Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

【SideA】Rhapsody's Rest (4)

The curtains couldn't hide the scorching sun's light, and it leaked into the room quietly, just slipping onto my eyelids. Feeling a bit difficult to breathe, I opened my eyes dimly, and shook my head vigorously to wake up my half-dream and half-awake consciousness.

The cold air from the air conditioner brushes across my cheeks from time to time. While he was in a daze, he caught a glimpse of an incredible scene out of the corner of his eye.

"Why are there two people hanging on my body?"

I looked around me suspiciously. Xia Yinci pressed on my body in a shape of slices, grabbed my arm with one hand, and pressed down on my neck with the other. And Su Erin's legs were close to my thighs, her left hand was placed by her slightly opened mouth, and her right hand was placed on my chest.

And I, sleeping on my back on this bed. Even though the two of them were wearing pajamas with long sleeves and trousers, the material of the pajamas was smooth and thin, and even through the clothes, they could clearly feel the girl's smooth and moist skin.

"Anyway, I'm still a young boy! This kind of hell-level difficulty it too much?"

In this state, I can neither turn to Xia Yinci nor Su Huilin, only lying on my back is the most suitable position. However, Xia Yinci's leg was on top of mine, and her thigh hit something indescribable.

"Ah, Mr. Flamingo, you woke up so early... I want to ask you something, please don't look up?"


My sister is easy to say. After all, she is the younger sister who has lived under the same roof for so many years, so I can't think too much about her.

——If he hadn't put his little hand to his mouth and put on such a cute sleeping face!

"Is there a way to get out without waking them up?"

I forced myself into sage mode and stared at the ceiling without squinting.

If this kind of thing happened in a novel or anime, I would be scolded by many readers and viewers for my actions, right?

"Yeah! Good morning. Su Huohuo."

"Well... good morning, bro."

The two girls woke up almost at the same time, and then lowered their eyes little by little at almost the same time.

Xia Yinci's face turned red all of a sudden, she covered her face and turned her back to me. And Su Huilin hurriedly looked away, sat up like a spring and got out of bed. As for me, freed from the double bondage, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Brother, is this a normal reaction?"

Although such a question made me embarrassed, it also moved me. Fortunately, she didn't think or want to kick me out, anyway, she took my reaction into the normal reaction. Compared with the plots seen in previous novels, these two people are angels!

"Yes, it is."

"Very, is it hard?"

Xia Yinci turned around cautiously and glanced at me, then turned around like a frightened rabbit.

"Then what are you going to do if I say it's hard?"

"Stupid, stupid! Don't make such a declaration of sexual harassment openly!"

Such an answer undoubtedly made Xia Yinci blushed and glared at me. She seemed to be afraid that I would become a beast, so she shrank into a corner in fear.

"I, you asked me, right?"

"Get down! Don't sleep in my bed! You pervert!"

Wow. Can a real pervert last so long? Don't deny my hard work for so long just now, okay!

As soon as she said that I was so angry that I sat up and stretched out my hand to pinch her cheek.

"Give me, well, the words."

Xia Yinci didn't seem to expect that I would react so strongly, and moved my hands away from her face. Her gaze rested on my face for a moment, apologetically. Then he seemed to notice something when he lowered his eyes slightly, his face flushed again, and he hurriedly looked away.

"Can you go down..."

"Ah... sorry."

Su Erin slipped up behind me silently, grabbed my arm abruptly, and dragged me off the bed. I thought she was going to take compulsory measures in place of Xia Yinci, but unexpectedly she looked at me sincerely and said word by word:

"Brother, I'm hungry."

"Huh? Oh, oh. Isn't Mom here?"

I remember that there was still a gap in the door of my room before I fell asleep, and my mother was watching us outside, but now the door is closed tightly. This made me open the door with some doubts, only to see that my mother was no longer on the sofa.

I left the room and checked the dining table, and found that my mother did not prepare breakfast for us, but only left a note on the dining table, saying that my father asked her to come over, and there were other people guarding the door, so don't worry.

"I'm going to buy breakfast."

"Big brother, I'll go with you."

Su Huilin bit her hair tie and said inarticulately. She looped her hair with her hands, took off the scrunchie and simply tied it into a long ponytail.

"Okay. I happen to have something I want to talk to you alone."

Perhaps because of noticing my eyes, a trace of doubt flashed in Su Erin's eyes, and she paused for a moment to move her hands.

Xia Yinci's eyes also had some waves, but she recovered quickly, sat on the bed and said:

"Then, I won't go... But don't forget to buy me a copy~ If you forget, I can only eat Su Huo Huo to satisfy my hunger."

"Is it so primitive? Have you never heard of 'prion'?"

"I want you to remind me! Anyway, don't forget to buy mine, or I'll eat your breakfast!"

It was nearly noon. The breakfasts near the residential area were all sold out, so Su Erin and I had no choice but to walk down the street. The road slopes down gradually, and when you raise your eyes a little, you can see the bridge across the road. Not far away is a place called "Winter Bridge" by the townspeople.

"Sister. What do you think about the new rules?"

After being silent for a while, I couldn't think of how to get to the point, so I had to start with this matter first.

"I don't have any idea. I just changed the difficulty of the game."

Su Erin's answer was very cold, and she walked in front of me unknowingly. I don't know if she answered like this in anticipation of what I would say next.

one way or another. Even if she will be unhappy, I have to speak out about it.

"Rin, do you remember what the observers said just now?"

This is my responsibility for getting her involved, and it is also my responsibility as her brother.

"You don't have to force yourself to participate, we have the right to abstain."

Even purely as her older brother I would worry.

"So, why don't you quit? Let's stop here...... okay?"

Su Huilin just walked into the shadow of the bridge hole, and suddenly stopped. And I walked to the position beside her and stopped in place.

"You, do you want to leave me alone again?"

She clenched her fists, turned around abruptly, and looked directly into my eyes with sad eyes.

"You didn't tell me anything that time before, and now you don't tell me anything this time either. This time, I was obviously the one who caught up with you and finally got together with you, but you want to keep me out of it, don't you?"

"No, I didn't leave you out of the's just that you don't have the need to continue with me."

Su Huilin's eyebrows tightened, and her gaze became colder and colder.

"I thought you recovered your memory and everything would be fine. Did you still exclude me from consideration?"

"Why do you have to understand that?"

I am also very tangled, I don't know what to do, is it a good choice for me to let her continue?

"It's not that I understand it that way, you clearly agreed."

She suddenly accentuated her tone, overshadowing my voice. And I seem to go back to the past through her sight consciousness, which is a fragment sealed in that memory that I have forgotten.

【Hey.. If this is God's punishment, don't try to escape. I will not abandon you again. 】

[But can you promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will never hide it from me again. 】

At the door of the operating room, we leaned against each other back to back to make an agreement.

That's why she was so angry at that time, because I forgot the agreement with her and concealed her participation in the domination war. For me at that time, it was the first time to hide from her, but for her at that time, it was already the second time.

"I said it. If you didn't quit, I wouldn't."

"I know I made a lot of mistakes. But anyway, I have a reason why I can't quit, but you don't need to accompany me!"

A heavy weight suddenly hit my chest, causing my back to hit the wall directly behind.

"What reason do you have to do this!"

Su Erin's palm was pressed against my chest at zero distance, and her icy pupils approached my eyes.

"I promised Xia Yinci that I would win the domination war, because I owed her."

"Why did you put the blame on you again? I was also at fault! I was the one who took her to the hospital, and it was I who brought her there that caused the subsequent series of things to happen. Compared to you and me Isn't it the culprit?"

The strength in her hand became more and more intense, and her momentum also approached me. I just shook my head stubbornly, unable to accept her words.

"Unreasonable, who would know the consequences of such a thing!"

"I'll give you back the same thing. Did you know the consequences from the beginning?"

"The nature is different, right? Let's not talk about this issue. You don't even know what the new rules mean?"

Su Erin may not have understood from the beginning that dominating war is not a game. For some reason, somewhere in my heart insisted that if she knew the danger of it, she would not be so stubborn and would understand where my worries came from.

"I don't understand what you mean. If you want to emphasize the danger I will face in the future..."

Having said that, Su Huilin stretched out her hand and pushed towards my cheek, and threw me to the ground with such force.

"...Then you should be more worried about yourself."

I gritted my teeth and stood up unsteadily propped on the ground.

"I remember when I was a child, we were also taught by my mother, right? Why do you only emphasize the danger of me alone? Besides, do you think that fighting is controlled by physical skills? Someone did it long before you closed the distance I can launch countless attacks and defeat you!"

"It's better than a physical waste like you, isn't it? Even if it's all taught by my mother, you can't compare with me if you give up halfway!"

"Aren't you relying on talent?!"

I couldn't help emphasizing my tone, knowing that she worked very hard in everything, but deliberately emphasized the word talent.

"What did you say?"

I, who was facing Su Erin as if giving up on myself, took a stance. Because among the chaotic thoughts, there is only one thing that is exceptionally clear.

"Su Huilin, you and us have never been in the same world, do you understand! Since you were a child, you didn't have to leave the circle you should have. Why did you come to a world that doesn't belong to you?"

Su Huilin bit her lower lip tightly, a line of blood stains engraved on her lips, from her fair skin to her chin. She clenched her fists tightly, her eyelids kept lowered, unwilling to meet my gaze.

"In reality, there is a place for you, and compared to Xia Yinci, you have more places to go, but I have nowhere to go! I, it's not because of some inexplicable agreement, and I don't feel guilty. "

"I continue only because I can only go in my dreams, because only there can I be given the meaning of existence. I joined the domination war for such a boring reason! You understand, Su Erin! ?”

do you understand? Realize as soon as possible that your brother is a total jerk!

Then give up on me completely, and withdraw from the domination war. Because that's not the way you should go.

You have a lot of talent, but also hard work and diligence.

You can get good grades in the college entrance examination, and you can also do other hobbies, and you don't have to embark on the road of a gambler who bets his life.

"I've forgotten it a long time ago, please don't mention the past to me. I have completely forgotten the messy agreement with you. Don't tie me up with this kind of thing. If you want to stop me, then just go ahead Use your talent to beat me until I am convinced!?"

Obviously you hate others denying your efforts the most. sorry.

It is obvious that you attach great importance to the agreement, and you must absolutely do what you have agreed with others, and you will not allow others to break the agreement.

Obviously you are worried about me, that's why you want to accompany me to the end.


Su Huilin stood there in a daze. A line of clear tears slid down his cheeks, merging with the blood at the corner of his mouth.

"Come here! Don't you dare?"

She clenched her teeth, her lips turned from white to bloodstained.


I stretched out my hand and wiped my eyes vigorously, took a step forward, and shouted at her provocatively.

Su Huilin, who seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, suddenly tightened her right fist, which had been slack for a while. With a cry of anger, she raised her head to reveal her sad pupils covered by the hair on her forehead. She easily dodged my lunging attack, and her raised knees pressed heavily against my stomach.

There is no room for retaliation at all. There is no chance of deliberately losing to her.

I couldn't go against this force and bent back, her palms tremblingly rested on my shoulders, and with a little force, I slammed into the wall hard. Thinking about it in my head, then she raised her tight right fist high and hit my face unreservedly——

"You give me enough time!"

A dignified voice full of anger came suddenly from the direction we came from.

Xia Yinci's shout seemed to pierce through all other sounds to reach my ears, hitting my heart directly.

——It’s just that compared to her voice, Su Erin’s straight fist landed one step faster.

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