Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 285: You're The One Who Doesn't Know The Situation

Frankly speaking, this place is a trap, a trap designed to capture Igawa Asagi and Ikawa Sakura.

With hostages in hand, Kiryu Soma really didn't worry that the two would refuse to submit obediently.

Ha ha ha ha ha.....

Qiang couldn't help shaking his shoulders, and Kiryu Soma let out a low-pitched, joyful laugh, and on his face that was gradually becoming crazy, veins and tendons were squirming.

His shadow illuminated by the light in the research room is gradually changing into an alien appearance.


The ugly and hideous tentacles that look colorful have replaced half of Kiryu Zoma's body - this Devil World scientist is actually just an ordinary human being, but he is good at biological research, and he can easily transform his own body into what it is today .

"It's kind of boring."

Fang Mingjing said at this time.

Kiryu Soma, who was immersed in excitement, gave a meal~.

He turned around slowly, looking at Fang Mingjing who was bound there with slightly cloudy eyes.

"What did you say?"

"Now I'm bored."

After hearing these words clearly, Kiryu Zoma's eyes began to release dangerous signals, and he walked towards Fang Mingjing.

"Little ghost, you seem to be a little confused about the situation."

"You're the one who doesn't understand the situation."

Fang Mingjing replied, "I would like to advise you, it is best not to let me continue to feel bored, or I will kill you now."

Kiryu Sama's face changed slightly.

He is a cunning person, so he is somewhat cautious, so after hearing Fang Mingjing's speech, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

At this moment,

A huge aura filled the entire research room.

It doesn't look like the heavy and extremely huge breath that humans should have burst out.

The limbs became stiff in an instant.

His thoughts also seemed to be frozen and unable to turn around.

When Kiryu Soma fell to the ground in horror, what he felt in his fear was a brilliant and dazzling presence like the sun.

Fang Mingjing smiled quietly.

"From now on, if you disobey me, you will be killed."

"I'll kill you if you bore me."

"If you make me feel uncomfortable, I will kill you."

"At last,"

"good evening."

While easily untying himself, Fang Mingjing greeted him politely.

Kiryu Sama looked at him with cold sweat.

At this moment, the magic doctor's mind was completely confused. He who claimed to have set a perfect trap did not expect this to happen.

...Is this how it is used?"

Fang Mingjing stepped over the opponent and came to the console. Looking at the dense rows of buttons in front of him, he couldn't help pressing one of them curiously.


In an instant, there was an explosion sound on the monitor screen.

The surveillance screen is a corridor. Originally, two ghouls were patrolling and passing by, but a sudden explosion occurred on the ground, blowing up both of their bodies. Blood and pieces of flesh splashed all over the wall.

This seems to be a bit powerful...

Fang Mingjing couldn't help but pressed the button a little further away.

The moment the button is pressed, the monitoring screen automatically switches to another corridor. Suddenly, a large amount of liquid is sprayed from the ceiling of the corridor, and when it falls on the ground, it quickly vaporizes and dissipates.

That's it?

Fang Mingjing blinked.

But soon. He noticed that something was wrong. Several orcs passing by in the corridor of the monitoring screen became agitated instantly after inhaling the gas.

They panted heavily with red eyes, as if they had become volcanoes that would be ignited at the touch of a touch.

It's a love potion...

A little afraid to look at the scene that might happen next, Fang Mingjing switched the monitoring to other screens.

At this time, Kiryu Soma looked at the back of Fang Mingjing who was paying attention to the console, and suddenly gritted his teeth fiercely.

0...asking for flowers...

Although cunning and cautious, Kiryu Zoma is actually quite a bold guy, otherwise he would not have dared to betray the other party in the original world line, even though he was afraid of the power of the Devil World King Bu Laike.

Half of his body directly turned into an ugly scroll, frantically rushing towards where Fang Mingjing was.

As long as you can touch it--

Seeing that Fang Mingjing didn't seem to notice, Kiryu Soma's eyes were intertwined with viciousness and insidiousness. There were multiple toxins in his transformed body. As long as a little bit was rubbed on, even a powerful monster would become weak.

At this moment, Fang Mingjing glanced back.

Just looking at it, the tentacles swarming frantically exploded suddenly, and the stench and dark red blood splashed on the ground in a fan shape.

Kiryu Soma's entire right body also disappeared.

He screamed in horror, the intense pain caused him to roll over on the ground, and in a panic, he took out a syringe from the pocket of his white coat with his left hand and stabbed it at the bloody half of his body.

With the injection of the meat supplement, the missing right half of Kiryu Zoma quickly grew tentacles, and then swelled up, and finally the culture was normal.

"Oh...can it be recovered?"

It was the first time Fang Mingjing had encountered such an existence.


Seeing Kiryu Sama recovering and gasping for breath with a pale face, Fang Mingjing's attention was turned.

"Since the body can be restored at once, it should be enough to keep the part above the neck?"

Fang Mingjing was eager to try.

But just when he was thinking about giving it a try, the surveillance video next to him suddenly switched to the outer area of ​​this magic cave.

There was Taimanin sneaking in.

However, it wasn't Igawa Asahime or Igawa Sakura, but a Taimanin Sen who was older than the two of them and exuded the charm of a mature wife. .

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