Fantasy: Draw the Supreme Bone at the Start

Chapter 609 Keep it hidden, go deeper!

Song Zhiyi and several others also came to Chu Xiao.

They felt their surroundings now, and they were relieved.

Because there is nothing worthy of their attention around, and there is no breath.

That is indeed the case, there is no other danger here.

Of course they are very happy at this time.

After all, the danger has been eliminated, so of course it can be quiet.

Apart from this, there is no need to think about other things.

Because I also know that this kind of thing is also a good thing for them.

What should happen next, then you can discuss it.

After all, there is nothing else here.

Then even if they stay here for a while, there will be no problem.

So of course they feel that it is necessary to discuss it.

Because we didn't discuss the issue of "297", we just moved forward directly and rashly.

It may also become a big problem.

"Chu Lei, you really made a profit this time. You even got the Qilin Pearl. It really made me feel good about Jiang Mu."

Song Zhiyi smiled and said something now.

Of course there is some Jiang Mu in his heart.

Because of the strength that Chu Xiao showed before, he felt a little shocked.

If he had the strength of Chu Xiao, he wouldn't be able to just watch it.

So I can only envy it in my heart. As for other things, he doesn't have any other ideas.

After all, at this time, I can only say so now.

Chu Xiao really surprised him.

Being able to have such strength is of course also a super evildoer.

Putting it on other people, perhaps he will not see such strength.

Of course, the existence of Chu Xiao belongs to the kind of top evildoer.

He was very clear in his heart.

So looking at Chu Xiao, there is also some emotion in my heart.

If he had a talent like Chu Xiao, he might be secretly happy.

Of course, it's useless to say these now.

After all, he does not have this talent, nor is he as enchanting as Chu Xiao.

Although his Cultivation Base is still passable, but in terms of strength, it is not as good as Chu Xiao.

So I didn't think about other things.

This matter can only be thought of in my heart.

As for the others, he didn't dare to think about it at all.

So after I said this, I didn't do anything else.

Because he wants to take a look, other people will say something.

After all, they discussed a lot before.

For them, Chu Xiao really made their eyes shine, and at the same time, they felt very shaken in their hearts.

The Cultivation Base, which is the same as them, was able to explode far beyond their strength.

Such a person, if you can get to know and make a friend, maybe it's really good.

So he thought so in his heart.

However, a genius like Chu Xiao might not have this idea.

Of course he also felt a bit pity for such a thing.

But this has not happened yet, so I still have some expectations in my heart.

But this matter cannot be said.

Because what is said is meaningless.

At this time, I put it in my heart and didn't mention it.

Although they have discussed it before, they all know that this kind of thing does not need to be said.

All this is a joint decision of these few of them, and they all have the same idea.

Now everyone hasn't said it, and he won't say it.

Chu Xiao can treat them as friends, which is of course the best.

If it doesn't work, it's not bad to get to know each other.

At this time, he naturally wouldn't think about other things.

Because of everything now, he is already very satisfied.

There is no need to think about other things.

After thinking about it for a while, Song Zhiyi's face was also full of smiles.

This time, he was already satisfied to see Chu Xiao showing such amazing strength.

"Strong, it's really too strong. You guys are really hidden. We didn't see that you are so strong before. It seems that you still have some reservations before. I am very curious about you. What will happen to his true strength?"

Ouyang Jian stared at Chu Xiao at this moment and said.

There is a look in his eyes.

It's just that I can't see it now, so I can only guess in my heart.

In his opinion, Chu Xiao should be stronger.

When dealing with Kylin before, it did not use real strength...

Then his true strength should be stronger than at that time.

But because of reservations, he couldn't let him see it.

This point is also very clear in his heart.

After saying this, Ouyang Jian laughed.

I think it is really a good thing to be able to pull Chu Xiao in this time.

And now they are of course a lucky group.

With a figure of Chu Xiao's level, it certainly helps them a lot.

So with such assistance, what happens next to them, Chu Xiao will definitely be able to help a lot.

Then they will face less danger.

In this way, how can this kind of thing make him unhappy?

Therefore, there is some secret joy in my heart now.

For them, Chu Xiao's joining this time also raised their combat effectiveness to a higher level.

If something dangerous happens next, maybe a few of them can really deal with it.

Then he is also full of expectations for the next step.

If more benefits can be encountered later, they will definitely gain something too.

Even if most of the benefits were taken by Chu Xiao, he wouldn't think there was anything.

After all, Chu Xiao is the strongest among them, and he will definitely contribute the most by then.

Of course, there won't be any problems if you divide it in this way.

Several of them had also discussed secretly before.

So it is known that they will not have any opinions on the distribution of 1.8.

Because their thoughts are already unified, naturally they will not worry about others.

If we can go deeper, maybe this is also a good thing.

Of course, we still need to discuss it now.

If you don't discuss what you should do next, maybe that won't work.

Although Chu Xiao is their leader, of course they want to ask about it.

If you have anything at that time, you can also make comments.

But the final decision will still be in Chu Xiao's hands.

This point, none of them will have any problems, and they have already said it before coming over.

Now Ouyang Jian didn't think about it anymore.

When things came to this time, he felt very satisfied, and there was nothing else to say. .

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