dark city.

In the Great Hall of this castle exuding the power of the Black Devil, a man in his thirties sat on the throne that originally belonged to the Black Queen. He is extremely strong, his skin is dark and rough because of his mercenary career, and he has a cruel and ambitious smile on his face.

At this moment, Walter's heart was full of surging.

His ideal, his ambition, at this moment finally set foot on the starting point!

For almost ten years...

In the past ten years, Walter has used various methods to build his mercenary army to where it is today, the most important of which is his gathering policy, regardless of race, no matter what kind of scum, as long as they have enough ability The best players will be recruited by him as partners one after another.

This in itself is a force capable of confronting the army of the Seven Shields Alliance head-on.

Combined with the army of monsters under the Queen of Black he gathered, in other words, he has pulled up the most powerful and most vicious legion in "Eos" at this moment.

Next, as long as he launches a surprise attack on the Seven Shields and declares war, he can start to build his country.

So, let's start with the second-fortress first.

Prim, known as the "Princess of the Flower Moon", has a weak personality, and with the information provided by the Morta Della brothers who have been coveting her for a long time, Walter thinks that she can do it without any trouble.

Vigorously take down the second key point.

And after that, the "Princess Huayue" and the people of the second fortress can be used as threats to force Alicia to submit. This is undoubtedly the most perfect starting choice.

Tap, tap, tap, tap

The sound of subtle footsteps from far to near became clearer.

Accompanied by a slightly ferocious black shadow walking in the corridor, the candlelight on both sides of the corridor began to fluctuate.

Two huge orcs walked up to the Great Hall with a dark elf, shackled around the neck and wrists, and threw her to the ground.

The dark elf possessed an astonishing beauty.

She tied a side ponytail and wore a somewhat cool military uniform. Her smooth brown skin revealed a sweet and inviting atmosphere like chocolate. She gritted her teeth in humiliation, and when she struggled to get up, she glared at him with angry eyes. Walter on the throne.

"Damn human, how dare you sit there!?"


"And you guys!" She turned her head and glared at the nearby orcs again, her murderousness in her voice was undisguised, "Not only did you run away, but you betrayed us!? Shameless pigs...no, even pig raccoons It’s not even counted, give me death and apologize immediately!!”

"Even if you've been locked up all night, are you still so energetic...?"

Walter was arched on the throne, he supported his face with his hands, and there was no emotion in his drooping eyes, "It's not bad to swear, but you don't seem to understand your current situation."


lang lang

Suddenly there was the sound of chains being pulled.

Behind the dark elf Croyer, the orc pulled the chain in his hand, and the shackles around Croyer's neck were immediately pulled up, pulling her up.

Croyer snorted.

When she was forced to raise her head upwards, she saw a message that sent chills down the spine flashing in the orc's red eyes. At the same time, in the corner of the Great Hall, there were some similar monsters approaching eagerly.

Suddenly there was a strong rancid smell in the air.

It was the disgusting body odor of a male who hadn't showered for a long time mixed with the smell of alcohol, mud, and sweat. In Croyer's eyes that widened suddenly, someone started to reach out to her.

"Ah, here we are."

A childish voice suddenly sounded in the Great Hall.

Walter stood up abruptly.

Years of mercenary career made him develop an extremely vigilant attitude. It would be fine if it was just an ordinary voice, but because it was too immature, it made him even more cautious and nervous.

How could a child enter the Dark City without making a sound? It's too abnormal that he hasn't disturbed his mercenaries and those high-level monsters.

0…ask for flowers……

He didn't want to provoke some terrible characters.

Then, a figure suddenly appeared there.

Without anyone noticing, he suddenly appeared in the center of the Great Hall with a light smile on his face.

It was a very young child.

About ten years old, with a spotless and white figure, when he stood there, a terrifying aura filled the front of the throne.

The orcs and ogres around were also in an uproar, stemming from the instinct of the monsters. They sensed the horror. This is undoubtedly a transcendent existence far superior to the Black Queen. Most of the monsters have already knelt down tremblingly. Lying on the ground, even some high-level monsters fell to the ground involuntarily, not daring to raise the will to resist.



Walter's rough face was filled with surprise.

He could hardly bear the terror of his trembling muscles, and looked at that figure in disbelief.


With a smile as ethereal as smoke, Fang Mingjing said so.


Beside Walter, stood two youths respectively.

One of them was thin and bare-chested, with two short knives pinned to his waist and a flirtatious face, while the other was a blond man dressed as a scholar with alchemy-made glasses on his nose. He looks gentle and refined, more like an intellectual scholar than a mercenary.

It was the man dressed as the scholar who spoke.

"So, what's the matter with God appearing here? As you can see, our mercenary group has just fulfilled the contract with the Seven Shields Alliance and successfully captured the Dark City."

He smiled and asked in a non-threatening and friendly manner:

"Are you here for the Queen of Black?".

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