Fantasy: Draw the Supreme Bone at the Start

Chapter 204 The boundless sea, the giant of chaos

Seeing Chu Xiao's thunderous tactics, he cut out the golden real dragon with one sword and broke the water dragon of Shangguan Yuluo.

The black-robed old man in the Holy Master Realm also had a solemn expression. Obviously, he had already seen through, Chu Xiao's strength was definitely more than just this.

This made the black robe old man couldn't help but change his complexion.

He wanted to protect Shangguan Yuluo's safety. The opponent's strength was so weird, if Shangguan Yuluo had three games and two stages.

In the realm of the Canghai Dao, the Great Emperor Styx will never spare himself-!

Thinking of this, the black-robed old man couldn't help trembling all over, staring at Chu Xiao with his hollow eyes.

And now Chu Xiao looked at Shangguan Yuluo with an indifferent expression.

If there is only this kind of strength, Shangguan Yuluo would be shocked.

Then Shangguan Yuluo was just a vain name.

Shangguan Yuluo is in the chaos, the famous Tianjiao, her strength has been recognized by many Tianjiao.

If Shangguan Yuluo was defeated at this time, then Chu Xiao would be too disappointed.

But perhaps Shangguan Yuluo knew that if he could only show such strength, Chu Xiao would definitely not buy it.

Shangguan Yuluo smiled coldly, and a strong killing intent suddenly appeared in his pupils.

After that, the long sword in his hand trembled slightly, and the next moment, a strong sword light suddenly burst out of the long sword in his hand!

With such a sword light, wherever it is plundered, the sea is cut off!

Seeing this sword light, Chu Xiao's mind also moved slightly.

Now he, looking at the long sword in Shangguan Yuluo's hand, naturally knows that this 80% is also an extraordinary treasure.

In this case, Shangguan Yuluo's strength would be too terrifying.

At least in terms of life and death.

With such a treasure, if Shangguan Yuluo's power of this long sword can be fully utilized, perhaps in the three thousand realms, there is really no one who can defeat Shangguan Yuluo in the realm of life and death.

However, all this is in front of Chu Xiao.

But it's nothing more than that.

In an instant.

Chu Xiao's mind moved, and the Wandi Sword in his hand shook suddenly.

A golden sword light burst out.

In the next moment, the sword light enveloped a layer of infinite silence!

There was a smug expression on Chu Xiao's face.

This sword of his own blended into the nirvana power of the nirvana cave sky.

Not only that, but he has also integrated into the Immortal Emperor's Divine Art, which makes this power of nirvana directly metamorphose!

In an instant, where the sword light swept, the sea transformed into chaos.

The heaven and the earth seem to gradually regress into chaos.

Seeing Chu Xiao's sword, possessing such power, Shangguan Yuluo was also shocked.

She has never seen it before, there can be someone who can break through her own realm of the ocean.

The power that Chu Xiao showed now also shocked Shangguan Yuluo.

When Shangguan Yuluo faced such a force, for a moment, he was shocked.

At this time, the black-robed old man clenched his hands into claws, as if he had already seen through Shangguan Yuluo, it seemed that he could not stop the blow at all!

In the eyes of the black-robed old man, the so-called blocking the emperor's emperor skill is not worth mentioning in the face of Shangguan Yuluo's life!

He has to shoot almost anytime!

However, in this moment.

Shangguan Yuluo bit his teeth, and the long swords in his hand, ten holes in the sky behind him, the light burst!

Waves surged out of Shangguan Yuluo's body.

She clenched the long sword tightly, and the place where the sword light reached, all turned into a sea.

The Canghai Realm seemed to have come alive at this time.

Thousands of sea water, blended together, seems to obey all the dispatches of Shangguan Yuluo!

In the realm of the sea, it seems that Shangguan Yuluo is the general.

And the sea water between heaven and earth is all soldiers that Shangguan Yuluo can dispatch!

The sea suddenly rose, turned into a thousand sharp blades, and flew towards Chu Xiao!

And the sword energy that Chu Xiao cut out, with the power of extinguishment, fell in the thousands of sea water blades at this time.

In an instant, countless sharp blades were destroyed!

"So strong!"

Shangguan Yuluo shook suddenly.

She had never thought that this so-called Chu Xiao could now burst out with such power.

In this sword aura, the power of extinguishment enveloping, even Shangguan Yuluo, is also very afraid of the power above.

This kind of power is still terrifying in front of Shangguan Yuluo.

Shangguan Yuluo faced this sword, as if she had no power to parry.

Looking at Ji Mie Jian Qi, Chu Xiao smiled coldly.

This sword of one's own, the power of the package, it can be said that almost no one can stop it.

Because the power in it is the power of dying that is integrated into the Immortal Emperor's Divine Art.

If you don't want to stop, the power of extinguishment in it can almost kill everyone!

At this time, Shangguan Yuluo seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the matter.

If she doesn't play all the cards, maybe this one will lose!

In an instant, Shangguan Yuluo took out a piece of jade pendant.

With a click.

Suddenly crushed.

The colorful rays of sunshine enveloped Shangguan Yuluo's body at this time.

Afterwards, Shangguan Yuluo Jian pointed at Jieli Jianguang.

The colorful rays of light flocked to the sword of dying in an instant.

In an instant, the sword light of nirvana was directly obliterated by the colorful glow.

And when the colorful rays of light swallowed the sword light of nirvana.

It also disappears gradually.

At this time, Shangguan Yuluo's face showed a trace of pain.

After all, the value of this jade pendant is not low.

In the face of Chu Xiao, this jade pendant was actually used, which Shangguan Yuluo had never thought about.

But at this time, as long as you can defeat the person in front of you and a treasure, what's the problem?

At this time, Shangguan Yuluo's face showed a hint of excitement.

After all, the one who can push oneself to this point, in the same realm, since childhood, there is almost only Chu Xiao!

At this time, Shangguan Yuluo's face showed a strong sense of war.

She has seen countless so-called Tianjiao, but in the end, those so-called people who say they are Tianjiao.

Being able to survive one's own move is already surpassing an ordinary challenger.

Even people who can fight with themselves 50-50 are extremely rare.

Twelfth, it can last a while.

But there is still no one who can really defeat him.

However, Chu Xiao at this time, his strength can be said to have shocked Shangguan Yuluo.

It was the first time that Shangguan Yuluo had to use life-saving magic weapon to block the opponent's attack.

Seeing Shangguan Yuluo's magic weapon, helped her block the fatal blow.

Chu Xiao also smiled slightly.

He still didn't expect that Shangguan Yuluo still had such a method.

However, even if Shangguan Yuluo didn't use this magic weapon, Chu Lei would withdraw this attack.

Click to the end, that's enough, after all, this is just a test.

If you really kill Shangguan Yuluo, I'm afraid the black-robed old man behind her will instantly wipe out himself.

Chu Xiao is still very clear about his position.

Although he is one of the three thousand realms, in the Tiannan realm, his position is extremely noble.

But in front of the emperor of nine days and ten places, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Although there are only four great emperors in the nine heavens and ten places of the Canghai Dao.

But these four great emperors are far better than the eight great emperors in the three thousand realms.

After all, the fighting power of each of these four great emperors is extraordinary.

The Great Emperor Ruyi was just like a child in a blessing in front of them.

That is, only the strongest star picker can contend against one or two.

But it is not an opponent at all.

Chu Xiao is not very afraid of the identity of the opponent being the eldest daughter of the Great Emperor Styx.

However, it is better to be more serious.

Shangguan Yuluo looked at Chu Xiao, with an expression of excitement on his face, and then said to Chu Xiao: "You can force me to this point. It can be said that you are the first person. I am naturally and will not It’s too ugly for you to lose."

Having said that, Shangguan Yuluo was ready to use his strongest blow to directly defeat Chu Xiao.

Moreover, she also knew that she would not be able to save her life a second time.

Therefore, Shangguan Yuluo is also certain that he still has to exert his full strength.

Her blade shook in an instant, forming a seal with one hand, and in an instant, a ray of light burst from behind Shangguan Yuluo.

At this time, Shangguan Yuluo's pupils seemed to reflect the entire ocean.

The four floating buildings continued to oscillate, exuding a strong light.

The light reflected on Shangguan Yuluo's body. At this moment, Shangguan Yuluo seemed to have been integrated with the entire sea.

Her every move seems to be involved in this sea. Such power almost shocked Chu Xiao slightly.

"Such a terrifying ability!"

Chu Xiao couldn't help sighing.

The water of the sea twisted together, and instantly turned into a huge waterspout.

Shangguan Yuluo condensed into a sword finger with one hand, and the waterspout suddenly turned into a giant sword!

The huge blade, like a small star, seemed impossible to stop. Chu Xiao also felt terrifying power from the huge sword.

...For flowers...

The sword body of the giant sword trembled slightly. At this time, in the sea, countless forces gathered, and the ten-hole sky behind Shangguan Yuluo was constantly shaking.

Shangguan Yuluo smiled indifferently, and said: "I have cultivated the three emperor methods, and the power that merged together, although it is not in the state of the king, but it can be the king!"

The voice just fell.

The sword body shook abruptly, and then the huge sword slashed towards Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiao also felt the terrifying power coming from it. Facing Shangguan Yuluo's huge sword, Chu Xiao also felt very dangerous!

"Long heard = among the nine heavens and ten places, the eldest daughter of the Great Emperor Styx, Shangguan Yuluo, is unparalleled in strength, and has never met an opponent. I always thought that I was in vain, but I didn't expect that when I saw it today, it was extraordinary.

Chu Xiao said calmly.

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Xiao waved his hand slightly, and directly put the Wandi Sword into his spiritual ruins.

Seeing Chu Xiao actually retracted his Wandi Sword, Shangguan Yuluo was taken aback, not knowing what trick Chu Xiao would use next.

However, Shangguan Yuluo doesn't seem to know, Chu Xiao's true power, in fact, Chu Xiao, his true strength, can definitely make Shangguan Yuluo more than fearful!

A faint smile appeared on Chu Xiao's face.

Subsequently, the power of Chaos Cave Sky continued to condense.

Chaos Treasure!

Countless powers of chaos poured into Chu Xiao's body.

The power of the eleventh cave sky with no one before and after no one can not be underestimated!


At this moment, Chu Xiao's power is rapidly expanding!

Chu Xiao's body suddenly turned into a huge Chaos Giant, standing in the sea, it seems that the power is almost unstoppable!

This seemingly boundless sea, in front of the Chu Xiao chaotic giant at this time, is nothing more than a stream.

Chu Xiao's body, the infinite power evolution, the power of the Immortal Emperor's magic arts, was activated to the extreme by Chu Xiao, and in an instant, Chu Xiao's body was wrapped in a bright glow.

On the body of the chaotic giant, countless lines appeared, surrounding the body of the chaotic giant, and began to continuously rotate, bursting out a burst of bright light.

Chu Xiao stabbed his heart to death, and in the spirit ruins, the Wandi Sword trembled slightly.

Then he rushed out of his body, his figure instantly expanded countless times, and was directly held in the hand by the giant chaos giant.

At this moment, in front of the Chaos Giant, it seemed that the entire Canghai Palace was nothing more than that.

The huge blade that Shangguan Yuluo summoned before Chu Xiao's eyes seemed to be only this level.

In Chu Xiao's eyes, it is impossible to hurt a single hair on him.

In front of Chu Xiao's eyes, there was a glimmer of light, and the opponent's ability was nothing more than that in his own eyes.

Now that it is like this, it is time for me to show my true strength.

Looking at the giant Chaos Giant, Shangguan Yuluo's eyes trembled. She had never thought that Chu Xiao still had this kind of power.

At this time, Chu Xiao's power was so terrifying in Shangguan Yuluo's eyes. Shangguan Yuluo hadn't even thought that Chu Xiao would possess such terrifying power!

At this time, Shangguan Yuluo seemed to finally feel the crisis. At this moment, Shangguan Yuluo also sensed the horror of the opponent's strength.

The black-robed old man saw the huge Chaos Giant and took a deep breath of cold air.He didn't expect that Chu Xiao in the life and death realm could burst out such a powerful force!

The black-robed old man's expression turned serious. If Chu Xiao really endangered Shangguan Yuluo's life, he would definitely take action without hesitation.

Kill Chu Xiao directly!

The Wandi Sword in the hands of the Chaos Giant shook slightly, and then suddenly slashed out.

Shangguan Yuluo summoned, and the huge blades gathered by the sea, in front of Chu Xiao's Wandi Sword, were like a concubine shaking a tree, and they could not endanger Chu Xiao's hair at all.

In an instant, this giant sword was directly cut into two pieces by Chu Xiao's Wandi Sword.

After that, the Wandi Sword didn't mean to stop at all, and directly slashed towards Shangguan Yuluo.

When Shangguan Yuluo saw the huge Wandi Sword, his heart trembled.

At this moment, the Wandi Sword exuded a black dying power in an instant.

Then he merged with the power of the Supreme Bone and Immortal Emperor Divine Art, became extremely tyrannical, and slashed towards Shangguan Yuluo.

In the face of Chu Xiao's attack, Shangguan Yu fell for a while, and he couldn't believe that Chu Xiao could use such a fierce attack!

Seeing this scene, the black-robed old man squeezed his sword fingers with one hand and stared cautiously at Shangguan Yuluo. Son,

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