Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 184: Even If You Swing Thousands Of Times, Your Fist Still Can't Touch Me.

Zhang Feng's complexion suddenly became gloomy.

Violence surged in his eyes, his hair fluttered, and an extremely violent breath swept out of his body like a storm, and his bloody palm clenched his fist again and blasted out!

This punch was as imposing as a rainbow, and as fierce as a prison!

The murderous thunder roared and flew towards Fang Mingjing's face. The moment Fang Mingjing raised his long sword to block it, he felt a terrifying force rushing along the long sword, especially when the power was crazily vented on him. On his right arm, the long sword in his hand almost flew out of his hand.

"Chongxiao Shengzi? Hmph, that's all!"

Zhang Feng's arrogant voice came from before his eyes.

Taking advantage of Fang Mingjing's parry, Zhang Feng's figure flickered.


Amidst the thunder that exploded on the flat ground, Zhang Feng's black-haired dancing figure had arrived at Fang Mingjing's side, and he smashed down again with his roaring fist.

Fang Mingjing's eyes froze.

Quietly, the strange and unpredictable Realm's calendar broke out.

Immediately, Zhang Feng was shocked to find that Own's fist could not touch the opponent no matter what.

That was an extremely weird scene 070.

The distance between his fist and Fang Mingjing is only a few fingers away, and his fist is obviously moving forward, but it can't fall on the opponent's body no matter what.

【Realm near and far】

Fang Mingjing smiled, the long sword in his hand turned into a silver-white arc, and his target pointed directly at Zhang Feng's throat, but at the critical moment, Zhang Feng's brain reacted before his body, and he leaned back to avoid the attack. A touch of Sword Ray.


Zhang Feng had just had such an idea in his mind, but he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his throat, and when he subconsciously covered it with his hand, he was shocked to find that his hand was stained with bright red blood.

what happened?

His brain reacted a beat slower.

"But that's all."

Fang Mingjing said cheerfully, the tip of the long sword in his hand was dripping with blood.

Zhang Feng's face was menacing, he stared at Fang Mingjing's face, and couldn't help but start to feel overwhelmed.

He couldn't see through what was going on (adaa)!

Why couldn't Own's fist touch the opponent, and why did the sword move that he had already avoided hurt himself?

"This Holy Son of Chongxiao is really not in vain."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Zhang Feng's mind.


Zhang Feng's eyes lit up——since he entered this secret realm, the connection between him and the old man with the remnant soul lodged in his ring has been up and down, but at this time the connection suddenly returned, which made his heart Immediately gained confidence.

He immediately started asking about the master in the ring.

In Zhang Feng's impression, Master Own is the person with the highest knowledge and the most profound knowledge in Zhongruo Continent.

However, the answer given by Remnant Soul this time surprised Zhang Feng.

"It's not easy to say."

The old voice seemed a bit cautious, "The situation of the Son of Chongxiao is so weird, I can't even perceive the traces of the moves he used."

The remnant soul obviously regarded the Realm power used by Fang Mingjing as some kind of move, but he couldn't see any clues at all!

"Xiaofeng, if you really can't do it, you should quit." He advised.


Hearing this, Zhang Feng couldn't help but shrink his pupils.


He can't accept this kind of thing!

He, Zhang Feng, is a man destined to stand at the peak of Zhongruo Continent. For this reason, he broke through countless secret realms, Body Tempering in the Leishan Forbidden Land, and tempered in the Youyan Fire Pool. After growing up to such a state, while being arrogant, he also forged an invincible heart.

Among the same ranks, I am invincible, you can do whatever you want!

Zhang Feng has said this countless times, but if he escapes here at this time, his invincibility will be shattered, and his past arrogance will become a joke!

"Needless to say, Master!"

Zhang Feng spoke in a serious tone, his eyes were fixed on Fang Mingjing, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes, "It doesn't matter how weird the opponent's moves are, I don't believe that he can really compare with me

Feeling the endless qi and blood surging in his body, arrogance surged from the bottom of Zhang Feng's heart.

Remnant soul meal.

Just when Zhang Feng thought that the connection was broken again, the old man laughed loudly in his mind.

"Hahaha, Xiaofeng, I knew you would never back down!"


[Go ahead, no matter how weird the opponent's moves are, he will definitely not be able to compare with you in terms of stamina, not to mention that he will not be able to use many Spiritual Qis when the Cultivation Base is blocked. ]

Remnant Soul's tone was extremely calm.

In fact, he never thought about letting Zhang Feng retreat from the very beginning. After all, if the invincible heart is broken, it will be impossible to reshape it.

The reason why I said that before was because I saw that my disciple was going so smoothly all the way, and I wanted to make him feel a little bit frustrated, so I said that specially.

After hearing Remnant Soul's words, Zhang Feng's eyes quickly flashed a bright light.

A look of arrogance appeared on his face again, and now he was running Blood Qi all over his body, and an incomparably violent aura permeated [there was a sound like fried beans under his body.

Zhang Feng didn't talk nonsense, he was entangled in Blood Qi, and in a burst of explosions, he killed Fang Mingjing like a god and demon.

"Is it still straight forward?"

The little saint had a smile on his face.

"It's boring, even if you swing it thousands of times, your fist still can't touch me.

After saying that, Zhang Feng's fist stopped again a few fingers away in front of him. He had been moving forward, but he couldn't land on him no matter what.

Fang Mingjing raised his sword.

Instantly. An incomparably sharp Sword Ray flashed, and the silver-white horses were as stunning as the Milky Way. .

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