
When Kaguya walked out of the cave with Fang Mingjing in his arms, the witches waiting outside couldn't help showing doubts.

Some of them asked subconsciously: "Master Kaguya, who is this child?"

"This is my lord.

"Master God!?"

They suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

But in the next second, the group of witches who came back to their senses all showed joy.

Those who are not qualified to step into the cave do not know the real body of the gods they believe in, and they will not doubt the piety of Master Huiye's belief, so after Huiye announced this, they immediately knelt down.

Fang Mingjing immediately felt some kind of warm power from them gathering in him.

The beliefs of this world seem to be easily effective.

"Get up."

He said so.

The immature voice fell on the ears of this group of witches, and it only made them feel as sweet as the sound of nature. After standing up in a good manner, they quietly watched the young appearance of the gods

The clear eyes were immediately filled with 03's enthusiasm and fascination.

ah ah.

My lord, she is so cute and dazzling.

The Sacred aura emanating from him is as inviolable as the real sun.

"Retire, Lord Shenming needs to rest."

"Yes, Master Kaguya."

They immediately stepped aside respectfully.

Kaguya walked among them holding Fang Mingjing until the figures of the two disappeared, the hearts of the remaining shrine maidens were full of joy and excitement.

———My lord has actually walked out of Sacred's residence.

Could it be that from today onwards, the gods will personally issue instructions to guide them?

Fang Mingjing didn't know what they were thinking, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much. He let Kaguya carry him to the main hall of the shrine --- this is the place where the gods go, so in general, others are forbidden entered.

And once here, the expression on Fang Mingjing's little face suddenly relaxed.

"It's quite tiring to carry the shelf."

He muttered like this, he had tried very hard to appear majestic along the way just now.

"Sorry, my lord."

"What did Kaguya apologize for?"

"Master Shenming feels tired because of my affairs, so..."

"Well, you don't have to be so careful with me."

Fang Mingjing laughed.

Sitting in the arms of the witch, he turned around, hugged the girl's neck with a pair of tender little hands, with a heart-warming smile on his lovely face, and then quietly admired her appearance.

While in the cave, Fang Mingjing failed to withstand the temptation and used the "sanctuary" that Kaguya dedicated to the gods.


Speaking of which, since it was something dedicated to God, Kaguya has been taking care of it very carefully since he can remember, so the so-called sanctuary even looks particularly beautiful.

Just like the beautiful cherry blossoms.

"Kaguya, can you contact people from other fortresses to hold another meeting?"

"Yes, my lord."

Kaguya replied, "The purpose of the Seven Shields Alliance is to fight against the monsters in the Dark City. If there is important information or an emergency situation, the commander of each fortress has the right to hold a meeting."

"Well, let's notify the other fortresses to hold a meeting now, and tell them the faster the better."

"Yes, I see."

Kaguya is naturally good at following others.

Fang Mingjing was thinking, if he remembered correctly, the group of mercenaries hired by the Seven Shields Alliance had already set out.

If it takes several days to prepare for the meeting, the time is still a little urgent.

Because as far as Fang Mingjing knew, Walter, the leader of the Black Beast Mercenary Group, was a very scheming and capable conspirator. He probably had already planned the Seven Shields Alliance long before he went to attack the Dark City.

Why is the Seven Shields in the plot so easily captured?

The reason, apart from the fact that the Seven Shields were caught off guard by the power of the mercenaries and monsters, the greater relationship still came from the ghosts in the various fortresses. All kinds of conditions, either secretly provide all kinds of information or suddenly turn against each other at a critical moment.

With the combination of the two, it is not surprising that the huge Seven Shields Alliance will completely fall in less than a month.

Fang Mingjing's idea is simple.

He planned to take advantage of the meeting of the Seven Shields to deal with the traitors in those fortresses first, and then set off for the Dark City to deal with the Black Beast Mercenary Group and the monsters together.

Then the world will be clean.

"Master Shenming, Master Kaguya."

At this time, a priestess' respectful voice came from outside the main hall.

"come in."

Kaguya responded with a cool voice.

530 Soon, a pretty maiden came in with a tray. On the tray was a wooden bowl, and beside the bowl was a spoon of the same material, and there was a faint sweet smell in the air.

Was it a meal delivery?

Only then did Fang Mingjing realize that it was already a bit late.

"I'm leaving first."

The witch looked at Fang Mingjing with reverent and pious eyes the whole time, but she also knew the etiquette, so after putting down the things, she quickly left here.

Fang Mingjing's eyes couldn't help but fall into the bowl.

It was a bowl of miscellaneous porridge.

The thick porridge and rice are rich in vegetables, mixed with pieces of meat, dotted with chopped green onions, especially with a liquid soft-boiled egg nestled on top, which looks very appetizing.

Kaguya, who noticed his eyes, couldn't help showing a demure smile.

"Does God want to eat?"


"Then let me feed you.


I happily agreed.

He really has no consciousness of being a god at all.

Witches need to keep their bodies pure, so if they dedicate themselves to the gods, they can only do dirty py transactions. .

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