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"None of them?"

Ye Shanshan asked suspiciously:"Brother, the mission will start in less than half an hour, is it too late for you to recruit now?"

"So we need this."

Ye Chen casually created a token with the sun, moon and stars carved on it, and in Ye Shanshan's eyes, it looked like it was taken out of the inventory.

Every fantasy player has an inventory, but the initial inventory only has six slots, which can store six items, so it is not as good as a space ring. The fantasy Three Kingdoms and the Heroic Spirit Continent do not have space rings now, so it is very inconvenient to collect supplies.

However, after the first chapter of Genesis is opened, the space ring will

"Brother, what is this?"Ye Shanshan asked

"This is the hidden benefit of the status list, see for yourself."Ye Chen casually threw the token to Ye Shanshan.

Star General Order: Only those who are on the status list and have amazing luck can use it to recruit star generals. The upper limit of one token is five people.

""Awesome luck?" Ye Shanshan held the token and looked at her brother in surprise.

It turned out that her brother had amazing luck.

"Don't be too surprised, it's nothing."

Ye Chen took back the white jade token and said in front of her:"Recruit generals!"

Instantly, the world channel:

"Ding, the player Fantasy Creation·Ye Tiandi, uses the General Star Order to recruit heroes from all over the world. Anyone who meets the conditions and is loyal to the Emperor can be pardoned for all crimes, posthumously conferred titles for three generations, provided with food and fullness, and can be conferred the title of General Star."

"Wow, what kind of item is this?"Instantly, a player noticed it.

"The Star Command seems very impressive, but why does it require the condition of providing food and shelter?"

"Haha, maybe it’s the bad taste of the Emperor of Heaven. I wonder what level of generals can meet the requirements of the Emperor of Heaven?"

"I think it should be at least Guan Ping Zhou Cang's level."

"I think Guan Ping and Zhou Cang are too weak, they should be at least at the level of Zhang Liao and Xu Huang"

"Maybe it's Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun."

"Why don't you talk about Lu Bu and Pan Feng?"

"Who is Pan Feng?"

"Even the unrivaled general Pan Feng didn't know that he was the only general in the Three Kingdoms who was on par with Lu Bu and was killed by Hua Xiong in three rounds."

"Bro, you are here to make people laugh!"


The players in the world channel were all laughing or watching, but they didn't take the Star Order too seriously.

It is very difficult for players to recruit the generals of the fantasy Three Kingdoms, and it has nothing to do with their personalities.

If it were so easy to recruit, China would have recruited a lot of high-level NPCs long ago.

In fact, the difficulty of recruiting is hell-level. Even if the top leaders and big consortiums of China are strong in themselves, have masters to support them, and are polite and courteous, and spend a lot of money, and even tell the NPCs some history and future in a vague way, it is difficult to recruit a third-rate NPC general.

Many people have concluded that there must be a problem here, but unfortunately they can't find the key to the problem.

However, the mystery will be announced by Ye Chen soon after the first chapter is opened.

In fact, the reason is very simple, there are only two factors. The first is the charm value. For players, the charm value is meaningless. No matter how charming the players or NPCs are, they can't make them loyal, but for NPCs, personal charm is extremely important.

Second, it is related to the setting. Players can see the attributes of NPCs, and NPCs can also see certain attributes of players.

Why didn't the NPC tell me? It's like when a player tells the NPC that he can see his attributes; the NPC will never tell the player's attribute.

However, Ye Chen used the Star Order to ask for the two attributes and conditions, and no one could refuse.

"Ding, 'Evil' Dian Wei becomes a star general under Emperor Ye Tian."

As expected, his star general order was responded to soon, and the players watching the world channel were stunned.

"Dian Wei, it's actually Dian Wei"

"My god, this is such a good recruit."

"This is a big bull that can rival Guan Yu and Zhang Fei"

"Great Emperor of Heaven, please accept my knees."

However, before the players could get excited, another prompt sounded.

"Ding, 'Tiger Crazy' Xu Chu becomes a star general under Emperor Ye Tian"

"Another top general!"

"Tiger Maniac, E Lai, Boss Cao is about to cry"

"There is no way. If it were me, I would also choose the Emperor of Heaven. The current Boss Cao cannot compare with the Emperor of Heaven."

"Well, Tianwai Hou + Youzhou Mu, there is really no comparison"

"Everyone, will Zhao Yun and Lu Bu join?"

""Just wait and see."

The players were looking forward to it, but in the end, no third person became a star general. This was somewhat unexpected to the players, but they thought that perhaps there was a limit to the recruitment of star generals, otherwise they would definitely have caught all the generals of the Three Kingdoms.

"Brother, it is indeed Xu Chu and Dian Wei."

Ye Shanshan could already see the figures of the two tiger generals in the silver beam of light falling from the sky.


Ye Chen nodded lightly. The upper limit of the Star Command is five people, so there must be at least five people who received the Star Command.

Now it seems that three people have refused.

A moment ago...


A young man in white clothes and silver armor was practicing with a spear in the snow.

Suddenly he frowned and said suspiciously:"Did I hear it wrong just now, or is it fate? But I haven't finished my training, so I won't show my ugliness."

Think about it, the young man gave up this opportunity to become a star commander.

Nanyang, Jingzhou

""Hit!" A middle-aged officer, with eyes as sharp as an eagle, drew his bow like a full moon and shot an arrow to kill a quasi-fifth-level eagle in the sky.

"I can give Xuer that child some nourishment tonight."

Watching the eagle fall, the middle-aged officer flashed a loving smile. As for the reminder in his ear, his son was sick, and he had no intention of making achievements.

In Jiangdong, there was also a young man practicing the Overlord Spear by the river. He had great ambitions and high aspirations, so he ignored the call of the generals.

So in the end, only Xu Chu and Dian Wei were sent from the silver light column.

"Dian Wei, I meet you, my lord.

After being teleported to the Youzhou City Lord's Mansion, Dian Wei put down the evil god's twin halberds behind him and knelt down to pledge his allegiance.

"That's right, you will be the captain of the guard of Youzhou Army from now on, the first general under my command, and the Han Dynasty will cancel the wanted order for you."

Ye Chen nodded. Dian Wei is about 30 years old now, and his strength has reached the peak. If it is a foot battle, Lu Bu may not be his opponent.

"Thank you, my lord." Dian Wei bowed his hands in gratitude. His loyalty is 99. Unless Ye Chen kills his whole family, he will not betray.

At this time, Xu Chu also arrived and said,"My lord, do you really provide food and shelter? I almost ate all the villagers in my hometown... and ate them into poverty."

Xu Chu, who was burly and strong, smiled foolishly, a little embarrassed. He was like a small meat mountain, carrying the huge Chiyou hammer, with an innocent smile on his face.

"Hahaha, that's inevitable."

Ye Chen looked at it and laughed. In the fantasy Three Kingdoms, Xu Chu's appetite is amazing.

Because Xu Chu's characteristics are: steel body, gluttony, and divine hammer! The gluttony characteristic destined him to have an amazing appetite. Why not Ye Chen specially add a condition of fullness and food.

By the way, Dian Wei's characteristics are: unyielding, evil, and crazy attack!

Both of them are LV59 generals, but Dian Wei is at his peak, so he is a few points stronger than Xu Chu. If both of them are at their peak, it is difficult to tell the winner. If they fight desperately, one will die and the other will be seriously injured.

"Xu Chu, listen to my orders. From now on, you will be the captain of the Tiger Guards and the second most powerful general under my command. Ye Chen said solemnly.

""It's my Lord!" Xu Chu dragged his fat body and half-knelt down with difficulty.

Seeing this, Ye Shanshan almost laughed. Xu Chu's body size made it really difficult for him to kneel down.

However, seeing Xu Chu's serious expression in order to swear allegiance, it was really awe-inspiring.

"Ye Chen nodded slightly. Xu Chu's loyalty was 100, which was the highest from the beginning. As expected, he was the kind of person who would become a die-hard fan once he served.

"Ding, the world mission is open, and qualified participants will be teleported to the battlefield of destiny!"

Just after the arrival of the star general, 24 hours have passed, and the large-scale world mission has begun!


PS: The author overestimated his typing speed, and only updated three chapters in the afternoon, but he will definitely finish the fourth and fifth chapters tonight, and upload the first chapter tomorrow at 12 o'clock. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Flylu Novel

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