And in the face of such existence, he is like an ant. After all, looking at that charming and beautiful face, he can see that the beautiful girl's bone age was only about a few hundred years, not like him who is almost a thousand years old and is only at the early stage of the Great Transcendent Realm.

This kind of strength at this age means that she also has a profound background, and there must be many of her companions with great strength.

Thinking of this, the black-clothed old man was nervous and said humbly as to try to figure out the situation.

"Your excellency, this..."

However, before he could ask as to why the girl interfered in this battle, he saw the girl wave her hand lightly and a tremendous spiritual flow disintegrated all the bones of the old man leaving only the bad stench of blood and flesh.


Seeing this, all the people gasped a mouthful of cold air, and their hair straightened with fright. Such indifference and cruelty, made them feel creepy.

On the other hand, watching all this, Yue Yanlin was also stunned and his heart felt a little scared. He didn't expect that such a beautiful girl would be so cruel, and with just a slight opening of his mouth, she would kill them.

This time with gratitude, Yue Yanlin was also a little nervous. What if this cruel beauty kills him whimsically? He has just come out of death's road, and he doesn't want to experience it again.

He was nervous in his heart and his body was trembling a little when a cold voice pierced his ears.

"You must have a good treasure to be chased by so many Transcendent and a Great Transcendent Realm Experts. I'll give you ten seconds to give it to me, otherwise, you'll have the same fate as them."

When Yue Yanlin heard this he was stunned for a while. He thought that this cruel beauty was saving him in the name of justice, but didn't expect that she saw some opportunity in him and helped to get that.

Sure enough! The world is cruel and everyone moves for their own interest.

However, how could Yue Yanlin say that they were chasing him because he was affectionate with the personal maid of the young master of the Yu family, not because he has any treasures?

If he said this, not to mention that if the cruel beauty will be annoyed, but she herself would kill him. After all, the Yu family is still the overlord of the Central Profound Realm. Even if one is a cruel person like this beauty they will jump with fright in the name of the Yu family.

So, he couldn't say anything for a while. His life and death depend on how he performs and he has to make it through this trouble with his life.

As a result, now he could only take out the treasure map that his master had left with him. But, he was really unwilling.

This is the last straw for him to ascend back to the heavens and gain strong strength. How could he be willing to give up this opportunity?

He gritted his teeth and said with a solemn expression.

"Miss, I don't have any treasures, but I do have a key to an ancient ruin that was left by a strong person whose realm was at the least Great Divine Saint."

Listening to this, a flash of surprise appeared on that cold and indifferent face, and she didn't expect Yue Yanlin to have such a treasure key.

Although the Great Divine Saint isn't too high to her background, but it's still a huge gain. And, if there is the inheritance of that Great Divine Saint, even her cultivation realm will increase further.

You know, inheritance is the left vitality that the strong person will leave behind, and this kind of vitality is too scarce because it contains the real-life force of the strong person. So, even the big families will drool over this kind of inheritance.

"You can leave it behind. For that, I can spare your life."

A cold voice came out of that pretty face, and the hair on Yue Yanlin's body straightened up. But, he is still a person who knows some pretending.

A look of solemnity flashed on his face, and he said while biting his lower lips. A series of thoughts piled up in his head, and he made up a plan to make him important in the eyes of this beauty.

"Miss, this ancient ruin was the last burying place of a great strong man... "

Yue Yanlin was going to pretend to stretch out the story long and introduced many dangers and how he could help the beauty to solve all these.

But his voice stopped halfway because he felt that the coldness in the air was starting to increase, and the atmosphere began to turn gloomy.

How could the cruel beauty not know that Yue Yanlin was stretching out the story like those old men who were becoming emotional, and trying to mislead the youngens with their words?

However, this talking didn't make her feel Yue Yanlin's importance but instead annoyed her. Her face turned cold, and her voice also pitched high like a sharp edge of a sword.

"Enough! Get to the point!"


Looking at those icy cold eyes and the terrifying aura emanating in the atmosphere, Yue Yanlin involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva in fright.

How could he be so unlucky?

A few days ago, he was helpless to protect the girl he loved with all his heart. And, to make up for it, he endured countless hardships and pain, but at the last moment, the girl betrayed him and even ignored his existence.

Not only did he fail to gain her love, but he also lost the precious reincarnation artifact gifted by his master.

Now, that he had just found a way to overturn all his humiliation and surpass that Yu Tian, in the end, he is going to lose it to others?

Even thinking about this, his blood boiled with rage and he wanted to roar against the heavens to express his frustration. But, he is also a son of luck, even if his luck is decreasing rapidly, he is still the son of luck and is a pride of heaven.

He can see that the cruel beauty in front of his eyes doesn't like to eat any shit and is only concerned about important things. Now that the situation has come to this, he can only helplessly give out the key to the beauty and hope that he could tag along with her.

Reaching out to his sea of consciousness, he took out a strand of an unknown object full of brilliance. It doesn't look like a key, but more like a token of some great forces with a deathly aura covering the big letters written on the front.

"Miss, this is the key that my master gave me when he last went to seclusion for the breakthrough."

With that said, Yue Yanlin pushed forward the token toward the beauty.

He also said that the key was given by his master, because he wanted to say that if the beauty indiscriminately killed him, then she might suffer the wrath of a strong master above Great Divine Saints.

You know, he just said that this key can unlock an ancient ruin that can have the inheritance of at least a Great Divine Saint, and the one who can throw such opportunity, even to their disciple, should have a strength of at least a Divine Venerable.

Because only a Divine Venerable can look down on such an opportunity and give it to others due to their breakthrough.

However, the cold beauty didn't eat his shit and her expression remained unchanged.

Divine Venerable?

Does a mere Divine Venerable have the strength to go against her? Not to mention the background of the person she is serving, even with her own background, she won't be afraid of a Venerable.

A Divine Venerable can be an unimaginable existence for others, but in her family, they can at best be said as one of the top-level powers.

Ignoring Yue Yanlin's disguised threat, she tried to reach out to the key floating towards her, but… before she could touch it, it returned to Yue Yanlin's sea of consciousness.

Suddenly, her expression changed. She felt as if she was tricked and looked at the stunned Yue Yanlin with murderous eyes.

How dare you play tricks on me?

On the other hand, feeling the presence of the ancient key in his sea of consciousness, Yue Yanlin was stunned.

How is this?

He didn't do anything and the key returned to his consciousness on its own? However, he didn't have time to think much because an angry great master was staring at him with overflowing killing intent.

In fright, he hurriedly took out the key and this time he send it out with his own hands, but… the key seems to be rebellious and returned to his sea of consciousness again.

Every time, he took out the key, the same thing happened.

Seeing this, at first, the beauty was very annoyed and even wanted to kill Yue Yanlin, but gradually she understood what it is.

"Stop. It seems that this token is bounded to your breath."

After a period of looking at the pattern, the beauty clearly understood that this Yue Yanlin wasn't playing tricks on her, but that his master has bounded that token to his breath.

This kind of technique isn't rare and any saint can perform with a little effort. Saints use such techniques as to ensure the safety of some important treasures.

It seems that this Yue Yanlin's master is also a cautious person and prepared this backhand.

On the other hand, Yue Yanlin was also ecstatic to know this, and couldn't help but thank his master in his heart thousands of times.

What does this mean?

This means that he has developed a use value in the beauty's eyes. Without him, this key can't be used and if he is killed, the key will also disintegrate in thin air.

With this, he can be sure to have a negotiable background with the beauty. Even if he couldn't be on the winning side, he could at least have enough time to wait for his master's recovery.

Once his master wakes up from his sleep, he will be sure to teach this beauty a good lesson.

Now the condition is as such that, he didn't even have to beg to accompany and didn't even have to take out the ancient scroll as a bargaining chip.

Physical body → Spiritual Sea → Soul Palace → Divine Palace → Transcendent → Great Transcendent → Sacred Lord → Sacred King → Sacred Sovereign → False God → True God → God King → Immortal → Quasi Divine → Divine Saint → Divine Holy King → Great Divine Saint → Divine Venerable → Quasi Supreme → Supreme → Great Supreme → Quasi Emperor → Great Emperor

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