Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1461: Lots of time

Yao Ziyan looked at the news sent by Qingyuan and couldn't help but laughed out loud.

How does it feel to have a good friend who is always worried about your lifelong events?

Yao Ziyan sat upright for a while, thought about it, and then replied to Qingyuan.

"Actually, there is no need to worry. Anyway, I spend a lot of time with my boss every day. 』

Qing Yuan looked at the message from Demon Ziyan on the magic phone and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

There is more time...

Yes, you are not worried about what I am worrying about.

Just when Qing Yuan was speechless, the news of Yao Ziyan came over again.

"I want to go to the hot springs, go with me. 』

Qing Yuan sighed a little helplessly, and then slowly got up from the sofa and walked towards the corridor.

The long corridor is covered with wooden floors, and there is almost no sound when walking on it. On both sides are special spar with spiritual energy as energy, exuding a bright and not dazzling brilliance.

There is a faint smell of wood products in the air, and there is also a little scent of snow maple flowers.

Qing Yuan came to Yao Ziyan's room in a familiar way, and at the same time couldn't help but glance to the side.

According to the meaning of Yao Ziyan's words, the boss should be inside now.

Really are……

She didn't know what to say.

Reaching out and knocking, the door was opened.

"Come on?" Yao Ziyan smiled.

Qing Yuan let out an angry "um", walked into the room and lay directly on the sofa, not wanting to move at all.

"What's the matter with you?" Yao Ziyan looked at Qing Yuan on the sofa a little funny.

"It's nothing, I'm tired." Qing Yuan put the pillow on her face and replied mutedly.

"It feels like you are like my mother." Yao Ziyan said without a reason.

Qing Yuan threw away the pillow on her face and looked at Yao Ziyan suspiciously.

What the hell? Why is she like Yao Ziyan's mother?

"Cough cough, nothing." Yao Ziyan coughed softly and shook his head with a smile.

Fortunately, Qing Yuan didn't care much, she sat up, thought for a while and said, "Actually, you shouldn't call me, you should call the boss."

Speaking of Luochuan, Yao Ziyan's face suddenly showed a peach blossom pink.

"I'll just talk about it casually." Qingyuan waved her hand, yawned, and suddenly narrowed her eyes and laughed, "Should I call the boss over now?"

"Don't." Yao Ziyan quickly stopped, and finally added in a low voice, "Don't worry."

"Don't worry... there is a lot of time, right?" Qing Yuan looked at Yao Ziyan amused.

"Yeah." Yao Ziyan nodded repeatedly.

Qing Yuan took out the magic phone and sighed a little helplessly: "Forget it, you just have your own ideas."

Yao Ziyan became happy: "I will change my clothes."

Then she walked towards the closet, making full preparations before she set off.

Listening to the rustling sound behind her, Qing Yuan looked back subconsciously.

I have to say that it is indeed a pleasing scene.

"Why are you looking at me?" Yao Ziyan was combing her hair and noticed Qing Yuan's gaze.

"Why, only the boss can see that I can't watch?" Qing Yuan asked with a smile.

Yao Ziyan was stunned for a moment, then gave Qing Yuan a shameful look, and did not answer her question.

After about a few minutes, Yao Ziyan was almost ready: "Let's go."

Space ring is indeed a very convenient item, all kinds of things can be stored in it at will.

Luochuan's system space is actually not much different from the effect of the space ring, that is, the space is a bit larger and the function is a bit more.

Qing Yuan nodded, put away the magic phone, and got up from the sofa: "Come back to the room with me first."

"Why?" Yao Ziyan was puzzled.

"I just wore this dress?" Qing Yuan pointed to herself, "I can't change clothes?"

"Uh, that's what I said." Yao Ziyan nodded.

"How do you feel that you are weird today? Is it because you have been thinking about your boss so you can't think about other things?" Qing Yuan said in a low voice, mysteriously.

Yao Ziyan gave Qingyuan a white look: "Qingyuan, if you do this again, I will be angry."

"Hey hey, then don't talk about this." Qing Yuan laughed, "By the way, did you and the boss really didn't do anything else?"

"Didn't I tell you, playing chess, playing cards, talking about novels, if you don't believe me, ask the boss." Yao Ziyan closed the door and pointed to the room next to him. "The boss is in the room."

"Forget this."

"Eh, Qing Yuan."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"By the way, you seem to have always been alone? Haven't thought of finding a partner or something?"

"Ha, joke, how good it is to be free by yourself... Of course I didn't mean you..."

Luo Chuan returned to his room after leaving Yao Ziyan's room.

At the same time, he was a little curious, what was it that made Yao Ziyan unable to control his power.

You must know that she is a strong man in the realm of the venerable.

If she wants to release her power, she wants to destroy Xuefeng Pavilion easily, and the protective array here is basically the same for her.

However, if Yao Ziyan didn't say anything, Luochuan didn't want to ask this matter specially.

Having said that, it is rare for the Venerable to control his own power in a short time.

It seems that after living in Origin Mall for so long, Yao Ziyan has also become accustomed to this kind of plain life, and is a little rusty in his spiritual control.

Luochuan drank a coke, took out the magic phone and glanced at it twice.

It feels meaningless.

Well, now he is not sleepy anymore, and even very energetic.

After looking bored at the magic phone for a while, and after talking with customers in the group chat while driving the vest, Luochuan decided to go out and have a look.

He heard Qing Yuan's voice faintly coming from outside.

Judging from past experience, he should have gone to the hot spring with Yao Ziyan.

Luo Chuan himself wouldn't pass every day, mainly because he felt it was unnecessary.

Stretching, leaving the room, Luo Chuan walked slowly towards the hall.

Still lively as always.

There is nothing to do at night, most customers will gather here, use holographic devices or talk about things.

After all, most people like a lively environment.

After coming to Qichuan for so long, Luochuan basically knew these customers who followed him.

Well, it is limited to the degree of awareness.

As for the name Luo Chuan still doesn't know.

Makoto Xinhai sat in the corner alone as always, holding the magic phone in contemplation, occasionally looking up at the surroundings, and then continued to write and draw on the magic phone.

Luo Chuan walked over and took a look curiously, and found that she was drawing on the magic phone.

The sun is shining and the sky is clear and tile-blue, and it looks refreshing and happy at first glance.

On the cherry blossom street, two beautiful girls are walking side by side holding hands.

Like fantasy: the god-level store manager please collect it: ( fantasy: the god-level store manager's literature is the fastest to update.

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