is, don't take me home with different ignorant girls every day when my parents are away. I will check the sheets carefully when I come back..."

"I'm very concerned about how unbearable your son is in your eyes..."

"Okay, I have something to do next, so I won't chat with you anymore. Be sure to remember what I said."

He ordered this series of thoughtless "kind reminders" almost without interruption, so he didn't respond to my complaints at all, and he hung up the phone unilaterally, as if he deliberately didn't want me to ask him anything. Question time. I let the sound of "beep, beep, beep" echo in my ears, and the smile on my face was no longer barely maintained.

Just as I saw that Dad was deliberately hiding it with a half-joking reminder, Dad must have spotted my pretending to be innocent. The "beep" sound from the microphone stopped abruptly, and then I moved the phone away, stared at Xia Yinci's number on the screen that returned to the "Contacts" page for a long time, and let out a long sigh. After thinking about it, who is the "she" my dad just mentioned... Could it be Xia Yinci?

Before I could come up with an answer, the crisp sound of plates colliding downstairs rudely interrupted my thinking. I couldn't help being stunned for a while, and walked slowly downstairs. As a result, as soon as I walked to the door of the kitchen, Su Eirin, who was dressed in a black short-sleeved upper body and denim shorts on the lower body, walked towards me and stopped in my tracks.

"Yeah... you're finally willing to wake up~"

Su Huilin turned around and walked to the table to sit down, complaining softly to me.

"I was planning to go upstairs to wake you up."

"Huh? Wake me up?"

I couldn't figure out what she meant for a while, so I repeated her words dryly. Su Huilin raised her eyes and blinked, her eyes fell on me in disbelief, as if she didn't know it was abnormal.

A wisp of white steam hung from the hot milk on the table. I carefully looked at Su Erin's attire, and reconfirmed the fact that she was wearing private clothes instead of school uniforms.

"So... today is a weekend, right?"


Seeing that she gave an affirmative answer, I couldn't help but took out my mobile phone and pointed the screen at Su Huilin, while the other hand pointed to the time displayed on the screen.

"Since it's a weekend, you prepare breakfast early in the morning and plan to wake me up now... what are you doing?"

"Hmm...? Did you forget?"

The person holding the phone trembled suddenly, and the phone almost lost its grip and fell into the glass full of milk on the table. I don't know why I am surprisingly sensitive to the word "forget", and I obviously feel my heart beat a few beats faster.

"You promised Chen Zekai yourself..." Su Huilin frowned in displeasure, her left hand went around to support her barren chest, and she stretched out a finger and said seriously, "He asked you where to go on weekends, Then you inexplicably agreed~"

It was only after she said this that I remembered that Chen Zekai seemed to have indeed asked me about it the morning Xia Yinci fell ill. But my attention wasn't on him at all at the time, and I might have replied him vaguely, but he mistakenly thought that I would go with him.

"It seems that there is such a thing... But this guy only asked me once, right? Isn't it too overbearing to settle the matter like this!?"

"About this... it's actually my decision..."


Just as he was wondering if he was hallucinating, there were two cautious knocks on the door. I was stunned for a moment, Su Huilin, who seemed nothing had happened, raised her head and motioned for me to answer the door. I had no choice but to express my humble protest to her with a glance at my mouth, and at the same time, I opened the anti-theft door when the other party knocked on the door for the second time.

The girl with her hands in her pockets took a small step back because of the push, and stared at me with a bit of resentment. A pair of sea-blue eyes reflected the dawn of the early sun, and the slightly frowned eyebrows were covered under the hood of the loose pink sweater after nodding.

"Xia.. Xia Yinci? No, no, no.. Are you "thousand-faced upper body" again?"

"What, that's not the case!"

Xia Yinci clenched her small fists on her waist angrily, frowned her exquisite eyebrows with puffed cheeks, and took a step closer to me, her pink and white canvas shoes stopped between my feet.

"Um... your mother... isn't at home?"

"Why on earth are you afraid of her! She's not here..."

Hearing the word "absence", Xia Yinci's bulging cheeks immediately let out a sigh of relief like a deflated ball. At the same time, the arrogance in her eyes recovered again. Instead of her cautious style just now, she walked past me talking to herself. Walked into the hallway of my house.

Being made up by her posture almost gave me the illusion that I was visiting her house as a guest. I also closed the door slowly, complaining in a low voice, and followed Xia Yinci's steps to the kitchen.

Xia Yinci and Su Huilin sat together as if they had a good relationship, and directly pushed me out. Seeing Su Huilin's calm and composed expression, it obviously doesn't look like he didn't know that Xia Yinci would come.

"What's the meaning...."

"Oh~ It's rare for us to go out to play. I invited Xiaoyin to go with me~ Don't worry, I have already made an agreement with Chen Zekai."

"So you, a duplicity guy, deliberately put on an expression of "I promised Chen Zekai that you were reluctant to follow me" in the morning! I seriously suspect that you are actually looking forward to it... Absolutely!"

"What! How could you be looking forward to it?"

Su Huilin's eyes dodged left and right, she raised her coffee cup, turned her head to the window, and turned her profile to face me. I looked at Su Huilin, then glanced at Xia Yinci who was smiling slightly beside me, sighed helplessly, opened the chair and sat opposite them. I tilted the rim of the cup and took a sip of milk, the silky fluid dripped down my throat warmly. The temperature and sweetness are just right.

Even for the sake of milk, I can't let down my sister's rare interest. That's fine, it's rare to participate in this kind of class reunion activity, and I should be able to use this to sort out my bad mood.


Haibin City, also known as "outer island", is an island city that lives alone in the sea. After it was completed, it quickly jumped to the world's leading tourist city, which is naturally due to the design team's establishment of a fairly clear development plan in the early stage of construction. Today, there are scenic tourist areas, commercial and trade areas, cultural and entertainment areas...the whole island has everything that one expects to find.

Zhixing Street, where my home is located, and Rongtan Street, where "Taoyuan Bar" and "Core Research Association" are located are all located in the urban area called "F District" in the coastal city, and because F District is arranged along the coastline, it is almost in the Any height in the block can overlook the endless sea, so residents prefer to call it another name - "Seaside District".

There are a total of 11 districts in this city from A to K, and it will take at least three days to travel around the island. Judging from this fact, it is impossible for Chen Zekai, who planned this event, to arrange activities outside the district in only one day, and there is only one place worth visiting in District F, which is known as the "Hailin District" in the world. place.

"Yoha~ everyone! This way, this way!"

The three of us had just settled down by the stone marked "Urban Beach" when we heard Chen Zekai at the door of a store on the corner of the road exaggeratingly raising his right arm and waving to us.

"As expected, I guessed correctly... Due to time constraints, there is only one option to choose from..."

I shrugged nonchalantly and muttered to myself.

On the other hand, the scorching summer sun and the scorching sun really exhausted all the energy stored in my body. Obviously, I was not as good as Su Huilin who was full of interest and Xia Yinci who was generally interested, and fell in the middle of the team. Finally came to the spacious entrance of the city beach at the corner, and met Chen Zekai and his group standing in front of the signboard with "KS\u0026L Hailin BBQ" written in dazzling fonts.

Chen Zekai's slightly muscular figure wore a blue vest with a check mark pattern, and a pair of loose knee-length pencil pants on his legs. And Chen Yun, whose neck was sinking beside him, was wrapped too tightly, making one wonder whether he thought we would dress like this when we were going to a mall where the air-conditioning was enough. Having said that, I can't even believe that Chen Zekai would bring Chen Yun, who doesn't have a high sense of presence, here.

"Hey, kid, why didn't you come to school yesterday and the day before yesterday?"

The speaker hooked my shoulder directly and familiarly, but I couldn't even pronounce his name, and I was even more familiar than Chen Zekai. I only know that he is a classmate who usually likes to interrupt in class and always make the classroom roar with laughter. I have to say that his extremely close attitude made me almost mistakenly think that I and him are friends who have been in touch for many years.

"Ah... nothing serious! Just a little gastritis."

Well, I can only prevaricate by asking for sick leave. I can't say that I was locked up in a scientific research institution for two long days, right?

"I'm sorry, I asked you to come out if you didn't know about this matter. Don't force yourself if you are not in good health. Definitely tell me in advance."

Chen Zekai seemed to take my face into consideration, he purposely leaned into my ear and whispered this sentence. For a moment, I was made to feel inexplicably guilty by his sincerely expressed worried eyes. don't do that? Is it necessary to torture me with this kind of eyes because of a white lie? Is it necessary to imprison me in a state of shame?

"Okay~ Don't stay at the door! I'm so hungry before breakfast, let me go in and eat!"

Jiang Xinyao, who often wears light makeup on her face, and of course today is no exception, tugged at Chen Zekai's arm coquettishly, and saw Chen Zekai smiling "I can't help you" and let Jiang Xinyao pull him into the room. A barbecue restaurant.

Bao Xiaofeng, who was standing across from him, hurriedly yelled things like "If you abuse the dog early in the morning, why don't you let me wait for the single dog to survive?" In addition, there were several other girls who couldn't be named and made all kinds of strange eye contact with Jiang Xinyao.

Could it be that this is the so-called "wingman"?

"It turned out...they were all unfamiliar people."

Walking into the barbecue restaurant together with Xia Yinci, the cold air that was enough to bring me back to life passed from my forearm all the way to my back, and I breathed an exaggerated relief as if I was saved. Xia Yinci, who was still immersed in the hood, curled her lips lightly. She looked around the overcrowded dining table, her eyes suddenly turned obliquely upwards and gave me a seductive sideways glance.

"Then the three of us sit alone at a table~"

In the morning, I thought that I would integrate into their circle relatively easily, but in the end, as expected, I stayed at the same table with Xia Yinci and Su Huilin. But after thinking about it, if Xia Yinci hadn't used up her high popularity just after starting school, and if Su Huilin hadn't been given the title of "bad girl", now I must be alone and watch from afar. lively.

"This kind of thinking... is really humble and excessive..."

"Su Huohuo, what are you thinking about?"

Xia Yinci put her hand into the hood, wrapped her slender temple hair around her index finger, and fiddled with it boredly.

"'s okay!"

I waved my hands hastily, swallowed the soliloquy that almost continued, and while waiting for the waiter to serve, I observed the environment of this barbecue restaurant, and occasionally glanced at the male and female students who were occupying separate tables next to me. A small party full of seats, as if the three of us were excluded alone.

And at this moment——

"Su Ruoyang...Actually, I hope you can forget what I told you before."

Xia Yinci approached my ear abruptly, my hands froze while fiddling with the chopsticks on the table, and suddenly flashed back to reality from my own thoughts.

I turned my eyes back to Xia Yinci, thinking about her words, and finally forced a wry smile. Thinking of the secret that Xia Yinci told me alone not long ago, I couldn't help but feel very depressed, and the chopsticks in my hands were unconsciously held in the palms of my two hands.

"This kind of can you just forget it!"

"Is that so... I wouldn't have told you if I knew about it."

She made a distressed expression, and her eyebrows that were frowned but barely stretched seemed particularly tangled.

"If possible, I would rather you tell me anything."

Xia Yinci was taken aback for a moment, and her pale eyes fell into my sight with a smile.

"What do you mean...?"

"No, I didn't refer to something in particular...I just want you to tell me everything without hiding anything."

The passing waiter put a plate of fried conch until it exploded and lightly put it on our table, bowed slightly to signal politely, and then turned and left. And Xia Yinci's eyes turned to look at the plate of conch, picked up the chopsticks and put one on the plate in front of her. At the same time, she deliberately pretended to be calm and said:

"I will tell you everything after the Domination War is over."

No matter how I say it, I can tell that she is trying to persuade me to give up in a disguised form, telling me not to force myself to remember things when I was a child. In retrospect, she would tell me her secret at that time, and it seems to be the same. The air-conditioning behind me weakened a lot for some reason, which made me feel a lot of hotness out of thin air. I patiently put the chopsticks together on the table, smiled wryly and shook my head at Xia Yinci.

"I guess it wouldn't make sense if I didn't remember it myself—"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of chopsticks hitting the plate made my heart tremble suddenly. Xia Yinci's tone was a little cold, and her eyes were not as gentle as before.

"Then what did you mean when you said 'I hope I'll tell you everything'?? On the one hand, you want to ask me something for nothing, and on the other hand, you use the excuse that you have to rely on your own strength to retrieve the memory to make sense... Su Ruo Yang, don’t you feel that you are contradicting yourself?”

Xia Yinci's voice was flat and cold. I understood that was a sign she was genuinely angry. But regarding the fact that I unintentionally angered Xia Yinci, I still feel a little innocent no matter what. Obviously I also have my own considerations, and obviously I am the one who is inexplicably concealed, but she is always angry at places that I think are inexplicable.

The feeling of deep self-innocence intensified, and gradually rose to irritability and even sullenness.

"Xia Yinci...does it make you feel superior to others by being critical?"

"It's your words that are full of loopholes."

"Even if I didn't make it clear myself...then I want to remember what happened in the past or don't want to, what does this have to do with you?!"

" seem to be going too far."

I really didn't expect Su Erin to interject into our conversation. The bucket of fire poured down from my heart almost poured on Su Huilin, but before this happened, Xia Yinci refuted my statement first, not to be outdone.

"This is based on the premise that 'this memory is only related to you', please clarify this first."

"Why do I need to know your point of view? I don't admit this kind of statement! Memories... should be decided by the owner of the memory!"

"Really? Then don't ask me what happened in the future."

The fiery emotions made my vision dizzy, I only knew that my palms were uncontrollably slapped on the table, and my body stood up with this movement.

"Don't ask you? Then why do you involve me in the war of domination!? Why should I play such inexplicable games with a selfish and arrogant guy like you? Don't come to me either!"

Even though I was only driven to say these words by the intensifying anger, I actually didn't want to say such extreme words in my heart, and Su Huilin obviously didn't expect me to say such words, so I couldn't recover for a while. But I didn't expect Xia Yinci's wet eyes to tremble blankly after hearing this, the corners of her mouth pulled upwards to conceal a certain mood, and the sadness in her pupils made me unable to bear to watch.

I quickly put aside the gaze that was looking directly at Xia Yinci just now, and pressed my palms to my chest in a daze, and tightly pulled into the clothes, ripped out the wrinkles and fell into the abyss of bitterness.

"Put this sad expression on again... What should I do...Xia Yinci?"

Xia Yinci still smiled sadly and far-fetchedly, ignoring my question.

"Yo yo... what's the matter? You can hear the noise at the next table!"

At this time, Bao Xiaofeng and three or four students who were slightly unfamiliar came to our table uninvited, glanced at Su Huilin and Xia Yinci from time to time, and approached us eagerly.

"This kind of fine weather shouldn't be a time for quarreling, why don't we hug the sea—"

"How about playing beach volleyball?"

The appearance of Bao Xiaofeng and others really made me more impatient. But thanks to them, I finally calmed down a lot. I know that they actually invited Su Eirin and Xia Yinci, not me.

That being the case.

"I won't go for the time being, my stomach still feels a little uncomfortable, just go and play."

While stretching out my hand to cover my abdomen, I suppressed the remaining anger just now and showed a bureaucratic smile, rejecting their invitation.

"Is that so... What a pity."

The tone of voice is clearly full of carefreeness, the guy who is in the way is actually very happy not to participate in your activities, right?

I cast a gloomy glance at Xia Yinci, sighed and walked to the next table to sit down, but my gaze was still involuntarily focused on the situation over there. Su Huilin deliberately avoided my peripheral vision, and accepted their invitation abnormally. Xia Yinci, who was not interested, stood up helplessly because of Jiang Xinyao's soft-heartedness. Xia Yinci glanced at me lightly, and when she was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly stopped.

"Although it has nothing to do with me. But Xia Yinci is not a selfish person. I think you should understand."

The blue eyes stared at me coldly, although the voice was still Xia Yinci's clear and clear voice, but the tone was obviously not the kind of feeling she gave, but the cold and arrogant style of Qianyan.

"Also. You can protect Xia Yinci only by untying the shackles of memory."

Before I could think about the meaning of Qianyan's words, she freely manipulated Xia Yinci's body to keep up with her classmates. It may also be that the dominance of my body returned to Xia Yinci's hands when I didn't realize it.

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