Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1838: Application development and design

According to Fan Chengtian’s explanation, his visit to Luochuan this time was different from the one before he went to Lingyun College to shoot the film. The last time Luochuan played at will, and there was no specific requirement. Then a certain boss talked about it according to his own understanding. The concept of sword.

This time Fan Chengtian has a clear request: "I hope my boss can serve as a tutor for the application development and design course of Lingyun College."

Luochuan: "..."

Application development and design... What if there are obviously a lot of slots, but I just can’t spit it out? At this moment, Luo Chuan clearly realized the changes he had brought to the world. This was considered as a successful integration into the information age, and the magic phone was forcibly kicking open the door of the new era.

"The tutorials on the magic phone are too esoteric. Even after such a long time, we can't fully understand the meaning." Fan Chengtian said slowly, "I think if there is a boss to tell you, you should be able to learn. A lot easier."

There is a huge difference between the language used in the application development tutorial and the text in the ordinary sense. They are not the formation inscriptions on the Tianlan Continent. They themselves contain special power. Language is the truth, and it uses the weakened language of the gods. The description is fine.

Similar to formation inscriptions, magic runes.

Even ordinary people can learn, but the difficulty of getting started is not generally high, so there are not many customers who are really interested.

"This... the tutorials are all given to you. Even if I teach them, it won't make much difference." Luo Chuan spread his hands, "I will give you some insignificant suggestions at best. The key is to read them. Yourselves, this is something no one else can help."

That’s what I said. In fact, the real reason is that Luo Chuan is lazy. He glanced around at random before and felt that he was not interested, so he may not know as much as Fan Chengtian, but according to his understanding and the explanation given by the system. , There are many aspects of thinking that are common to programming.

It is a kind of programming, but the type is quite special.

"That's it." Fan Chengtian sighed, looking a little disappointed.

Luo Chuan thought for a while, and added: "Don't put learning first. Cultivating relevant ideas is the most important thing."

"Thinking?" Fan Chengtian had a faint feeling, but it seemed that there was a thick cloud, and it was not clear at all.

"Yes, thinking." Luo Chuan nodded, "You can understand it as programming thinking."

Not far away, Yao Ziyan, who received Qingyuan's invitation to play mahjong, cast his eyes here.

"Boss what are they talking about?" Qing Yuan poked Yao Ziyan with her elbow.

"I don't know." Yao Ziyan shook his head, and then couldn't help muttering in a low voice, "Maybe it's a flicker again..."

"What did you say?" Qing Yuan didn't hear Yao Ziyan's words clearly.

"Nothing." Yao Ziyan smiled, "Hurry up, it's your turn."


On the other side, the conversation between Luo Chuan and Fan Chengtian continued. Xu Shi's content reminded Luo Chuan of his past experience, and his words became more frequent.

"...The most important thing is modularity, so that even if you add functions or modify something later, the workload will be reduced a lot. In addition, the naming rules must be standardized. You can make a standard by yourself, and you will not be confused when you call it. , And the concept of encapsulation is also essential. By the way, have you learned about storage now..."

Fan Chengtian took the magic phone, recorded Luo Chuan's words on it, and answered two sentences from time to time.

Although Luo Chuan has not yet agreed to go to Lingyun Academy as a tutor, this conversation is enough to benefit him a lot. Fan Chengtian heard many unfamiliar words that he had never known, and after understanding, he could clearly feel the convenience contained in them. .

Worthy of being the boss!

The dialogue between the two naturally attracted the attention of the customers. It has been several days since the first screening of the movie. At least it will not happen that all customers go to the theater of the weapon sales space. Basically, every customer has watched twice. More than once.

"Modularity, objects, calls, encapsulation, interfaces, inheritance...what are the bosses talking about?"

"It may be some kind of super-order formation."

"I don't understand, I slipped away..."

Those customers who came in because of curiosity heard a few words and left with eyes full of mosquito coils. They admired a certain boss more and more in their hearts, and the words they casually spoke were so profound, even Dean Fan was thinking about it. Perhaps this is the knowledge of the gods?

After Luo Chuan realized that it had been ten minutes or so, he coughed softly, "Cough, that's almost it, I hope it will be helpful to you."

To be honest, he didn't know what he said.

Fan Chengtian put away the magic phone quite solemnly, and seemed to attach great importance to Luo Chuan’s previous words: “These are all brand-new knowledge, and there are parts in the tutorial, but no boss said so detailed and specific. It seems that we understand well. It’s not deep enough, but after all, boss, are you really not going to be a tutor? You will definitely be welcomed by the students."

"I think that compared to the students, the tutors in the academy may be more welcome." Luo Chuan first complained, "but I don't have the idea of ​​being a tutor at the moment."

After finally being able to relax, he didn't want to find himself a long-term task.

"Okay, I see." Fan Chengtian did not continue to struggle, and the figure leaving with the magic phone was like holding the whole world.

Luochuan hadn't been quiet for a long time, and again a sweet voice rang from the counter: "Boss, boss, has the story behind the movie been written?"

Luo Chuan raised his head and took a look—he saw nothing. He sat up straight and barely saw Bai Yu's hair, which made him start thinking whether the counter was a bit too high.

"This is the fifth time you have asked this question." Luo Chuan looked at the 1.2 meter who came next to him, "Besides, didn't I tell you that I didn't want to continue writing the following story for the time being?"

"Yes, for the time being." Bai Yu nodded naturally, "It may be several days or an hour for the time being, and you didn't say a specific time."

Luochuan: "..."

There are reasons and evidences, and there is no refutation at all.

Patting Bai Yu's head casually, Luo Chuan decided not to talk about this topic for the time being: "1579 they still have no idea of ​​coming to Origin Mall?"

Luochuan's choice of film screening in Origin Mall also had this factor. He wanted to see if he could take this opportunity to let the shadow residents leave the shadow world and stay in one place all day.

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