Fantasy: Give A Chance And Double The Reward!

Chapter 80 Soul Deed, Millennium Lingzhi Mushrooms


Think for a while.

A gleam flashed in Jiang Yu's eyes.


He forced a drop of Blood Essence from his body, and drew it in the air with his fingers.

See this scene.

The caterpillar immediately understood Jiang Yu's intentions.

He couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Boy, you should save yourself, you are not the first person who wants to sign a contract with me, but no one has succeeded."

"Besides, they sacrificed their lives for it. Stop doing these meaningless things and just be my uncle's favorite."

It seems that he has absolute confidence in himself, facing Jiang Yu's oncoming imprint.

The caterpillar has no intention of avoiding it.

kindness? ? ?


When that drop of Blood Essence falls.

The indifferent face of the big caterpillar suddenly changed.

There was a look of horror.

He lost his voice and said: "This... this is the soul... the soul deed, this... how is this possible, you are just a small cultivator in the sea of ​​gods, why do you know this kind of secret technique?"

While screaming.

The big caterpillar began to struggle violently.


At this time, the big caterpillar was held tightly by Jiang Yu, no matter how hard it struggled, it could not escape from Jiang Yu's grasp.


the other side.

Looking at the big caterpillar who recognized the soul bond at a glance, Jiang Yu was even more surprised, and paid a lot of attention to this guy.

Leaving aside the identity of the caterpillar, this knowledge alone is enough to prove its own extraordinaryness.

With the continuous erosion of Qi and blood rune.

There was a look of despair in the big caterpillar's eyes.

He wailed; "No... I am not reconciled to having my famous name of the Nine-Colored Celestial Silkworm in the hands of a small cultivator in the Yishen Sea Realm~"

In the wail of the nine-colored silkworm.

The soul deed fits with it, and the soul of one person and one insect immediately establishes a connection.

After the big caterpillar noticed this.

For a moment, I feel unrequited.

Jiang Yu looked at the caterpillar limp in the palm of his hand, slowly raised his other arm, and poked its body with his fingers.

He said calmly; "Okay, from now on you will be my soul beast, so your name will be Daqing."

Jiang Yu had just spoken.

Daqing's eyes froze immediately.

The limp body quickly ejected.

He said sharply: "What, my uncle is the divine beast Nine-Colored Silkworm, you give me such a silly name, I can kill you and not humiliate..."

Before the big caterpillar finished speaking.

Jiang Yu said, "Alright, since you've said that,

Then I meet your request. "

The voice fell.

Jiang Chen slowly mobilized the soul energy in his body.

After signing the soul contract.

The death of the signee.

All in the mind of the signer.

kindness? ? ?

Sensing the tingling pain coming from his mind, the face of the big caterpillar changed immediately, revealing a frightened expression. Biqu library

Immediately opened his mouth and shouted: "Hey~ wait...wait a minute, I think the name Daqing is quite good, I was just joking with you just now, don't take it seriously."

Jiang Yu: "Really?"

Daqing: "That's right, what I just said is true, this name is big... oh no... I like it very much."

After getting this answer.

A smile appeared on Jiang Yu's face.

He said softly, "Okay, I'll just trust you once."


Jiang Yu then walked towards the inner circle.

Daqing: "Hey, kid, don't you have anything to ask me? For example, my glorious deeds..."

Jiang Chen: "No."

Daqing: "Why, aren't you curious..."


on the way.

From time to time, Daqing's voice could be heard.

Jiang Yu finally understood.

This guy is simply a talker.

The noise made Jiang Yu's head dizzy.


the other side.

Jiang Chen and Xia Liu moved forward all the way. As the two continued to move inward, the strength of the surrounding beasts gradually became stronger.

It is worth mentioning that.

The two have traveled for so long.

No other figure was found.

kindness? ? ?

at this time.

The system prompt sounded again in Jiang Chen's mind.

kindness? ?

Millennium Fire Lingzhi Mushrooms?

After hearing this prompt from the system.

Jiang Chen couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

Millennium panacea.

That is comparable to the existence of fifth rank precious medicine.

Seeing Jiang Chen suddenly stop in his tracks, Xia Liu showed a look of curiosity on his face.

Xia Liu; "Boss, what's wrong?"

Jiang Chen pondered for a while.

He said softly: "Nothing, let's go on."

The voice fell.

Jiang Chen changed the direction he was going.

Although Xia Liu was a little puzzled.

But did not ask.

He quickly followed up.


"Shut up~"

"Ho Ho~"

The two continued to move forward in the dense forest, and there were roars from time to time, and the environment became much quieter.

kindness? ? ?

at this time.

Before Jiang Chen discovered

Fang appeared several figures.

at this time.

Those people were moving forward quickly.

His eyes were full of excitement.

at the same time.

Xia Liu at the side also noticed something unusual.

He said in a low voice: "Boss, it's Luoyunzong, they seem to have discovered something, what should we do?"

Jiang Chen: "Hide the aura, let's follow it first."

Listen to what Jiang Chen said.

Xia Liu quickly nodded in response.

He quickly restrained his breath.


The two followed behind the group.

Quickly rushed towards the dense forest.


"Ho Ho~"

Not long before.

There are continuous roars coming from the front.

Aware of this.

Jiang Chen winked at Xia Liu, and the speed of the two slowed down a lot.


The roar continued to spread.

The two are getting closer and closer to the scene of the incident.

After a while.

A group of people appeared in the sight of the two.

I see.

Dozens of disciples of Shouluoyunzong held weapons.

They are besieging two fierce beasts.

Those were two giant pythons tens of feet long, each of them had two heads, and their whole bodies were covered with pitch-black scales.

A tyrannical atmosphere swept across the audience.


To Jiang Chen's surprise.

The strength of these two double-headed pythons.

It's all Divine Sea Realm First Stage.

Except for the disciples of Luoyunzong.

Jiang Chen also saw Xu Tian's figure.


In front of them were two Xuanqingzong disciples.

at this time.

The condition of Xu Tian and the others is not good, they are more or less injured, and the expressions on their faces are very ugly.

Judging from the current situation.

The two sides are clearly at a standoff.


Scanned for a while.

Jiang Chen once again set his sights in the direction of the giant python.

I see.

On the hill behind the giant python, there is a crimson Lingzhi Mushrooms growing, and that Lingzhi Mushrooms seems to have been soaked in blood.

It gives people a very evil feeling.

Other than that.

As the red Lingzhi Mushrooms kept swaying, the surrounding Spiritual Qi was actually pulled by it.

the other side.

After Xia Liu saw the Lingzhi Mushrooms.

There was a look of excitement in his eyes.

He whispered; "Boss, this Lingzhi Mushrooms looks extraordinary, should we do it?"

If it was before.

Seeing so many disciples of the Luoyun Sect, Xia Liu definitely didn't dare to have such thoughts.

But after seeing Jiang Chen's formidable strength.

Xia Liu also became more courageous.

Now the giant python is dragged by the Luoyunzong people.

It is a good time to fish in troubled waters.


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