Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 147: Ah, I'm Dead

Kyoto is a place that hides a lot of ugliness.

But if it is in the daytime, those ghosts and ghosts are hiding in the dark, so it is worth visiting Kyoto at this time.

"Where are you going?"

Holding an extra large cup of milk tea in his hand, Fang Mingjing asked.

At this time, Little Shengzi was dressed as usual.

The inside is first made of a white shirt, and then a thin coat with a hood of the same color is added. The bottom is a combination of black trousers and canvas shoes. He let Igawa Sakura lead him with one hand, and tied it with a hair tie behind him. The raised ponytail flicked when walking.

"Let's go to the shopping mall first and have a look. Is there anything Der Spiegel is interested in?"

"Movie theater? Karaoke? Amusement park? How about an electronic entertainment room?"

Asahime and Igawa Sakura spoke successively.

Fang Mingjing said that he can do whatever he wants.

In fact, the act of shopping alone was enough to make him feel happy. 03

The modern city full of high-rise buildings is completely different from the world he lives in today, but it also gives him a sense of nostalgia. This piece of modern buildings made of steel, glass and paint is crowded and at the same time looking at the pedestrians. Sometimes, you will feel a little sense of urgency.

The first stop for the three of them was the largest shopping mall in Kyoto.

It was a very large and delicate-looking building. When Fang Mingjing and the others walked there, they found that many passers-by were stopping to look at the advertisement on the top of the building, and the news was being broadcast there.

The content of the news was actually related to what Fang Mingjing did yesterday. On the big screen, there was only a huge pothole left in the ruins of "Nuo Dammit". Then the reporter also mentioned the battle that broke out last night, and then there was Various analytical reports and information on government movements are being released.

But these have nothing to do with Fang Mingjing and the others for the time being.

After entering, the first floor of the shopping center looks a bit dizzying, it seems that there are all kinds of shops, and Fang Mingjing even saw a shop selling kitchen utensils doing a product show at the entrance.

It was precisely because Fang Mingjing took a second look that the eyes of that uncle who was soliciting popularity lit up,

"Hey, that young mother, please stop!"


Because there was no one else around, the salesman looked straight at this side again, and Azaji was taken aback for a moment before pointing at herself with some uncertainty.

The other party immediately nodded with a smile.

"Are you taking your son out for a stroll? That's great. Our store is doing an event, and everything is on sale at 20% off. Don't you think about buying a juicer to make juice for your children? Let me tell you—— ——"

The other party seemed to have opened up a conversation box, but in fact Azaji didn't even listen to a word. the mother? Then Xiao Mingjing is the child?

Is this how people around us look at us?

This is really......

Azaji glanced at Fang Mingjing with some concern, and when she found that he was not angry because of this, she was slightly relieved, but she couldn't help but feel a little excited in her heart.

"My sister does look like that.

Igawa Sakura couldn't help but say something.

Probably because of Azaji's gentle temperament like Nadeshiko, and the maternal nature in her eyes when she occasionally looks at Fang Mingjing, it is normal for people who don't know to meet her.

"Then Sister Ying has to become Aunt." Fang Mingjing said with a smile.

"Uh... I don't want to call you so old-fashioned."


The little saint showed a cute smile.

Asaji watched, a hint of intoxication appeared in her eyes, and then she smiled lightly, urging the two to move forward.

"Let's go, let's go and look at the clothes first. The main thing is to help Xiao Mingjing buy a few more clothes for changing and washing."

"Oh, that's a good idea.

"I'm fine."

"By the way, how long are you going to hold that cup of milk tea?"

Noticing that Fang Mingjing has been biting the straw all the time, but he doesn’t seem to be drinking much, Igawa Sakura leaned over to him, don’t you like to drink?”

"...can't drink anymore"

"I really can't do anything about you, come on, Sister Sakura will drink it for you."

Igawa Sakura kindly took the milk tea from him.

The straw on the top has been bitten into shape, but even so, the girl continued to use it naturally.

Fang Mingjing's other free hand was given to Azaji to hold it.

The three walked in a random direction. Before entering a children's clothing store, Xiao Shengzi was a little disgusted. After all, he also had a so-called position to take care of, but Igawa Sakura pushed him away with a smile.

Then when entering the children's clothing store, all the shop assistants were attracted almost instantly.

Some of them even exclaimed, after all, such a cute little guest has never been seen before.

"How about a customer trying this out? It's the latest style."

"Are there any requirements for pajamas?"

"If you don't mind, please try this set? It will be very comfortable to wear.

"And then there's this side..."

stop stop stop!

What's the matter with taking out the phone to take pictures while the sales are sales?

Fang Mingjing had never seen this kind of battle before, and he couldn't help avoiding their fiery gaze nervously

"Xiaoming 717 mirror, try this one."

"Little bright mirror..."

Azaki helped him choose a set of cute pajamas, while Igawa Sakura took a set of brown bear doll costumes that were clearly for show off.

I have to say they have a very good eye.

At this time, even the shop assistants standing aside didn't sell any more, they just kept nodding their heads "hmmmm", and then looked expectantly.

Boom... Forget it, I can't come out.

Little Shengzi finally walked into the fitting room with a suit of clothes in his arms.

"Is it okay? Can Xiao Mingjing change clothes by herself? If not, please ask me or my sister."

"I can do it myself."

It was just changing clothes, and I was completely looked down upon.

After dawdling, after staying in the fitting room for about five or six minutes, Fang Mingjing finally came out——

What he was wearing at the moment was exactly that bear-like doll costume.

Although he himself felt uncomfortable, his petite body was covered in a brown bear coat, and a young face carved in pink and jade was exposed from under the cute bear hood, which looked particularly lively.

"Ah, I'm dead!!!"

In an instant, the sound of several shop assistants falling to the ground was heard. .

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