The cultivator of the Five Tribulations True Wonderland Cultivation Base of Evil Shadow who is in charge of suppressing the formation seems to be a success, and the role of this formation is also limited for the rest of the strong.

At the moment, he no longer continued to hold the line, but began to enter the market for this final harvest.

"This is the end of the matter, and we should join hands...I'll be the first!"

"Two of them in the Five Tribulations Realm will be handed over to me!"

Before Yuxu's Heavenly Sword stepped on, the Heavenly Sword Realm swept up and dragged the two Five Tribulations Realm powerhouses of Xie Ying into Realm.

"Then leave the other two to me!"

The strong Cang Yan also pulled the two Five Tribulations Realm strong into the scope of own spell without showing any weakness.

"I still have no problem dealing with one, he will help if I solve it!"

Li Shan's body swelled with the wind, and with the power of the dragon elephant, he slew towards the last remaining Five Tribulation Realm powerhouse.

"Then compare each other to solve the opposite first."

"These evil cultivators under the Five Tribulations Realm are left to us."

Seeing that all the powerhouses in the Five Tribulations Realm of the Evil Shadow Fang were restrained, the other cultivators with slightly lower combat power also used their own full strength.

"Heaven and earth are discs, and all beings are sons 々¨!"

"The fire of life, the flame of death, the flame of the heart, the flame of the soul, all fires are called!"

"Heaven and earth are boundless, the universe is borrowed from the law, the sky is the gangway, the earth is the evil, the souls die!"


As the forces of several parties performed the immortal method of pressing the bottom of the box one by one, the evil cultivation in this area changed in every way.

One by one, the restriction, weakening, and imprisonment made their combat power drop to the bottom at once, and the various attacks that followed made them hurriedly use their own magic to resist.

"The return of ten thousand souls!"

"Scent of blood!"


Once the evil cultivator's immortal technique was deployed, it was an endless ghost, a sea of ​​blood, and the gu worms all over the sky made people feel a rash.

This piece of heaven and earth seemed gloomy under the influence of the evil shadow's fairy law, and the bloody souls made people feel like they were in the legendary The Underworld.

However, although Xie Xiu's combat power was amazing, it was still slightly inadequate compared to the Tianjiao cultivated by these forces, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"The eye is a sword, the heart is a sword, I am a sword!"

Countless horror Sword Qi erupted from the Heavenly Sword, and the invisible Sword Qi from his eyes and thoughts was even more unpredictable. It was just a face-to-face. Two evil cultivators who were not familiar with this way fell into the Five Tribulations Realm. In the wind, his body was struck by the strong Sword Qi from time to time.

"One turn to gather spirits!"

"Second Turn Burning Flame!"

"Third Rank Yanlong!"

"Fourth revolution burns blood!"

"Ranking five burns out!"

"Ranking Six Fire Phoenix!"

The strong Cang Yan used the immortal magic to its limit as soon as he shot, he didn't dare to hold it big, he saw that he was divided into two parts while manipulating the flame dragon and fire phoenix, staggering two Five Tribulations realm evil cultivators.

Under Cang Yan's strong flame of restraint against evil cultivation, the two Five Tribulations realm evil cultivation were also restrained, unable to exert their strongest combat power.

This extremely high-temperature flame and the flexible control of the Cang Yan strong, the two add up as if (Li's) had undergone a qualitative change. The mark did not fall under the wind.

On Li Shan's side, the evil cultivation of the Five Tribulations Realm had no backhand power, and was constantly knocked into the air by Li Shan's strong power.

The cultivator of the Five Tribulations Realm was shocked at first by Li Shan, who directly ignored his spell attacks, thinking that he was going to die with him, and fell to this point after missing the opportunity to distance himself. .

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