Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

【SideA】Solomon of Space Leap (3)

"Hey, are you okay!"

The horizontal line reversed to 90°, Xiao Lulu asked Xia Yinci worriedly while adjusting his sight.

Xia Yinci's face was obviously extremely pale, but she shook her head stubbornly, and at the same time reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, leaving a trace of blood on her fair skin.

Su Huilin stomped down on the wall on the right side, causing her body to fall faster, and came under Xia Yinci's body, and gently opened her arms to hug her horizontally. The next second, Su Huilin's toes fell on the roof of the building.

"Thank you~"

Xia Yinci left Su Huilin's arms and returned to the "ground". The bright ribbons above approached the girls who had fallen to the ceiling with a straight trajectory.

At the same time, Xia Yinci turned the direction of gravity again, the horizontal line rotated half a circle, and the gravity returned to its original state. Xiao Lulu glanced at Xia Yinci in surprise, and saw that her expression was extremely bad. This made Xiao Lulu frowned worriedly.

【It's not like it's okay... For them, the fighting has almost never stopped, so Xia Yinci's dominance ability may have been overused, and it will be overloaded if it continues. Tsk, no matter what, I have to leave some time for her to adjust. 】

"Those who escorted their companions to the other side never thought about whether the other side would turn into a real purgatory—"

"Hey, what are you saying over there that you don't understand!"

Xiao Lulu couldn't help interrupting Solomon's declaration loudly, causing Solomon's eyes to show a fierce smile.

"Those of you who have fought against the lunatics of No. 9, don't you know their madness?"

"Yeah, fighting with those lunatics who want to die together may not be easier than fighting with you." Xiao Lulu clenched his hands wrapped in black mist, and said arrogantly, "So I will tear you apart as soon as possible , and then rushed over!"


The mutated gravity tore at the back, and the gradually spreading black mist engulfed the girl's body.

Elus, whose vision was suddenly dark, clenched her staff tightly, and the gravity remaining on her body threw her hard towards the other end of the black mist—the wall of the corridor. Elus was not going to be stingy with the remaining magic power, and calculated the expected position where she would hit the wall, so she threw the staff down, the top of the staff just touched the center of the wall, and the tip of the staff was about to touch the wall. A hexagram of warm colors spread out at the position of the touch.

The moment she closed her eyes and waited for the fall, her toes touched the soft touch like cotton candy, making her pace unsteady, her whole body sank into the cotton wall, and stretched back like a spring .


The bounced Elus was sitting in the air with her legs apart, her face paled. She seemed ashamed of the sound she made just now, her eyes blinked hastily, and she covered her mouth with blushing cheeks.

The black mist disappeared in this space of the corridor, and the gravity immediately returned to its original state. Elus, who was originally on the wall as a horizontal line, fell to the ground due to force majeure. Fortunately, the distance from the ground was not very high, and it was only a slight pain from the elbow bump.

At this moment, the hexagram on the wall and the light disappeared——


——The magic staff that lost its magic power hit Elus on the head impartially, and then fell to the ground.

The same place will never fall a second time. This creed of Elus was once again shaken.

Elus rubbed her head gently to soothe the pain from her head. Erus uttered a shameful voice to herself for the second time in just a few seconds, and the blushing Elus wished to erase this memory from her mind.

"There's still work to do."

Elus shook her head vigorously, trying to shake off what happened just now, so she brushed off the dust on the cloak, picked up the staff beside her and stood up.

This is a corridor that connects the first floor to the second floor, and the sound insulation effect is excellent. Elus can't hear the sound of fighting only a wall away, but there are occasional sounds upstairs.

Eluth lowered her steps and walked up the stairs cautiously. The creaking and creaking of the aging wooden floor added a bit of uneasiness and worry to her heart.

When she walked up to the second floor and vigilantly raised her staff to point it forward, an old and sharp human voice sounded from behind.

"As the saying goes, whoever comes is a guest. Little girl, it's a bit inappropriate for you to entertain guests with a weapon?"

Elus turned back hastily, but no one was seen, and the voice sounded like a whisper from the right again.

"Or, is this how you treat guests?"

Don't be prepared to be long-winded with each other. Elus frowned, raised her right hand and gathered magic power to sweep to the right. The star formation in her palm shot a series of ice arrows straight to the right, but there was no sign of hitting.

"Oh, so that's the case. Then I can only... do as the Romans do?"

As soon as the words fell, a heavy side kick hit Elus' abdomen at an elusive speed. The other party's movements stagnated in her abdomen for an unknown reason, and she flew back to the wall of the corridor through this force.

Elus gritted her teeth to resist the pain in her abdomen, and keenly placed a magic circle behind her, and at the same time turned her eyes to look for the opponent's figure. She couldn't see the other party's movements, so that she couldn't see the other party's image from the beginning to the end. The only thing captured was the afterimage left when he kicked over from the side just now.

This alone can prove that the opponent's dominance ability is not "invisibility", but a strengthening ability that is biased towards speed bonus. Including his movements stagnating for a moment, these can make his flaws traceable.

Her back hit the "cottonized" wall, and Elus, who fell into the soft touch, took advantage of the rebound generated by the wall, kicked her toes down, and rushed up to the second floor with the scepter in her hand.

As long as the opponent does exist, it can cause harm to him. The way is to let him have nowhere to hide.

A crystal blue magic circle emerged from the tip of the scepter, and the frozen flowers suddenly bloomed, dropping the surrounding air to the freezing point below zero. Elus opened her red lips lightly, and exhaled the white frost mist that floated upward——

"—Ice flower, crystal frost, pure white snow. Ice elves, please turn into tearers and gather by my side, endow me with powerful magic power, and block everything before me."

Singing to draw the end point, the storm in the frost spreads a world of ice and snow forward on the plane connected by the apex of the staff and the two-point projection perpendicular to the ground and the wall.

"You can struggle as much as you want, but if you tear off a piece of skin on your foot, I will not be responsible."

Hesitant footprints were evident on the frosty ground.

Ice magic is not Elus' specialty. This was taught to her by the two previous adventurers who accompanied her, and in the end they also used ice magic to save her life, but it was not long ago that Elus finally learned it.

Elus moved her frozen eyes upwards. From the beginning, the real body of this mysterious person who "only heard his voice but not his person" turned out to be an old man who was not even as tall as Elus.

"Oh, I was discovered. The old man's name is God, please give me some advice."

This "Shen Mei" who "sees the head of the dragon but doesn't see the tail" has gray temples and wrinkled face. Wearing a tight-fitting gray and yellow uniform and black eyepatch, revealing sharp eyes that have been battle-hardened.

"Since you're waiting here to ambush me, it means you haven't found what you want."

The eyes of the gods did not change, and there was a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes followed Elus who came to the second floor on the frost. His footsteps were bound by the ice under his feet, but the girl made a "rustling" sound and appeared to be at ease.

"Or is there someone else inside?"

Elus stopped beside Shenmei, and tilted her head thoughtfully. For some reason, the smile on Shen Wu's mouth became stronger, but it obviously had a different meaning compared to the previous smile.

A fine mesh of laugh lines squeezed out around his eyes. As if responding to it, Elus looked away from the old man and involuntarily focused on the corner of the corridor on the second floor.

——The young man leaning against the wall over there, with his twirling fingertips driving the black pointed hat on his hand. As if deliberately provoking Elus, the young man's contemptuous eyes drifted to Elus, which happened to meet her gaze.

The moment the focus touched the pointed hat, Elus's pupils shrank, and she shouted at him loudly:

"Give it back to me!"

During the battle with the Ruler of Clock Nine, Elus' pointed hat was caught in the hurricane and was blown high into the sky. Therefore, it is not surprising that someone picked it up, but generally speaking, no one would care about such things.

Elus' thoughts were thrown into confusion by the appearance of the lost item. Did the young man pick it up by accident, or did he observe their battle from beginning to end, so he saw his palpable anxiety when he lost his pointed hat.

"Give it back to you? Then you, come and get it."

The young man smiled slyly, and gently threw the pointed hat towards her belly. At a very slow speed, the pointed hat whirled through the air along a parabola. It's like passing a ball between friends.

Seeing something she cherished being thrown over like this, Elus instinctively wanted to grab it cautiously with both hands.

She didn't overcome this psychological inducement, stepped back a few steps and jumped up, using the left and right hands holding the scepter, she firmly caught the peaked hat. Because of this perception, there was a moment of relief in the flustered pupils just now.

The dazzling light at the tip of the scepter flickered like a candle blown by the night wind, dimmed a bit. As a result, the magic power supporting the Ice Star Array was shaken, and the frost covering the ground briefly lost its powerful low temperature.

Even though it was only a gap of less than a few seconds, the god who had the opportunity to take advantage of it would not let go of this gap to escape, and used his dominance to escape from the shackles of the ice under his feet.

The shadowy figure disappeared from Elus' vision, and Elus knew that his attack would come quickly, leaving no room for her to think or regroup. She hurriedly touched a silver miniature star array with her toes, stepped down hard to the front right, and the reflected elastic force sent her petite body to the second floor.

In the next moment, a spider web-like crack appeared on the ground that seemed to be hit by the impact. Elus caught the figure of Kamito staying there for a moment, and was sure that he would launch a more violent attack next.

According to the known information, it is speculated that God's dominance ability is teleportation in space, and he probably used this dominance ability to break into the stronghold by smashing the glass.

Including the battle with Clock No. 9 just now, Elus has already used more magical power than she imagined. At this stage, she doesn't have enough magic power to support ice magic, so she can't use the move just now in a short time.

And under the premise that "God did not" intentionally fortify, she may not be able to hit every shot, and she may be dodged by him.

The most serious disadvantage is that the other party seems to know him very well, otherwise it would be impossible to formulate a tactic of "using precious lost items to divert attention and create loopholes" to target himself.

In contrast, Elus knew little about God and his companions.

[You can't waste time entangled with them. 】

Elus kicked the silver star array emerging from the lower right, pretending to attack the young man, and at the same time summoned another miniature magic array at a position on his lower body that could not be easily detected, and swung his right leg forward to slightly Panicked youth.

Since there will be panic, it means that the youth possesses non-aggressive dominance, and this makes Elusa suddenly have a flash of inspiration, he will know himself so well, maybe it has something to do with his pointed hat.

It is impossible for Elus to leave her information on the pointed hat, but if the young man has the ability related to it, such as knowing the memory of the objects touched, then the pointed hat that has been with her until now will definitely reveal a lot information.

【If Arquette was here, I wouldn't have to think so much. We are really dependent on him. 】

The tip of her toes was about to touch the young man, Elus raised her arm forward, and pushed it towards the silver star array emerging from her palm, her body was immediately bounced down by the reaction, she stepped on the star array behind the young man's knee, jumped to the diagonal position.

Shenmei's offensive rushed to the young man almost simultaneously, but unexpectedly, Elus' target was not the young man, so she quickly shifted direction and kicked towards the wall. The young man suddenly felt a false alarm and heaved a sigh of relief.

Elus's actions are extremely risky, but it turns out that God's control ability is different from the speed of light stars seen before. He does not increase his own movement speed, but the orthodox teleportation.

The evidence is—God is not always predicting Elus' actions, and then formulating the attack target and arrival location. Once the judgment is wrong, like now, God can't make corrections immediately.

"Interesting! Is your real target not him, but the room here? Is the location of the world gate?!"

Focusing his eyes on Elus who was running to the corridor on the right, God did not drag his vicissitudes of life and sharp voice, pushed his arms back, and the body that accelerated suddenly caught up with Elus who started running with an incredible impact .

【Well, not necessarily~】

Elus kicked the ground fiercely with her toes, and leaped diagonally upwards. She justly missed the kick of the gods, and spread out the star array on the left hand side. At the same time, she stretched out her left hand towards it, revealing her intention to enter the room on the right hand side.

"Grandpa, when I was young, what I was best at was the game of ghosts and people!"

Shen didn't pull the corners of his mouth on both sides, his eyes flashed with nostalgia, he raised his arms and turned around, stretched out his fist with penetrating strength, and aimed at the door of the room——

However, Elus's outstretched left hand did not touch the star array on the left, instead she raised her head upwards, and a huge star array appeared in front of her chest in an instant, met her chest, and bounced her body towards the future in the opposite direction.

Since God didn't rely on predictions to launch his offensive, Elus's goal was to keep making deceitful moves to evade his attacks. So where Elus went just now—is the corridor on the right, which is completely opposite to the target.

"What... what?!"

The god who smashed the ground at the door of the room didn't look up, looking at Elus who flew towards the aisle directly opposite with the help of the violent elastic force caused by the huge silver star array, his expression was no longer calm.

Elus pressed down the pointed hat on her head with one hand, raised the scepter with the other hand, aimed the top at the bewildered young man, aimed at his head, and ruthlessly bumped towards him. In an instant, a fiery red star formation burst out, bursting into a fierce explosion. spark.

In the thick black-gray smoke emitted by the explosion, crystal blue crumbs floated out immediately. Elus kicked the wall on the right without stopping, and broke into the room that everyone used as a medical room in memory.

—the medical room was empty. In addition to the humming mechanical sound, there is also a dull bang.

Unexpectedly, Elus looked around in a hurry, this room filled with huge devices. So her eyes were attracted by the bang, and concentrated on the half-open door diagonally opposite. There is no time for hesitation, and God will definitely catch up immediately. Elus had no choice but to close the iron door, and then rushed to the other side of the door on the opposite corner.

The room was full of scars and dust. Like a tree stump, the black male with root-like lines rooted on the marble floor, his eyes glowed like a robot, and in front of him was Tong Xiyu with a silver rapier.

【Is he... Zach Shriver? 】

Laser-like bullets burst out one after another from the gun that his arm turned into with the sound of "whoosh".

Tong Xiyu swung the rapier with his left hand to block the light bullets, and stretched his right hand behind him to grab the handle of the push bed, turned half a circle together with his body, and took two steps back, blocking the unconscious boy lying on the push bed behind him.

Aware of Elus who broke into the room, Zach split his arms together into two gun bodies emitting blue light at the bottom, aiming at Elus and Tong Xiyu respectively. Go on the offensive.

Two beams of bright blue light burst out and hit the golden magic circle that spread out suddenly, like a can that was crushed flat by a hydraulic machine. fade away.

"You're still just as difficult."

Zac withdrew the ever-changing firearms into his arms, opened his lips under the dark skin, and showed his exceptionally white teeth. Ground-rooted lines retract into fine holes next to the anklet.

"Why are you fighting against us?"

The staff held by Elus trembled with her palm, and she straightened the staff again and held it tightly in her hand.

"The betrayal has been planned, no matter what happens, there is no reason to take it back?"

After Zac finished talking about his thoughts, he swung his arms heavily, and brought his clenched arms together. His arms suddenly twisted and deformed, like disassembled parts, reassembled. Assembled. Countless thin lines under the feet are scattered and connected to the scarred floor, and are completely fixed to the ground, forming an unshakable fort.

Elus noticed that there was a piercing light in Zach's eyes.

At this time, the door of the room suffered a huge impact and was violently knocked open by it. The moment the afterimage that rushed into the room moved towards Elus, she stopped in her tracks as if sensing something strange in the atmosphere.

The barrel of the gun was flickering with fierce sparks, as if preparing some kind of weapon that could cause a terrorist attack.

The dangerous atmosphere is coming to almost everyone.

Shen did not stand still for a moment, then suddenly looked at Zach and asked sharply:

"what you up to?"

Elus could also feel the strong uneasy atmosphere in the air, she hurriedly glanced at Tong Xiyu, and Su Ruoyang, who hadn't woken up behind her, then gently clenched her right hand.

"what you up to?"

"Do what the impossible can do."

Zach sneered from around his nose, and his eyes seemed to be looking somewhere outside the window.

Shen didn't follow his gaze immediately and turned back. It was raining unseasonably outside the window. The dark clouds covered the blood-red sky, and the thunder and lightning piercing through the clouds from time to time shone with dazzling brilliance.

On the open-air balcony on the other side stood a girl holding an oil-paper umbrella, she stared at this place motionlessly.

Everyone in this narrow room instantly realized Zach's intentions - he exerted all his strength to create shells with maximum power, in order to combine with Xu Xue's ability to manipulate the weather, and crush the entire area here to the ground .

Whether it is the gate of the world or the stronghold, the master of clock number one or clock number two, all are destroyed.

"You lunatic, we don't intend to die together when we cooperate with you! Stop it!"

The situation in front of him obviously exceeded God's expectations, and he almost shouted at Zach loudly. Seeing that Zach was still unmoved, Shen didn't take a step back, and directly rushed over with a strong driving force and kicked towards the cannon body.

The fierce collision caused a loud "boom", and Zach instinctively squinted his right eye after being hit, but the gun barrel was not damaged at all. The exasperated God didn't fly and punched Zac on the cheek, and cursed remorsefully:

"Bastard, what side are you on!"

"Neither side. I'm just a dream stealer who has been neglected by you!"

Zach's eyes reflected a dazzling glare, and the blue-white flame reflected the ancient clock running to 11 o'clock.

Elus, who was spinning the wand, swung the wand and hit the ground, and immediately squeezed out the little magic power left, and the wand stood in place with a huge amount of magic power. The blast wind whizzing by beside her rolled up Elus's long crimson hair.

The precious red hexagrams were reflected from her pupils to her eyes, forming a huge array of hexagrams in the air.

"Xi Yu, I leave it to you to treat Su Ruoyang!"

As soon as the words fell, two other ice-blue magic circles appeared above and below Su Ruoyang and Tong Xiyu respectively. The star circles rotated at a faster speed like gears, sealing the ice walls on all sides, completely separating the two from the outside world. isolated.

"TIMEFREEZE—Here is a contract with God to cut you off from time, and the passage of time has nothing to do with you for the time being. Close the door of time and fall into a long sleep isolated from the world!"

The initially thin ice wall gradually thickened until Elus could no longer see the thickness of the people in the cube.

As for the control of ice magic, I have never been able to compare with the ice-blue girl who once frozen herself. Even if I use the magic she used to use, I am afraid that it can only exert half the effect, but now even half the effect is enough.

In the same place, I must not fall a second time.

So, this time I will never let the person I like die again.

The crimson star array turned crimson as if it was about to merge with Elus, and her fluttering long hair began to ignite. At the same time, the turret created by Zack swept an incredible hurricane, and the dazzling light that seemed to swallow anything suddenly assimilated everything that could be seen in the field of vision into a piece of pure white.

Hello! Su Ruoyang, I ask you! If the person who came here to save you was not me...

If it was Xia Yinci or Su Huilin, what would they do?

If it was Xia Yinci, she should be able to reverse the gravity and throw Zac directly; if it was Su Huilin, she might be able to give Zac an order that he had to disobey.

However, I am the one who came here! I'm not the best magician in the world over there, and it took me a lot of work to even get into this room. So, I can't find the best solution to the situation...

But you, don't dislike me by insinuating! Don't take me for a fool! You can only accept my kindness, understand? Anyway... I have seriously thought about it!

In fact, there are a lot of magic in the book my father left me, and I have deliberately learned about all the magic, but in the end I was reduced to the evaluation of "expert but not good". Among them is a magic that is just suitable for this time.

Only at this time, I will feel that it is not my advantage to be a blogger but not a master.

——This is a kind of magic that can use any energy for its own use. Of course, there will be many restrictions. To put it simply, if the user cannot withstand this energy, he will suffer irreversible damage.

Don't be quick to question my plan, I know this magic is not enough. After all, even if you usually think that I am narcissistic and arrogant, I am self-aware, and I understand that I cannot absorb all the damage from this blow.

So, sister Ning Zi's magic worked again.

Please do yourself a favor!

Because the magic that once froze me for more than a hundred years is now used on you!

Although the effect is not as good as that of Sister Ning Zi, it will protect you and Tong Xiyu in "frozen time". Tong Xiyu can use these times to heal your injuries enough. You must have recovered by now, right?

According to your bad character, seeing me freeze your time for an hour at most, you must think that my mastery of this magic is very poor, right? If it is in front of Sister Ning Zi, it is a real trick.

As for me, I must justify myself!

If I want to, I can at least freeze you for fifty years!

Just because you can't bear it.

What's more, the situation is different now, why should I freeze you for a hundred years~

I've said so much, why don't you hurry up and praise me?

Don't take that kind of weird nickname! I am very demanding, you must sincerely call out my name, and then say "Thank you sister for saving my life", only then will I be satisfied.

Calling my sister is a must, and you don't even think about how much older I am than you! In terms of seniority, you have taken advantage of me!

Also, when thanking me, your expression should not be too ugly, especially if you cry!

I'm not here to save you. Xia Yinci, Su Huilin, and Xiao Lulu are all next door, and I also considered the possibility that Zach would implicate them. Besides, Tong Xiyu is also here, right? How could it be to save you alone!

Don't, give me, too narcissistic! Did you hear that?

correct! ! There is one thing about you that has always been on my mind.

The thing you helped me get out of the past, and the thing you helped me wake up from the dream, I haven't thanked you seriously yet, have I?

Although I know you will definitely answer me "You're welcome", but it is necessary to let you know my thanks.

Thank you all the time!

In fact, many, many things, I want to thank you.

I think, maybe you didn't realize it yourself, you helped me a lot, right?

Xia Yinci told me that my personality is called "tsundere" in your world, right?

yes! I am "tsundere", how about it?

So I'm not going to tell you... I actually like you very, very much.

uh-huh. It feels better to say it once. But the last sentence will not appear in this letter I leave you. I will delete that sentence! (But I will keep this whole sentence! Just to whet your appetite slightly)!

I am arrogant, because I didn't know until now that I used to have a little liking for Charlotte.

It's the kind of liking that I want to be with him no matter what he does.

He can't help but like what he likes.

No matter what the scenery is, as long as he looks at it together, the scenery will become particularly pleasing to the eye.

Yes, the kind of love between men and women.

There are many things that I feel very sorry for.

For example, I didn't tell Charlotte before that I liked him very much.

For example, I failed to say good-bye to Uncle William, so I only learned from other people that he was gone.

For example, being asked to be optimistic about Charte, the result is that he drags him away every time.

For another example, Charlotte and the others entrusted their high hopes of expelling the Black Magic cultists to me a hundred years later, but I have no ability to fulfill their long-cherished wish. During this time I tried, but failed every time.

So I actually want to ask you for two things!

Of course this is just my unreasonable request. If you don't want to, then you should simply be a listener and listen to my confession.

First of all, please say goodbye to everyone for me. Especially Chart! It's not that I said bad things about him, don't just believe him just by looking at his big boy appearance, Charte is actually very stingy. If I leave without saying goodbye, I will definitely be hated by him for a long time.

As for the second thing.

Charlotte and the others entrusted their hopes to me, and now I want to entrust this matter to you willfully. If you can win the domination war, please bring light to my world...

Suddenly, the glare that engulfed vision disappeared. The pure white color appears as distorted black spots, like cocoa powder poured into milk. The black powder was stirred with the milk, and the white was sucked in the same direction.

The corners of the field of vision were covered in pitch black, and the swallowed white gradually disappeared. The moment it turned into pitch blackness before the eyes, the dazzling fire exploded rapidly from the center to the surroundings, playing a deafening rhapsody.

The crimson magic circle disappeared quietly. The fiery red girl's softly colored eyes assimilated into golden hexagrams. The black clouds in the sky shot down several dazzling thunderbolts, leveling everything within sight.

The impact of the explosion spread all around, blasting the two adjacent buildings into ruins, spreading to the half-frozen building of the abandoned building next to the stronghold, leaving only flames and scorched scars.

On the flat ground that was completely blocked by the raging fire, a shiny purple cube fell to the ground without leaving half a crack. The crystal blue shards of light gradually dissipated and floated towards the crimson sky.

It was as if a pure white feather fell from the angel's wings, and landed on the crystal cube. As a result, the light feather passed through it out of thin air, and floated impartially into the loosened palm of the boy.

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