If it's an anime, the regular activity at the beach is probably the part of playing watermelon——

"Further to the right."

"Passing by, turn a little to the left."

"Yeah, just go straight ahead.

"Okay, stop!"

On the soft white sand, Kang Na's eyes were covered with cloth strips, and she held a baseball bat in her hand. She walked to the front of the watermelon one after another amidst the voice of the conductor next to her.

She calmly raised the baseball bat in her hand.

The afternoon sun was very bright, and the shadow of the baseball bat cast just fell on the top of the watermelon, and at the moment when Connor dropped the baseball bat straight down——

Fang Mingjing took the watermelon away.

Then, boom!

After the baseball bat fell with the sound of breaking wind, there was an explosion-like sound on the beach, and the white sand was lifted high up, and a corner of the beach that had been hit by the dragon was dug away, like a deep pit after the explosion .

"Did I hit it?"

Connor took off the cloth strips around her eyes.

And Fang Mingjing, who was standing next to her, had already put down the watermelon at some point, he said with a calm expression as if nothing happened:

"If you don't hit it, it's almost there."


Hestia next to him secretly gave Fang Mingjing a thumbs up, and then shouted with a smile: "Then it's my turn~"

"it is good."

Kang Na handed the cloth strip to the referee——Azaki Ihe, and she smiled and helped Hestia tie it on after receiving it.

After her vision was blocked and she was grabbed by her shoulders and turned around three times, the goddess Hestia who stopped completely lost her sense of direction. Drunk crabs.

"It's so lively."

Not far from the beach, under the sun umbrella, Zi Yakumo was still holding the umbrella, watching this scene with a sweet smile.


Nakiri Erina nodded.

Then she quietly glanced at the girl next to her who was also sitting on the beach chair, looking at Fang Mingjing with gentle eyes, and couldn't help feeling in her heart that this is really a beautiful person.

Should it be said that she is the older sister of Der Spiegel Little Brother....?

An unusual degree of beauty.

Anyone who sees it will be amazed at that moment by its transcendent charm.

Even though he thinks he is absolutely not bad, when staying near her, Nakiri Erina still feels a pressure.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Xinwu looked at her in surprise.

"No, no....."

Nakiri Erina gave a friendly smile, and then said: "I just think, Xinwu, you are Mingjing Little Brother's older sister.

As I said before, in the chat group, the relationship between her and Fang Xinwu is quite good.


The moment she heard this, the girl clearly showed a happy expression.

She is indeed Little Brother's sister or something... To her, this is definitely the best compliment in the world.

"Actually, Erina is quite easy to get along with."

"Eh?" Nakiri Erina was taken aback for a moment, "Have I always given the impression that people are difficult to get along with?"

"That's the impression I had before we met."

What I'm talking about is actually something in the plot. After all, Nakiri Erika in the story is a somewhat arrogant young lady.

Yakumo Zi, who was listening to the conversation between the two, showed an interested expression.


The monster sage took a look at Fang Xinwu, felt an unspeakable femininity different from that of a girl from her delicate face, and then thought of her unnatural walk just now, he couldn't help but click his tongue .

"Stop, stop—! Okay, turn to the left, no, go to the right, it's too far——"

Hestia, who was swinging from side to side, was almost unable to distinguish the direction under the command of others. In the confusion, she took a step to the left, but accidentally hooked her foot and lost her balance, and she fell to the side go down.



"It hurts—!"

Goddess Loli only felt that something had hit Own's head, and when she covered her forehead and let out a painful cry, there was also a somewhat stunned voice from the side.

She hastily took down the cloth strip covering her eyes, only to see the shattered watermelon displayed in front of her—was she hit on the forehead?

"`々 To a certain extent, Hestia is quite powerful." The referee, Azaki Ikawa, looked a little speechless.

"I haven't played yet." Fang Mingjing said.

"I lost." This is Kang Na.

"Hmm, what does it matter, anyway, the result is to be eaten."

Goddess Hestia was a little embarrassed at the beginning, but later on, she showed an amazing expression, "You know, there has never been a watermelon that was broken open by the goddess herself? In other words, this watermelon You have already been blessed, you can get good luck if you eat it?"

"Punching circle..."

Looking towards Fang Mingjing, Azaji Jinghe showed a subtle expression.

And hearing her whispering voice, Hestia couldn't help being silent—first of all, whether the blessing of the goddess exists or not is another matter, even if it exists, that little bit of good luck is placed on the small group leader, and it may not even count as a fraction Ah (Qian Zhaohao)!

But when she heard the food, Kang Na immediately ran over.

She picked up a piece of watermelon and took a sip, the red flesh disappeared instantly, and even the melon rind was only left with a thin layer.

To be honest, Fang Mingjing was a little envious of her appetite.

"Well, let's go play in the sea next."

"Okay! There is no sea in Ola Li, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

"I'll go as well."

"Miss Zi and the others? It should be more interesting for everyone to be together, right?"

"Then I'll call them over."


I was shocked when I opened the background, thank you "12******835" for the 21,000 VIP points!!! (A string of numbers will be blocked)

I really feel bad for being rewarded so much for my update speed OTZ.

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