Fantasy Family Simulator

Chapter 96 Busy in Deep Rock Fortress

"Of course there is. I once said that the pursuit of the level of spellcasting is endless. But I can't tell you the follow-up content yet!" Leiter stood up.

"Okay, then I will train hard and try to find out as soon as possible." Riley pouted.

"Come on! I like you!"

The father and son chatted for a while, and Tucker, Tadel, and Coors walked together from outside the training ground.

Tadel and Coors were smiling playfully. When they entered the door and saw Leiter, they immediately put on a respectful expression, "My lord, good afternoon!"

Tucker grinned and said with a smile: "Father, we have all mastered the phantom backtracking, and I am going to compete with the two of them!"

"It's a good thing to learn from each other." Leiter said with a smile: "I hope you can make some progress!"

"We will not only compete with Master Tucker, but also between me and Tadel." After Coors said, he glanced at Tadel provocatively, "I think... Tadel must have masochism, Losing to me last time was not enough, want to experience it again today?"

"Coors, last time I had diarrhea, I lost half a trick to you. This time you have to be mentally prepared, don't be beaten all over the place by me!" Tadel replied not to be outdone.

"Oh! My God, you can come up with such a lame excuse as 'diarrhea'!" Coors opened his mouth wide and said in an exaggerated tone: "I suggest you go to the toilet now, don't be about to lose later, Come up with such a ridiculous excuse again!"

"Impossible!" Tadel blushed slightly.

"No, it's very possible!"

Seeing the pair of good friends bickering again, Leiter smiled lightly and walked outside silently.

Tucker shouted from behind: "Father, don't you want to see my brilliant performance?"

"If you win, tell me at supper time.

If you lose, I will lose face! "

Leiter's voice floated from the front, and Tucker muttered unhappily: "Hmph, Father doesn't believe me, how could I lose?"

After finishing speaking, looking at Ruilai, who was still waiting in place, Tucker's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward and put his arms around his shoulders, "Ruilai still understands me, go, go in and watch me show my skills!"

Riley hesitated for a moment, then nodded and followed. He was also curious about what kind of scene it would be like to master the knight duel between the phantom backtracking.

Due to the deepest area, Franno and Lauryn are teaching archery.

In order not to disturb the ongoing training, the three only picked an open space in the middle area.

Tucker held the sword and shield in his hand, and lightly struck and collided, making a clear sound.

"You two, who will come first?"

Tadel thought for a while, and replied: "Master Tucker, why don't you let Coors and I decide the winner first, and then let the winner compete with you?"

"This is a good way." Tucker nodded, and the long sword hit the shield three times, urging: "Then hurry up, let the two of you compete first!"

A smile appeared on Coors's face, and he turned to look at his old partner, "Taddle, are you ready to lose to me?"

Tadel clenched his long sword tightly and shouted, "Coors, come here and get beaten!"

The two talked trash to each other, but the next moment, the eyes of the two suddenly became sharp, and they attacked each other's position!


Like two meteorites colliding, the slashing of the long sword burst out a little spark.

The two held swords in both hands and wrestled with each other, and the two fighting spirit rays of light complemented each other.

Through the light, both of them stared straight at each other!

Although it is not a life-and-death battle, but the bond between the two, they know each other very well, and they can think of the ridicule they will suffer in the future if they lose, so they have put out all their strength!

Tadel and Coors blushed, and the veins on their arms were exposed.

But after more than ten seconds of stalemate, no one's long sword overwhelmed the opponent.

In the end, the two bounced back, stabilized their figures, and rushed over quickly.

ding ding ding


The sound of clashing swords and shields was endless, and when the two were fighting fiercely, Tadel suddenly flashed red and circled behind Coors.

There was a strange smile on the corner of Coors's mouth, as if he had expected it, he also used phantom backtracking!

The red light intersected, and Coors appeared behind Tadel, "I knew you would come around behind me at this time! Admit defeat!"

While speaking, the long sword stabbed straight at the opponent's back.

At the same time, Coors is always paying attention, if the other party does not react in time, he will definitely stop in time!

The next moment, a voice sounded.

"The person who talks the most is often more likely to lose, don't you know?"

Immediately afterwards, Coors' eyes blurred, and Tadel's figure suddenly disappeared, and the long sword in his hand naturally disappeared!

A sense of crisis in his heart prompted Coors to turn behind him, but a shield slapped him horizontally, and the whistling wind set off waves.

However, at the moment of being about to hit, Coors' body flashed backward again.

Relying on the phantom backtracking, the two launched many attacks and dodged many times in a short period of time!

Rylai was almost dazzled by the sidelines. The two of them shuttled back and forth on the battlefield, and the speed they achieved was extremely rare among first-level knights.

Greatly improved the exciting level of learning!

"You despicable guy, you can only engage in sneak attacks!" Tadel spat.

Coors' eyes widened even more, "Good guy, you were the one who attacked first, but you still took a bite back."

After that, he raised his sword and rushed forward again.

half an hour later.

The sparring came to an end, the two were more than ten meters apart, looking at each other out of breath, with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

"Come here!" Coors hooked his hands.

"Why don't you come over, I'll be waiting for you here!" Tadel replied.

The physical strength of the two is exhausted, and whoever launches an attack will be more likely to fall into a passive position.

They knew it well and were waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Taddell, if you want to have diarrhea, admit defeat, and I'll let you go." Coors said with a smile.

"Coors, if you are dreaming, I can slap you awake." Tadel stood the long sword on the ground and propped himself up, trying to save his energy.

Seeing that both of them were in a bad state, and they moved their mouths instead of fighting, Tucker yelled dissatisfiedly: "Hey, who will win and who will lose, can you still fight me like this?

It's boring to be so tired, it's not worth the effort! "

Tucker sighed, turned his head to see the afterglow of the setting sun in the sky, rolled his eyes, and said, "You keep fighting, and the one who wins will compete with me next time, forget it today." After speaking, he headed towards training Run outside.

Riley touched his chin in surprise, looked at the sunset in the sky, and followed Tucker's reaction thoughtfully.

"Father, where is that mirror, take it out quickly, I want to learn the second level of phantom backtracking!"

Tucker hurriedly ran from the training ground all the way to the fifth floor of Deep Rock Castle, and yelled loudly when he came up.

"Father?" Tucker yelled again when no one responded.

"Stop making noise, your father is not deaf!" Leiter walked out of the aisle, rolling his eyes at Tucker helplessly, "I'm afraid I've said it ten thousand times, but you can't fix your loud voice.

I'm really worried that my grandson, Dick, will be yelled into a deaf man by you! "

Tucker scratched his head with a silly smile, "Hey, Father, Riley didn't copy down the second level of phantom backtracking before.

But the content of the first level has been mastered by me quite proficiently. Now that the sun is setting, the timing is perfect and it's time to learn the second layer! "

"Okay, wait a minute!"

Although Rhett complained about Tucker's recklessness, he was quite satisfied with his eldest son's energy and fighting spirit every day.

After going to the room, Leiter walked out of the passage again, and put the mirror in front of the window, on the carpet ten meters away.

Suddenly, the familiar scene reappeared.

A piece of red light reflected on the ceiling, refracting densely packed words and patterns.

Riley sat on a chair by the fireplace, started writing quickly, and leaned over the table to start copying.

Tucker stood there, observing intently.

Lines of words flashed into his mind, making every cell in his body tense. After comprehending the content of the second floor, Tucker soon felt that something was wrong.

Unlike the last time I tried quickly, this time I stood in place for a long time.

Leiter sat on the soft chair and saw Tucker with thick eyebrows and big eyes frowning tightly, his steps seemed to move, but he stopped.

Such a tangled situation lasted for half an hour.

It wasn't until the sun went down that the afterglow of the wandering world was taken away, and the room seemed a little drowsy.

Beads of sweat appeared on Tucker's broad forehead, his eyes seemed to be dull, and he said shortly, "It's too difficult...too difficult..."

Ruilai closed the notebook in his hand. The content of this martial art is complicated, densely packed with patterns and words. Only his painting level in the family is good enough to be qualified for this job.

Even so, what he just transcribed was less than one-tenth of it.

He stepped forward and touched Tucker on the shoulder, "Come on, sit down first and rest for a while."

"Huh." Tucker sat down and took a deep breath.

After Tucker calmed down, Leiter asked, "Looking at your performance, the second floor seems to be much more difficult?"

"Hmm!" Tucker's eyes flashed solemnly, and he said, "The difficulty has been doubled! The route of combat energy operation is much more complicated than that of the first layer, and the operation method is also different. Although I just realized it a little, the distance is completely Master, there are still one hundred and eight thousand miles."

"What about its effect?" Reilly asked.

"The effect of the second level... seems to be able to mark the fighting spirit and hit any position." Tucker thought about it and said, "But it seems that there are many restrictions. I haven't read it just now, so I can't explain the specific effect."

"But one thing is for sure. Although the second layer is difficult, after mastering it, it will definitely be much better than the first layer!" Tucker patted his chest confidently.

"That's great!" Leiter tapped his fingers on the table, making a thumping sound, and said in a deep voice, "If it's true as you said, you can hit the fighting skill mark at any position, and it will be completely solved. You can only walk along the path. The path that has been passed creates a rapid shortcoming.

This is of great significance in actual combat! "

Rilai nodded in agreement, thinking of the scene where Tadel and Coors frequently used phantom backtracking this afternoon when they exchanged ideas.

He secretly thought: "If it is not restricted, how strong is this fighting skill?"

Five days passed in a flash.

The morning of June 6th.

It was just dawn, and the castle of Deep Rock Fortress was running at high speed up and down.

The housekeeper, Sveta, is very busy inside and out.

"Leo, you and Bella quickly sprinkle these petals on the passage on the left." Sveta, the housekeeper, handed two baskets decorated with colorful petals to the young servant, "Remember, it must be spread evenly. , you go to the end first, the border with the vice castle, and then sprinkle while retreating, don't step on the petals!"

As soon as Leo and Bella put down the two boxes of red wine, they took a flower basket from Sveta's hand and said earnestly: "Understood, Mr. Sveta." Then they hurried to the end of the aisle!

"Slow down, don't shake the petals!" Anxious Sveta ordered, and went to the kitchen again, "Ms. Maru, I know that today's task is difficult, so I ordered Bertha and Tinian to assist today. Your work, but what about their figures?"

"Mr. Housekeeper, I'll ask them to ask Master Ruilai for some ice cubes. I have a lot of micro-processed ingredients on hand, which need to be frozen for several hours." Maru turned his back to the kitchen door, and took it from the closet hanging on the wall A stack of plates.

Suddenly, Maru slipped and lost his balance, shaking back and forth.

When she was about to scream, a pair of big hands behind her pushed her tightly.

Maru hugged the plate and stabilized himself, making sure it didn't fall to the ground. After putting it down, he patted his chest, "Oh, it's so dangerous!"

"Thank you, Mr. Sveta!" Maru turned around and said with a smile, "You haven't had breakfast yet? I have a few pieces of cheese here, you might as well fill your stomach."

"No need, just be careful yourself." Sveta still had a lot of things to do, so he didn't want to say more. After giving an order, he hurried to the hall and stared at Shar, who was placing decorations on the dining table, until they were all finished and there were no omissions. Then he nodded in satisfaction.

Walking out of the castle, a gust of autumn wind toppled his hat.

Sveta was startled, jumped lightly, quickly grabbed the hat with his left hand, and looked at the dark clouds in the sky with a frown, "Oh, why isn't the weather more cooperative? Today is obviously a day of great joy..."

He came to the gardener maid who was cutting flowers and plants, "Rachel, it's a bit windy today, always pay attention to the fallen leaves on the ground and the garbage that comes from nowhere!"

Rachel with her ponytail turned her head, her eyes brightened, and said, "Okay, Mr. Sveta!"

The sound of the wheels rolling pulled Sveta's gaze.

A horse pulled a wooden cart into the manor, and George stopped by the rein.

Immediately there were six entourages, who lifted the milk in the car and transported it to the direction of the castle, with extremely quick movements.

"Ellie, you can take a good rest. You can leave the work of carrying the milk to other people." Sveta noticed that among the six followers, the shortest one was recognizable at a glance even though his hair was shaved short. out.

Ellie, holding the milk bucket in both hands, smiled, "Mr. Sveta, I volunteered for help. Today is an important day for Riley, and I must participate!"

"Hoho, what a sensible child." Sveta praised with a smile.

2 in 1, long wait

The words of thanks are in the author's words, you can see them in just one page

Thank you Linyuan Xianyu丨It’s better to retreat and embrace the 2 monthly tickets voted by your boss

Thanks for the two monthly tickets voted by Mr. Fengkuangya

Thanks for secretly watching the 1 monthly ticket voted by the big guy

Thanks to the seventeen big guys for voting for a monthly ticket

Thanks for the two monthly tickets voted by Hun ah Hun ah

Thanks to Mr. Miescher for voting for 2 monthly tickets

Thank you ~ Mu Shang ~ the 100 starting coins rewarded by the boss

Thanks for the dark and violent reward of 100 starting coins

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