The two fought from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to outside the atmosphere.

The space here has almost collapsed.

Not to mention ruins, the entire valley has long been annihilated by the terrifying impact, even the ground has been gouged out, and what is left here is a big void with nothing

The auditorium is gone.

Everyone could only stand on the disfigured ground and look up at the sky tens of thousands of meters away—although the two of them, Kusuo Saiki and Saitama, were no longer visible at this moment, the terrifying movement could still be seen. affect here.

In the silent universe space.

Saiki Kusuo and Saitama competed with each other, and the two sides completely turned into afterimages, completing offense and defense again and again in high-speed flashes.


Chasing the figure of Saitama who was constantly rushing "397" from multiple directions, Saiki Kusuo quickly took off the decorative glasses, and in an instant, the corner of Saitama's cloak behind him touched by his sight, together with the side The small planets turned into a cold gray together.

Saitama, who was moving at high speed, just waved his hand, and directly smashed the cloak that was constantly spreading to him with the tendency of petrification. behind.

Make a fist hard.

Breath became hot.

When the breath and the boiling will echo each other, Saitama's face has long been unable to control the high-spirited smile. He swung his arms back high and swung his club with all his strength, and slammed it in front of his eyes. past.

And Kusuo Saiki, who maintains "telepathy" at all times, has long been aware of Saitama's movements, his eyes are only slightly fluorescent, and at that moment, the huge power of thought directly dragged the moon beside him out of its original orbit , pushing this huge celestial body into a meteor to meet Saitama's fist.

Saitama's fist made contact with the moon.

Compared with this huge natural satellite, Saitama's figure is as small as an ant, but his merciless punch smashed the outer layer of the moon like smashing a biscuit. Cracks are spreading rapidly on the surface of the moon, The next moment,

The moon is blasted!

Saitama used all his strength to punch seriously, and when the fist landed on the surface of the moon, the turbulent force that shattered everything rushed out, like a flood that burst a bank, making the entire moon full of cracks at the moment It shattered with a bang, and countless fragments burst into the depths of the Universe!

Saiki Kusuo held it with one hand.

Immediately, the moon fragments that turned into comets and scattered around the universe were abruptly stopped, and then controlled by Saiki Kusuo, all of them were blasted towards Saitama.


Facing the group of barrages from all directions, Saitama did not dodge them, but used his fists and feet to bounce them all off.

Sound cannot travel in a vacuum universe.

But at this moment, neither of them felt the need to communicate, they just locked their attention on each other, fully feeling the refreshing feeling of fully releasing their power.

Saitama silently smiled passionately.


Really very happy!

After gaining power, he has never felt such a joyful time. The blood is boiling and the heart is beating rapidly in the chest like this. Saitama has never felt so clearly that he is "alive" !

But in contrast, Saiki Kusuo had a bit of hard work.

After taking off the limiter completely, he felt like a runaway machine, all kinds of super powers were desperately trying to be released... He could only barely control himself Lock the target on Saitama.


Seeing Saitama destroying all the moon fragments approaching, Saiki Kusuo showed an imperceptible smile on his face.

And when Saitama's line of sight reflected the calm figure of this superpower user, he exerted force under his feet, and his whole body suddenly accelerated, shortening the distance between the two sides in an instant with a lightning-fast momentum. The fist hit Saiki Kusuo's chest exactly.

A serious punch that must kill——

A full blow that was enough to smash the ground and penetrate the sky was released, and the moment Saitama confirmed that Kusuo Saiki's figure was completely swallowed up, ten hands suddenly placed on Saitama's shoulders from behind.


Saitama was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, Saiki Kusuo directly activated his superpower...


The figures of the two disappeared directly in place.

This scene is undoubtedly the result of the trap that Saiki Kusuo set just now.

Saiki Kusuo possesses the superpower of invisibility called "transparency". Taking advantage of the cover that Saitama bombed the moon just now, he uses the "clone" to keep it in place, while the main body takes the opportunity to hide it until When Saitama's attack fell on the clone, his body suddenly appeared and grabbed the opponent to use "teleportation".

The place where the teleportation goes is the center of the solar system 150 million kilometers away from the moon, where the star named the sun is located

And at the moment of teleporting here, both Saiki Kusuo and Saitama felt that they were almost melted. The heat emitted by this dazzling Star with a temperature of tens of millions is enough to burn everything, even if both of them feel A strong sense of distress.

According to Saiki Kusuo's idea, he was going to fly to the center of the sun at the moment Saitama didn't react, the moment he moved here in an instant, but at the critical moment

Saitama's reflexes are much faster than he imagined!

At that moment, Saitama took advantage of the situation and grabbed the hand of Saiki Kusuo on his shoulder [the body rotated on the spot and brought up a huge inertia and threw Saiki Kusuo into the middle of the sun like a shooting star]

This scene is slightly funny 1.3.

But it is undeniable that when he was approaching the center of the sun at a speed exceeding the speed of the third universe, Saiki Kusuo felt an unprecedented threat. The current situation seems to be helpless.


There should be a last resort.

Although in his daily life, Saiki Kusuo has always hoped to be a little transparent and has no desire to win at all, but after releasing all his superpowers this time, he rarely aroused all his competitive spirit.

Let me show you the limits of superpowers——!

It was two o'clock after I came back yesterday, and it was three o'clock when I took a shower and tidied up.

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