After making these preparations, the sense of crisis in Qin Luo's heart has not diminished in the slightest.

Qin Luo frowned, waved his hand, one by one clone walked into the life restricted area.

But the weird thing is that after encountering the gray fog, the avatars are like mud cows entering the sea, and there is no sound.

Even the ties to the other methods of freedom are broken.

Watching these avatars enter this weird forbidden zone one by one, disappear in the mist-.

This makes Qin Luo inevitably question the strength of own.

What is it that can make the own clone lose contact without knowing it?

Or is it a special law in the restricted zone of life?

But when he thought that Wang Nuolin was now ignorant of life and death, Qin Luo could only bite the bullet with a sense of great crisis, and personally entered this restricted area of ​​life to investigate.

Just stepping into this restricted zone of life, Qin Luo felt a life-and-death crisis.

The attack from nowhere fell on Qin Luo, knocking Qin Luo directly out of the restricted life zone.

An extremely powerful attack, even at this moment, the powerful defensive power of Qin Luo's Demon God's body couldn't resist, and he was immediately knocked out for several miles.

The invisible attack made Qin Luo not even find out where to attack own Sacred.

He could only quickly run the immortality power, stabilize his own injury, and at the same time start with the double swords, the Emperor Luo Zhongtong and the Qiqiao Linglong Heart Eyes constantly scanned the surroundings, maintaining vigilance.

After a stalemate for a while, and seeing no one responding, Qin Luo realized that it was a warning from the restricted zone of life just now.

At the moment, he didn't continue to move on, and instead recovered his injuries on the spot.

After a while, Qin Luo recovered and looked at the restricted life zone again, trying to enter again.

After he was urged by the method of transforming freedom, Qin Luo became Kunpeng, and after the Kunpeng treasure was performed, Qin Luo's speed was ascension to the extreme.

Yin & Yang rebelled against chaos, Kunpeng changed, soaring for ninety thousand miles!

Qin Luo wanted to use extreme speed to forcibly enter the restricted zone of life!

Fast to the extreme speed, tearing apart the space and cracks, the powerful celestial force fluctuations have been interfering with the self-healing of the space.

Qin Luo carried the rapid air blast and the power of tearing apart the space, and once again rushed into the life restricted zone.

What he never expected was that the reaction in the restricted zone of life this time was even more violent than the last time.

The invisible attack came out of it with an extremely powerful force. Qin Luo snorted and flew out faster than ever.

·········Ask for flowers·····

Qin Luo's whole body was as if he was hit by a sledgehammer. A mouthful of Blood Essence was ejected, and the blood burst throughout his body. Even the bones were mostly shattered. The blood spurted Qin Luo into a bloody person.

A message also appeared in Qin Luo's mind.

Non-immortal king can not enter!

...... .......

Qin Luo realized that what those people were saying was true after being hit hard.

The life forbidden zone has an invisible guardian, only promotion to the fairy king is qualified to enter, there is no other way.

Qin Luo was hit hard at the moment and there was no way, but he could only cultivate and recover from his injuries here while waiting quietly.

Waiting for the start of the flat peach feast.

For the cultivator, one month is just a matter of meditation and cultivation for an instant.

After all, in the cultivation state, it is hard to feel the passage of time.

But after Qin Luo's pre-set time came, the throbbing from Divine Sense made Qin Luo exit the cultivation state.

Exhale a long breath, feeling the ample power in his body, the injury that has completely recovered. Down.

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