Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

【SideB】Human Feast Devoured by Alien Food (2)

childhood. He lives in a big house in the country.

The house is big, but never empty. There are always unknown bugs singing, and there are always chattering children rushing into the front yard, playing and playing, making the house upside down, and then running away from the backyard laughing regardless of the bruises all over their bodies.

Every day when he woke up, he was never sad that his mother was not around, nor was he hopeless because his father was always drinking and making troubles. Because he looks forward to his new day, because children will always infect each other.

Even if you don't participate in it sometimes, you can still be driven by this lively atmosphere, and you can't help covering your belly with one hand and laughing while pointing at a child who fell into the dirt and rolled all over his body.

Even if I get beaten up by my drunken father sometimes, as long as my grandma sees her, she will protect me. If other children sneaked into my house and ran into my father, he would drag them and run away, and the child-hearted grandma stayed behind.

But... since when did you never see such a scene again?

That day, it was rare for my father not to beat the children who sneaked into my house to play. He just said a few words to them and drove him out together. There is also a difference, the father is followed by a woman, but not the mother.

At night, his father told him lightly that he would have a new mother, but even at a young age he knew that his father had a new love. It's just that he doesn't think it will affect him, and life will continue as usual.

Yeah, who would know? The obsessed father poisoned his mother's breakfast for the inexplicable reason of "becoming the master of the house"... After that, he sat on the sofa as if nothing had happened.

For three days. Heart-piercing complaints could be heard in the room all the time.

"why treat me like this?"

"What did I do wrong to make you treat me like this?"

The children dare not enter the house and stand far outside. He didn't know what to do when he was young, so he could only go to grandma's bedside and hold her trembling hand. Tears ran across the corners of her wrinkled eyes.

"You do this, why..."

After grandma passed away, he could no longer hear the noisy noise downstairs. The house became very empty, forever echoing with the words she muttered before she died, and he could always hear her complaining no matter where he went.

Later, my father never returned home. He said that as long as he stayed at home, the dying voice would ring in his ears.

This is the story of Jiangcheng. Those who made his companions, they all had the same experiences.

We are all born into this world because we are helpless. These are the words of the young man, and he is indeed right.

Whether it is reality or dream, they do not have enough power to control the situation, because no matter which side they can win, they can only rely on forming an alliance with the strong to survive disasters again and again.

But one day, you can't rely on anyone, and you will face a test that you can only complete by yourself.

"To be able to make it to the final stage, to be reduced to this it enough? Shouldn't it be enough?"

Jiang Cheng clenched his hands tightly, and inconspicuous but not negligible sparks danced between his fingers.

"He's right. We should be honored to end here." Others echoed.

The atmosphere was gradually overwhelmed in the direction that the youth said, only Jiang Cheng and Ren Shengcai hadn't given up yet. Seeing this situation, the Devourer took advantage of the victory and pursued, attacking the Dominators who stopped resisting.

The youth was indeed right. But there was only one thing that Jiang Cheng would never admit no matter what.

"No...we are not helpless."

The sparks in Jiang Chengjump's palm exploded from the gap through the movement of clenching his fist. The flames spread all over his body almost instantly. Jiang Cheng, who had turned into flames all over his body, raised his voice and challenged the Devourer:

"Hey! For a person like me, you should be too hot to swallow!"

In the moment when the Devourer was about to stuff the young man into his mouth, Jiangcheng's provocation succeeded in causing the Devourer to stop its original movements, and slowly turned its open bull's head.

"A mere food that uses flames as a condiment, are you trying to underestimate my anger?"

The Devourer spewed hot breath from his nostrils, rising into flames and rushing into the air.

"Is it because I underestimated you, why don't you give it a try?"


The Devourer's thick and deep voice spoke of excitement. Its stump-like thick legs moved in the air, rubbing the air back and forth, spouting hot flames from its mouth, assuming a posture of eagerness to try.

Jiang Cheng stretched out his fiery fist with a wry smile, and waved five fingers provocatively at the Devourer.

"Come on... I'm afraid you won't be able to digest it!"

Why are you willing to accept this ending?

How could such an ending of total annihilation here be "enough"?

What is "knowledge"?

I only hesitate here, and I can't even find a way out——

"Only reduced to this kind of can I be satisfied!!"

The flames soaring into the sky are dazzling, like a nirvana phoenix breaking through the sky. After it spread a layer of fiery red dusk, the temperature suddenly rose, and the flame color became brighter and brighter from fiery red to dazzling blue of hell.

The devourer's footsteps became faster and faster, and the distance that was still far away was shortened in an instant. And Jiang Cheng didn't intend to stand still, and rushed towards the fiery red monster with blue flames.

Ren Shengcai was powerless to stop Jiang Cheng and could only open his eyes wide and shout out Jiang Cheng's name hoarsely. In the next second, Jiang Cheng rushed into the bloody mouth of the Devourer who was screaming and trying to open it at the speed of dragging out afterimages.

Under the deafening clamor, a dazzling high blue smear disappeared into the fiery red.

The young man's eyes were out of focus and slack, as if someone lit a flame and approached the candle's head.

The Devourer rubbed against the air to stop the car, raised his burning bull's head and swallowed, and the imperceptible blue flame fell down his trachea. It straightens up in great disappointment, arches its shoulders, and drops its target back on the others.

"Thought you met the best banquet item? It turned out to be a bluff to make such a false statement."

"No...impossible!" Ren Shengcai kept shaking his head from side to side, as if he could shake the facts out of his mind.

"It's meaningless to do this..." The light in the young man's eyes dimmed again, and he watched helplessly as the devourer, whose strength was far superior to his own, dragged magma-essential spittle as he galloped towards them.

"Bastard! Are you still saying that now?! Boss——"

"It's just the order of death! Even if he hadn't done this, we would have died here. It's the same now, nothing has changed, do you understand? The only thing that changes is the order..."

An unknown fire ignited in Ren Shengcai's heart, but he couldn't find any reason to refute him. If his actions could not arouse their resistance, it would be meaningless. So the anger in my heart can only be transformed into a compromise.

"Damn, hate...Damn!"

The taut hand twitched in disgust, and then clenched into a fist, leaving only indignation at the helplessness.

Right now. It was the time when the Devourer's tearing mouth was about to hold them all—

In the fiery red body of the Devourer... just like the first star shining in the night, the dazzling blue flames of hell are reflected, spreading out into a sea of ​​flames flowing across the sky, and instantly propping up the body of the Devourer.

"This... what's going on!"

Like a continuously inflated balloon, black gaps appeared in the inflated body, and then blue flames shone from the gaps, filling every gap in the Devourer's body after just a few seconds, and then expanded further.

"We...of course are not omnipotent like them, but we are not omnipotent either!"

The escaped wings of light spread to both sides, tearing apart the devourer's fiery red body as he cried out.

The ice-blue flames that flew out of the Devourer's body spread out, shattered into azure blue dust and dissipated.

Ren Shengcai took a step forward and stretched out his hand to grab the light fragments in the air, but it passed through his fingers out of thin air. The heart twitched violently to show their existence, and this scene engraved an indelible flame in the eyes of the rulers.

"Your original leader was not me. Compared to him, I am far less worthy of this position."

The words that Jiang Cheng sincerely appealed to when the Dream Madman announced his decision on the base suddenly echoed in his mind.

"However... I will also use my own way to do my best to do this position well. Whether it is cooperation with clock number 2 or number 3, or fighting against Dream Thief, it is definitely not a one-shot decision."

The young man who suddenly remembered that passage bit his trembling lower lip, raised his throbbing chest to take a deep breath, he clenched his teeth, and stared at the evil spirit approaching in front of him due to the sudden pop.

"So everything we do in the future must be a necessary struggle to break through the current predicament."

——Why did you forget?

The folded arms swung forward vigorously to the two sides, and the sudden blast swept up dust and debris that pierced through the black shadow. The young man then turned to the rear, ignoring his exhausted body and swung his fist wrapped in huge waves.

"No matter how it is for others... For us who are not omnipotent, as long as we can last, it is our domination war!"


We were unable to contact Xiao Lu Road or the stronghold, and the signals sent to the outside world were all blocked. On the other hand, the evil spirits have received orders to attack us, and they are gathering in astonishing numbers.

"Compared to the frontal attack of Molu Tong and Reina, the generals and messengers are more troublesome behind the scenes, isn't that right..." I flashed an overwhelming number of evil spirits, While muttering words.

"In that case—then make these two bastards your primary target!"

"Hey, don't take what I want to say!"

Chart threw the magazine into the air, quickly replaced the empty magazine, then stretched out his free hand, grabbed the magazine that fell to his chest and stuffed it into the gun, his mouth opened into a hearty shape.

"You're such a a time like this, just answer me honestly and say 'it's what I like'."

"Sorry, I don't want to."

As soon as the words fell, Chart and I each turned 90 degrees to fit each other's backs. He aimed both pistols at the Entity, and the recoil made his arms bob up and down rhythmically. I raised an arm that didn't belong to me, and looked at the tea cat in front of me. She turned the hilt of the sword and straightened it with a flick of her hand, while I squeezed out of the barrier to push away the nearby black shadow.

three people. With thousands of undead, the battlefield covers an area hundreds of meters away from us. Looking around, this is almost a battle where the laptop ends in a one-sided overwhelming.

"A showdown without any suspense... let's go!"

There is no such option as deterrence, as long as the rules clearly state that the killed evil spirits will not return to this world, we can simply let go and make a fight with the evil spirits, or even the No. 1 clock, without worrying about this or that. Let it go.

"There are two in the direction of three o'clock that are extremely agile, and there are three in the direction of eleven o'clock."

While emitting a dazzling flame, Chart pulled the trigger, and at the same time did not forget to leave a part of "absolute observation" to pay attention to the situation on our side.

"Lin Yu! There are more than 20 evil spirits on the lower right ready to attack. And one of them is far larger than normal!"

I followed Chart's reminder and looked in the direction he said, and saw that the "giant baby" in Chart's mouth was constantly spinning like a tornado hovering in the sky, and the air near it was filled with a mist of black particles.

There are more than 20 evil spirits gathered near the giant baby that is rushing forward, showing that the evil spirits have uneven layers and form a circle around the center, and their center is a huge monster that is more than ten times larger than them.

This is a creature that has never been seen in this world. Although it is likely to be an evil spirit in essence, its size is too extraordinary. To compare with the Devourer, it can go hand in hand with the Devourer at the same height.

When we got ready to face this super-large evil spirit, it suddenly stopped in place, like a robot that was suddenly unplugged, and the tendency of stillness spread among the evil spirits.

As a result, the "tornado" intensifies the momentum of the storm. I don't know why this abnormal storm didn't affect us, but even the evil spirits who were much farther away from the giant baby than us were involved.

Thanks to this - the evil spirits that were continuously approaching Xue Xueer were sucked away by the hurricane. Xue Xueer breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew from the two curtain walls, finally able to deal with the thousand-man army coming from all directions with all his strength.

"Could it be... the type that doesn't distinguish between friend and foe?" Charte looked a little dazed when he saw the evil spirit he was fighting with was swept away by the wind. Giant baby.

"Hey, this is no distinction between friend and foe! It's clearly only attacking your own people, okay?"

As soon as the words fell, we were shocked to find that the evil spirits involved in the storm were sucked into the opening of the giant baby.

Thinking about it carefully, it should be its mouth, but looking at it, it looks like the opening and closing mouth of "Pac-Man". At first glance, it is impossible to tell what the hole is.

Leaving aside the giant baby's mouth, the evil spirit swallowed by the giant baby has obviously become a part of it. The giant baby, which was already far beyond normal size, sucked the storm with incredible lung capacity, and its size became even bigger.

"At a time like this, don't worry about the right or wrong words I use!"

"Who made it my profession to be a teacher... It's an instinct ingrained in my genes to correct mistakes and raise controversy—"

The giant baby that devoured all the evil spirits in the storm stopped in place and shook for a moment. That's when I realized that the black dots floating around its gilt were not "particles" fact, each black dot was an evil spirit. The so-called super-large evil spirits are actually monsters formed by gathering hundreds of evil spirits together like arhats.

Countless howls of mourning were intertwined into sounds, and when they reached the ears, they became deafening bangs, and the remaining few mournful screams became echoes, remaining lonely in the air, giving people the fear of being isolated in the blue sky.

The giant spirit roaring up to the sky stopped roaring, and the evil spirits that make up the "feet" created mobility, dragging the giant spirit towards us. The air exploded, as if the strange sound of bone shattering filled the hearing that was tortured by the noise.

The giant spirit spread its arms arrogantly, treating us like birds in a cage, and clapped its palms together to smash us into pieces.

The strong wind blows towards my face as if it wants to tear my face apart. I clenched my hands and pulled them back, making a movement like a pile driver and thrusting my fists forward and downward. The transparent barriers stacked in an invisible space to form cones shape, creating momentum.

The barrier approaching the giant spirit stopped in front of its palm, trembling wildly. At this time, my hands also felt an invisible thrust, and my footsteps began to crush backwards in the air.

"Hey! If you let this impact run over, it can completely penetrate ten stacked you."

Char's twisted personality means that instead of the simple "hold me up" encouragement, he speaks nasty provocations while leaning his back against mine so that I don't get pushed any further. to the rear.

However, it turns out that his method is working.

"Don't underestimate me, I don't need you to tell me about this kind of thing!"

I tried my best to withstand this thrust, and pushed forward with both hands through Chart's back, pushing out the barrier in front of me.

Building the barrier into a cone shape finally worked, and the palm that could cover the sky with just one hand supported it under the impact of the tip of the barrier. Even though my hand was shaking desperately and it didn't budge, the point eventually pierced its palm.

An irregularly shaped hole was broken out of the palm formed by overlapping evil spirits. The evil spirit's persistence exceeded my expectations. It would rather tear the barrier apart than loosen the shape it maintained, causing half of its body to be pulled into the air.

After only a short moment, the other half of the body remaining on the palm also turned into blue crystal chips and disappeared. And the giant spirit seems to have some kind of weird will, just because a small part of the palm is vacant, it stops as if it has lost its ability to move.

Even if the palm is useless, it can swing its arms and throw us away. But the last thing it did was stare intently at the palm, before opening his strange pacman mouth again to suck out a storm.

In this hurricane, a full third of the evil spirits besieging the number eight clock were sucked away to fill the empty space in the palm, and the rest floated to the chest to form hemp rope-like muscles.

"Is it really a giant baby?"

Compared with the individual evil spirit, this super-large evil spirit is more like a baby with a huge body. It does not allow any vacancies in body parts, and even the movement of patchwork chest muscles proves its growing desire.

"Giant baby? You mean..." Chalt asked puzzled.

To put it bluntly, the giant baby without wisdom is developing into a "perfectionist". The goal of perfection is yourself.

That being the case - then this will be its fatal loophole. We can destroy the most vulnerable part of the giant baby. Judging from its previous actions, it will definitely attract more evil spirits to fill the weak vacancy.

I briefly explained my own opinion, and concluded by concluding:

"So I think... we should be able to use its "growth desire" to get rid of it! But we must not forget that the effect of the "Devil King's Command" is still there."

"I know. No matter how the overall goal has been distorted to "grow to perfection", the goal of their individual parts is to destroy the ruler of the No. 2 clock, right?"

"Yes." I opened my eyes wide and pretended to be unbelievable, and said to Charter with a "how is that possible" expression, "it's incredible, you can understand me?"

"You bastard... what kind of single-celled creature do you think I am?"

On the other side of the circle of black shadows, the number of evil spirits was significantly reduced, trying to narrow the area, but the fact that the evil spirits trapping the No. 8 clock became sparse was still unavoidable, and several gaps were broken by the sandstorm protruding from it.

"I think we should thank this super-large evil spirit... Thank you, actually you are our teammate, right?"

"...It's not too late to say this after you look at the current situation."

It was like the sound of shattering when layers of glass were all crushed. I saw the palm of the giant spirit ringing in front of me, crushing the invisible barrier forcefully, and burst out laughing after completing this feat.

——Although it was laughter, it was an echo based on the screams of evil spirits. It laughed like a child who broke someone else's blocks, which proved its sanity once again.

I did look at it with distaste, but after laughing at it, I felt horrified, and I had to think about where it came from. For a more straightforward question, that is "what is it?"

"Idiot! Don't be in a daze!"

Chart turned around and hooked my shoulders, pulling me to a distance of five meters away, avoiding the palm of the giant spirit's wave, and the resulting air current made me suddenly withdraw from my thoughts.

When I regained my senses, I quickly looked forward, looking for the figure of "tea cat" in the overwhelming dust wind, until I found that she had already dodged the blow and was standing next to me, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. .

The last time the tea cat met the bloody mouth of the devourer in order to save me, and because it was swallowed by it, it could no longer appear beside me as a dream maker. After that lesson, I should be more cautious.

Even if she is alive and well in reality, this incident is also the culprit that caused us to separate the two places.

——Now is not the time to think about other things.

I clenched my right hand and raised it to my chest, and hit my left palm vigorously to make a "snap" sound.

Suddenly, the glass barrier that flies out of the eyes presents a scene like a kaleidoscope, with irregular but aesthetically pleasing geometric figures forming a high-speed rotating array.

The giant spirit drove over blindly, trying to smash the black knight's barrier again with its waving palm, but unexpectedly, the palm touched the center of the six-sided equilateral triangle pointing to the hexagon, and the twisted center was concave downward. It sucked its huge palm into it, and then stirred its palm into crushed mud like a juicer, continuously splashing out azure blue crystal shards.

Presumably it didn't expect that the ants in its eyes would fight back again, hugging its arms and screaming thousands of times, creating a very unpleasant noise.

"It's not that I'm bragging, I really think my control ability is very good."

Right now I'm using the Black Knight's mask, and there's no rule that I can't incorporate other people's features at this time, so I'm using the mirrorer's mask, which I haven't fully read yet.

One person with thousands of faces allowed me to fuse the two different abilities of barrier and mirror image, and I realized that I used the singularity of their respective abilities to form a very powerful effect.

However, doing so will also bring many negative effects. One person who was on the verge of going berserk unstoppably read the consciousness of the people nearby, and it was like a torrential rain mixed with thoughts in his ears.

Facts have proved that even if someone is given time to read everyone's consciousness, he will definitely not be able to hear anyone's mind amidst the chaotic piano sounds intertwined with countless thoughts, and even his own thoughts will be disrupted.

I clenched my right hand tightly, trying to sink my nails into the flesh of my palm, my left hand covered my forehead due to the dizziness coming from the depths of my consciousness, and my five fingers resting on my hair clasped my skull hard, trying to stop it. Rain of thoughts.

"Hey! I just wanted to compliment you, don't pretend to be dead! Hey, hey! Are you okay?"

Charte's voice seemed to be separated from the two sides, and I vaguely felt a cold hand brush my forehead, then I took my arm and gently pushed me against her body.

"What are you doing?" I opened my eyes, and my sight focused on the mole at the corner of her eye.

"If the master doesn't like it, you can push me away at any time."

"Are you embarrassing me on purpose?"

Even if I want to do this now, I don't have the strength to push her away.

Her seductive eyes were fixed on me tightly, and with an itchy breath, she lightly moved from my eyes to my mouth, and after seeing all of me, her eyes returned to my eyes, which made me feel unnatural.

"Your skin is a bit dry ~ don't stay up late in the future. And even boys sometimes need to use facial cleanser."

At this time, my line of sight was actually very close to the thing she "suspiciously mentioned", almost to the extent that I could touch it by turning my head slightly.

"Wait, I need to ask you—are you implying me?"

"What, what strange words are you talking about? The meaning is unclear."

The tea cat raised its thin eyebrows slightly, showing a confused face. It seems that I was the only one who thought of something strange.

However, this can be regarded as force majeure. The thoughts of other people keep breaking into my consciousness. In order to maintain my own sobriety, it is understandable to be a pervert once, right?

"Well, force majeure."

After all, I didn't leave myself any time to hesitate, and turned my head and buried it in her soft chest without doing anything. Tea Mao's cheeks were instantly covered with a faint blush, and his moist eyes were at a loss to avoid left and right.

"Hey, you're weird. Now's not the time to do something like that."

"It was you who asked me to use facial cleanser." In order to maintain a clear consciousness, I decided to follow through on the policy of perverting to the end.

"What... what do you mean? The meaning is unknown."

Charte folded his arms, and the five fingers of his right hand moved back and forth to catch his left arm as if he were playing a piano. He twitched his twitching right eyebrow, and finally even began to grit his teeth with a ferocious expression. Finally, he couldn't bear it and said:

"Hey! You two! It's almost ready!"

The giant spirit not far away stared angrily at his smashed arm, and his mood became more and more unstable. He had stopped attacking for a long time and was not ready to attack again. .

Now around the giant spirit, there are only a large number of evil spirits gathered near the number eight clock. In this way, the result of its actions can only be one kind, and it will help us to rescue the number eight clock from the predicament invisibly.

However, what I didn't expect was—from the black shadows that surrounded the people at clock number eight in a circle, dazzling wings of light sprang out and spread wantonly to both sides. In an instant, the eye-catching blue fire shot up into the sky, reflecting an extreme light in the crimson sky.

Whether it was Xue Xueer and the black cat, or Molutong, Leina, the general and the messenger, everyone was attracted by this change. After witnessing the scene where the Devourer's body swelled and exploded, the thoughts that came into my mind became surprisingly consistent—because everyone's reaction here was similar to that of astonishment.

"Hey, there's only one person on clock number eight who has the ability to manipulate flames, isn't that right?"

I trembled and tried to regain my voice. It's just that no one answered my question, and I actually know the answer to the question - the only person among them who can manipulate the flames is Jiang Cheng, and there is no other choice.

That being the case, then these crystal chips floating in the air and disappearing must be Jiangcheng.

If the genie had created the hurricane earlier, or if we had gotten here earlier, we might have caught up with this before it happened, but we ended up being one step too late, one step short.

The moment I realized this fact, the giant spirit that sucked out the hurricane also stopped screaming.

The evil spirit blowing near the giant baby seemed to be dust at the mercy of the wind, forming new wrists obediently, but the number seemed to be no more than the original one, which made its newly formed left hand appear somewhat transparent compared to the right hand.

Only the last third of the evil spirits who fought the clock eight remained. Even if there are only these evil spirits left, the injuries and exhaustion caused by their long attrition battle with a large number of evil spirits are still irreversible.

"How long can we last here... This is ours, the domination war—!"

A young man with bruises all over his body clasped his palms together, forming a gust of wind like a sharp blade, and shouted almost loudly.

At the same time, what came to my ears was the march composed of their thoughts intertwined.

"The dream madman summoned us lucid dreamers into the cracks of the dream to observe our cannibalism. Then they used the obsession of the dead to create evil spirits, and why?"

"Actually, I want to see the death of the rulers, right?"

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