Fantasy: Give opportunities and double the rewards!

Chapter 329: Each showing his special ability

other side.

Looking at the people rushing towards him, Lin Yongnian showed a look of struggle in his eyes.

He knew it very well.

Now is the best time to escape, because Jun Zhantian is obviously unable to take action at this time, and this is also the only chance.

He hesitated for a moment.

A fierce look flashed in Lin Yongnian's eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "Xingcheng, please take Lin Wen and Lin Wu away as soon as possible. I will stay here to break up the family."

"Ancestor, let's go together, you..."

As soon as Lin Yongnian said these words, Lin Xingcheng's expression suddenly changed and he quickly spoke to dissuade him.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly."


Before Lin Xingsheng could finish his words, Lin Yongnian started to scold him with an extremely determined expression.

He said angrily: "No one can leave if we don't leave. The Lin family cannot be destroyed in my hands. You all should run for your lives. Run as far as you can and don't come back again."

Lin Yongnian knew very well that if everyone in the Jun family was allowed to seal all the exits, the Lin family would definitely be bloodbathed.


for this.

Lin Yongnian didn't think there was anything wrong with the other party.

after all.

If it was the Jun family that failed today, Lin Yongnian would do more ruthlessly than this. The law of the jungle is the law of the world of immortality.

Lin Xingcheng: "Ancestor...take care!"

Seeing Lin Yongnian's decisive attitude, Lin Xingsheng didn't waste any more time and turned around and ran away with Lin Wen and the others.

at this time.

Lin Bei was already frightened. His body was still shaking when he was taken away by Lin Xingcheng. He obviously couldn't accept this fact.

After seeing Lin Xingcheng and others rushing into the city, Lin Yongnian immediately turned around and faced Dongfang Yi and others.

He said angrily: "Even if I die today, I still have to help a few people to support me. Our Lin family is not easy to bully."


After a roar.

Lin Yongnian took the initiative and rushed towards everyone in the Jun family. Beside him were several elders from the Life and Death Realm clan. These were all those who actively chose to stay and break up the family, and basically had the ambition to die.

As for the lower-level members of the Lin family, they immediately fled in all directions after Lin Yongnian spoke.

Although the Jun family is now in control of the situation, one thing cannot be changed. Not many people came from them today.


This also gave everyone a chance to escape.


The main reason was that the Jun family focused most of their attention on Lin Yongnian.

This allowed everyone to go so smoothly.

Now that Wang Tiansheng and Chu Hongchang have run away, if Lin Yongnian is allowed to run away again, even if they win this time, the Jun family will still be in a passive situation in the future.


Lin Yongnian must be killed no matter what.

After Jun Zhantian adjusted his condition, he rushed towards Lin Yongnian, and the sound of fierce collisions could be heard all of a sudden.


Faced with the siege of everyone in the Jun family, the elders of the Lin family were scarred within a short time.

"Ancestor, I'm going to take the first step."

Just then.

One of the elders of the Lin family roared angrily, and then with a look of determination in his eyes, he rushed into the crowd at an extremely fast speed, and then his body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Back up, this guy wants to blow himself up."

All of a sudden.

Bai Wenbin noticed the other party's intention and immediately warned everyone and launched a fierce attack on him.

Try to get the other person to stop.


Facing Bai Wenbin's attack, the man in the realm of life and death did not make any evasion, but hit him head on.


After a while. .

A deafening roar came out, and a vacuum zone appeared in the explosion area. Terrifying air waves spread crazily in all directions, and many people were shocked to the point where blood bleeded from the corners of their mouths.

Fortunately, Bai Wenbin kept attacking, which affected the opponent's speed and failed to explode in the crowd. Otherwise, he would be more than just injured now.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the remaining members of the Lin family also moved. They took advantage of the gap when the elder of the clan blew himself up, and quickly approached everyone.

"Damn it!"

Be aware of this.

Jun Yuming and others' expressions suddenly changed. If these guys were allowed to blow themselves up in the crowd, the consequences would be disastrous. The other party's madness gave him a headache.

"Die, die with me."

"Ancestor, please take the first step."

at this time.

The remaining three strong men in the life and death realm spoke at the same time. Their faces were full of madness and their expressions looked very tragic.

Seeing the three people's bodies expanding rapidly, everyone in the Jun family knew very well that it was too late to retreat and they had no choice but to carry the opponent down and self-destruct.

But at the critical moment.

Jiang Chen stepped on the Void King Beast and rushed over, accompanied by Jiang Daoxin.

I saw.

Jiang Chen's eyes gushed out with a terrifying black light, staring directly at the three of them, and then a divine light surged in Jiang Dao's heart and chest.

He spoke angrily: "Exile to the Void!"

instant time

The area where the three elders of the Lin family were located began to twist, and then a giant black hole appeared, sucking them directly in.

"No, I'm not willing to do it."

Because their bodies were imprisoned, the three of them had no chance to resist in the face of this sudden and terrifying suction force.

The roar was full of unwillingness.

As the three people entered the black hole, the hole healed together at an extremely fast speed, and calm returned instantly.


before the hole heals.

Everyone still heard a violent roar, which was obviously caused by the self-destruction of the three people.


Seeing this scene.

Lin Yongnian let out a roar, and his expression became even more ferocious. If eyes could kill, Jiang Chen and the other two would have died hundreds of times.

Lin Yongnian: "I hate it~"


In a fit of rage.

Lin Yongnian spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his entire breath became disordered, and he quickly retreated a few steps backward.


Dongfang Yi and others would not give him this opportunity, and Jun Zhantian rushed over with a long knife in hand.

Looking at Jun Zhantian who was coming towards him.

Lin Yongnian smiled miserably.

He said, "Jun Laogui, I thought you were stupid, but I didn't expect you to be the most sober one among us."

When he said this.

Lin Yongnian couldn't help but glance at the three brothers of the Jiang family.

He said in a deep voice: "Time, fate."

"Maybe this is the fate of the Lin family, I accept it."

The voice fell.

Lin Yongnian quickly adjusted his breath, and then burned the blood in his body crazily, and his strength was also rising rapidly.

"But before I die, I still have to make you pay a price, otherwise I will not be willing."

As soon as the voice fell.

Lin Yongnian turned around quickly and rushed towards Jun Wushuang not far away, with a terrifying killing intent.

Anyway, it is now a dead end, and letting the strongest genius of the Jun family be buried with him is undoubtedly the best revenge.

"Wishful thinking."

Jun Zhantian's eyes turned cold.

Then he burned the blood without hesitation, and the flying speed suddenly soared, and soon blocked Lin Yongnian's way.


[I hope you can see through my weakness, but I have to urge for more. 】


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