Treasures of the strong in Samsara.

It is complete, and it is personally opened by such a powerful person.

I am afraid that any Tianjiao will be crazy and ecstatic!

Qin Luo's eyes were calm and natural.

His heavy pupils slowly swept around, and pieces of precious treasures were placed on the green wooden frame.

"Tianbao, Jiulong Killing the Sword!"

"Nine-Rank Heavenly Pill, Psychic Ascendant Pill!"

"Nine-grade medicine, longevity fruit!"

"And... half of the incomplete holy relic!"


Qin Luo glanced over, a large number of items Baoguang wantonly.

The terrible pressure is released, but there is a light energy film to wrap it up, otherwise Qin Luo's current Cultivation Base is likely to be crushed by the air machine here.

Look around these treasured items that are overflowing with light and are obviously the most precious.


Qin Luo's clear and divine eyes landed on a puddle of red clay not far away.


The most common and common thing in the world.


It is placed here, in the treasure house of the Samsara realm.

Not unusual.

Get closer!

Use the means and touch gently.

Feel cold!

But at the moment of touching, Qin Luo's eyes fluctuated violently.

"Soul Thorough..."

"Cooling down!"

Qin Luo squinted his eyes.

"Liu Ran senior...I want to fight for this soil."

Qin Luo spoke without changing the color of his face.

But my heart has already moved. This soil is magical and has the power to soothe all discomforts.

It also shortens the cooling time of Qin Luo's practice.

This is extremely important for the current Qin Luo!


Liu Ran's old voice came.

Qin Luo used the palm of his hand to weigh it in half, but he did not take it all away. Such a choice is the way to behave.


Looking again, there is a Medicine Pill in the distance.

"Eight-Rank Medicine Pill, Boundary Pill!"

A message came.

Breaking the realm, the breakthrough realm, the invisible realm, and the tangible realm are all available, and to some extent they can be regarded as the nine-grade Medicine Pill.

Extremely precious!

Qin Luo pointed his finger and put it in his hand.

There is one last thing...

Qin Luo scanned the surroundings. Although there are many treasures, there is no suitable one.


Suddenly, a broken map caught Qin Luo's attention.

The broken map is exactly the same as the one obtained by Qin Luo in the Jiuyou secret realm.

Is part of it!

"One eighth of the Immortal Ascension. The Ancient Immortal Artifacts, the original true explanation, and eight pieces together, can be used as immortal artifacts and can solve the mystery of Immortal Ascension."

Qin Luo moved his finger and moved.

The fragments of the Wan Ling Tu fell into his hands.

"Qin Luo's friendly eyesight, these three items... are almost the most precious items in Yunxiao City."

Liu Ran's rickety figure appeared.

With a wry smile, Qin Luo looked a little helpless.

He thought to himself, are the eyes of those with heavy pupils so venomous?


Then he thought about it, afterwards, Sacred Land would compensate him, and he was now wondering how to ‘sell the price’.


Qin Luo leaves the cave.

Back to the place of own practice.

"Master Ding Long is the Seven Elder of the Sacred Land Criminal Law Department. He has always been harsh and unsmiling."

"Iron face, justice!"

"And the temper is weird, it cannot tolerate rebellion, let alone arrogance and arrogance!"

"Little friend Qin Luo... please pay attention."

When Qin Luo returned to the practice site, Liu Ran sent a voice message to ask a few points.


Qin Luo continues to practice!

The mysterious red clay spreads under the feet, emitting a faint mysterious clear light.

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Luo received Liu Ran's transmission.

"Little friend Qin Luo!"

"Master Ding Long is here."


Qin Luo did not open his eyes for the first time.


He has reached a certain key point in his practice.

95% of active cells!

Ninety percent of active cells!

Pill swallowed.


The speed of practice skyrocketed.

Ninety percent of active cells!

Ninety percent!

Ninety percent!

The Cultivation Base rioted, and the invisible force cracked the surrounding bluestone and mother gold.




in vivo.

It seems that there are countless stars shining, forming a star map.

The terrible Cultivation Base fluctuations surging and shaking like a storm.


In the sky, thunder appeared vaguely.



It seems that Tian Tian's eyes are fixed on something.


In the end it did not land.

Because he is still so short!


Qin Luo opened his eyes.

The cells in the body are shining and shining.

Ninety-nine percent of the active cells can be ignited only after the final tenth of a percent.

Become one of the few cultivators in Dongzhou’s history that can ignite all active cells!


Qin Luo's whole body is enveloped like fairy dust.

He is like a man in a dream, in a fairyland.

Next second!

Qin Luo's body moved!

Disappeared in an instant.

When he appeared, he saw a middle-aged man and City Lord Liu Ran.

Very serious and cold.

There seemed to be a thousand feet of Xuan Bing in his eyes.

It is far away and in awe.

at the same time!

Qin Luo felt a sense of terrible crisis and vastness a hundred times stronger than that of City Lord Liu Ran.

This is also a master of Samsara!

However, it is obvious that the Samsara state and the Samsara state cannot be compared.


Ding Long didn't say much.

With a stroke of the palm of his hand, he took Qin Luo away.

As Liu Ran watched the two leave, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed and said: "The First Son entered Sacred Land for the first time. He was too public and was imprisoned by Lord Ding Long for three months!"

"Qin Luo, the holder of the gold sticker, was half a day late, but easily revealed..."


Yunxiao City, the main square.

A space passage leads directly to a barren land.

The six rays of light illuminate the earth, and within it is a powerful person.

Sacred, solemn.

And above the square, millions of Tianjiao gathered.

There is a constant influx of people at this moment.



A ray of light appeared.

One big and one small.

If countless Tianjiao moved, they looked into the sky.

"who is it?"

The top Tianjiao with the seventh turn was surprised. .

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