Miko Kaguya.

When she posted her own photos to the chat group, Fang Mingjing immediately felt a strong sense of familiarity—

Her features were indescribably beautiful.

Short black hair reaching shoulder length, burgundy eyes are cold, besides having a quiet demeanor, it also gives off a mysterious atmosphere.

She is wearing a traditional priestess attire, with white stockings on her beautiful legs and a crown on her head. It seems that as she moves, there will be crisp silver bells ringing.

[Stinky Bean Sprouts sent you a piece of material: "Black". 】

Kaguya was puzzled at first, why the group owner only passed the information of his own world to himself in private, instead of sending it to the chat group like other people.

But soon, she understood everything.

In just a split second, Kaguya Wenjing's face immediately turned pale, and she felt a sense of disgust enveloping her whole body, and unconsciously hugged her arms tightly.

She fell silent for a moment.

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "Are you okay?"

Kaguya: ....Yes. Thank you very much for your early warning, group leader. "

Stinky Bean Sprout: "Well, in fact, you don't need to take it too seriously, it's something that never happened anyway."

Seeing Fang Mingjing's comfort, Kaguya still felt heavy in his heart.

After all, those scenes were too terrifying. After knowing what was going to happen in the future, Kaguya only felt that the world in front of her was shrouded in darkness, and she couldn't even breathe a sigh of relief.

Most of all, she doesn't seem to be able to stop these things from happening.

The world where Kaguya is located is called "Cernus".

On the border of "Eos", a plain in the west of the world, there are seven fortress cities. Because of the threat of monsters, they unite and form an alliance. They have been fighting against the monster army headed by the Queen of Dark Elf for hundreds of years.

And recently, the goddess reincarnated in the Seventh Fortress predicted that the terrifying power of the Dark Elf Queen would gradually fade away in the future. It is a good opportunity to fight those monsters, but some people in the council are afraid that the prediction will not be accurate, so they propose to spend money to hire those mercenaries as vanguards to test the Dark City.

This move seems to be no problem.

But according to the information given by the group leader, Kaguya found that they had completely underestimated the mercenaries, a dirty group with no reputation.

In the future, after they captured the Dark City according to the agreement, they developed disgusting ambitions and desires, united with the monsters in the Dark City, and attacked the "Seven Shields Alliance" in turn, making the unexpected "Seven Shields Alliance" The Alliance was hit hard.

As for what happens next, I can only say that I understand everything...

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "Well, what's going on with you now?"

Kaguya: "My lord, the Seven Shields Alliance has already reached an agreement with the mercenary group, and I am powerless to stop it...... Moreover, I will officially become the head priestess who will personally serve the Lord God tomorrow night."

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "God? The god who hasn't appeared since the Seven Shields Alliance was breached?"

Kaguya: "...Yes."

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "What's the use of that kind of guy? It's just a display. Believing in him is worse than believing in Hestia."



Miko had no way to refute.

In fact, her heart of faith is very solid, but looking at the information, not only did he do nothing, even when he was in despair, he never gave up praying to him, but he never responded even once Kaguya could only remain silent for his actions.

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "Well, let's do this."

Stinky Bean Sprout: "As long as you promise me that you don't believe in that god, I'll go over and help you."

Fang Mingjing is very clear.

The "Black Beast" mercenary group is very inferior, and the god that Kaguya believes in is not serious. In the original book, the priestess dedicated a shameful place to the unknown god and regarded it as a god Sanctuary

But it's not the same, the so-called sanctuary of the gods was not broken by two monsters in the end.

Kaguya: "My lord,... come and help me?"

Stinky Bean Sprout: "That's right, there is a function of traveling through the world in the chat group, as long as you agree, I can go there at any time.

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "Well, whether it's a mercenary group or a monster, I can easily deal with it."

Kaguya suddenly felt only a burst of heartbeat.

Your Excellency's help...

Although she didn't know how powerful Fang Mingjing was, but with her status as the group leader of the chat group, Kaguya took it for granted that it must be a piece of cake for him.

It's just that the price is that she needs to give up her own beliefs.

This is really a difficult decision for Hui Ye, even in the situation where she has already had a lot of cracks in her belief in the gods-after all, this is her spiritual support for many years, even for Hui Ye who was ten minutes ago. Ye Lai said that believing in that god is still everything in her life, if she gives up here, it can be said that she has almost rejected all her previous beliefs.

Kaguya struggled a little.

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "Can't decide?"

Kaguya: ...Your Excellency, the leader, then may I transfer my heart of faith to you?

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "Why?"

Fang Mingjing was a little taken aback.

Kaguya: "Witches must depend on the existence of gods. If you lose your faith, you will be duckweed..."

For Kaguya, this is probably the best way.

She doesn't want to give up her own heart of faith.


If Your Excellency the Group Master will become the savior of himself and everyone else, it seems to be a matter of course to turn to believe in such a gentle and powerful existence like him.

And Fang Mingjing was speechless for a while.

He felt a little hesitant, but on the other hand he found it very interesting, can he become a god himself?

After some hesitation,

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "That's good, I can give it a try."

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