Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 293: Will You Regret It?

That was probably the darkest day in Sawaki Kyosuke's life.

It's all because of that phone call last night.

The voice of his ex-fiancée, Azaki Ihe, came over the instant he was connected.

that moment,

Like a mobile phone falling from his ear, Sawaki Kyosuke's heart fell into the abyss completely.

He began to feel out of breath.

As if a bottomless darkness enveloped him, Sawaki Kyosuke's brain was in a daze, and then his heart began to twitch.

Hearing the voice coming from the phone, he couldn't believe it.

But, really can't believe it?

In fact, as early as two days ago when Azaki suddenly hung up the phone in a hurry, Sawaki Kyousuke began to have a bad premonition in his heart.

It's just that he doesn't want to believe it anyway.

After all, in his impression, the beautiful and conservative Azaj, who was like the flower of the high mountains, would never become like this.


Her voice gradually came from the phone.

It fell into Sawaki Kyosuke's ears, and his face slowly recovered a little color, but his hands and feet were completely cold.

"I'm sorry, I'm just such a woman...Actually, I wanted to confess to you and refuse from the very beginning about getting back together.

Reject this child's acting like a baby, so I am not qualified to be with you from the beginning like this. 』

"From now on it will be like last time..."

"Let's never contact each other again—"

Sawaki Kyosuke did not reply.

He just sat there as if lost in his soul, and there was no way to know whether he had heard the words, and not long after that, the call was unilaterally ended.

Listening to the busy tone from the loudspeaker, the man remained silent for a while.

He is breathing.

Just breathe.

What overflowed in Sawaki Kyosuke's heart at this moment was neither anger nor sadness, but feeling nothing, feeling empty as if something was missing somewhere.

"Hehehe, this is really interesting...

A thick and majestic male voice came to Sawaki Kyousuke's ears as if descending from the sky.

Sawaki Kyosuke's body shook violently, and he felt a strong cold air attacking him from all directions, which made him shiver involuntarily, turned his head around in horror and shouted: Who is it!?"

"My name is Bo Laike, the first vampire, the undead king of the Devil World."

Shadows completely enveloped the entire room.

In the deep darkness, Sawaki Kyosuke saw a pair of blood-red eyes and two ferocious sharp fangs.

"Magic, the king of the Devil World..."

"That's right, I was attracted by the turbulent darkness in your heart, Sawaki Kyosuke...would you like to cooperate with me and let me occupy your body to share this dark power?"

Bu Laike held out his hand invitingly.

The king of the Devil World is immortal. Although he was defeated by Fang Mingjing and his body was destroyed and turned into nothingness, his soul was suddenly awakened by the darkness of Sawaki Kyosuke after a period of deep sleep.


Fang Mingjing went to Azaji's room.

After coming in, he saw that she seemed to be packing her things, so he couldn't help but ran forward.

"What is Sister Azaki packing?"

"Something that is no longer needed."

With a calm smile on her face, Ikawa Asagi said so.

But Fang Mingjing noticed that her eye circles were a little red.

Then I looked at the things she packed up, it was a few pieces of clothing, and then there was a photo frame and a small box.

In the photo frame is a photo of her and Sawaki Kyosuke, and in the small box is an engagement ring.

Watching these Fang Mingjing step forward and gently push her into her arms.

"Will Sister Azaki regret it?"

"It will not happen."



A little bit uncontrollably, Azaki Jinghe smiled and hugged Fang Mingjing a little harder.

々Sister Ashaji has already made up her mind, that's why she wanted Xiao Mingjing to come here so much.


Fang Mingjing smiled and nodded.

When she broke up with Sawaki Kyosuke earlier, Igawa Azaki still loved Sawaki Kyosuke in her heart.

Therefore, when Sawaki Kyosuke proposed to get back together and started to pursue her again, Azaki knew that she would definitely be shaken... That's why she asked Fang Mingjing to come here Play.

Maybe if she didn't do this, it would be good to live happily with Sawaki Kyosuke in the future, but Azaki knew that it was impossible.

She couldn't resist Fang Mingjing......

As early as Fang Mingjing came here for the first time, and Little Sister Igawa Sakura coaxed him to sleep and so on, after that there was absolutely no way to refuse him.

This kind of self (Li Zhao Zhao) is destined not to be with Kyousuke, so... Jie...

Asaji didn't feel regretful at all.

"Actually, Sister Azaji made a mistake at the time. It's because the other party is not good enough for you."

Fang Mingjing hummed softly.

Sawaki Kyosuke is a good guy, but in fact he is a softie. In the original world line, Oboro forced Azaki to surrender and was captured because of taking him as a hostage.

What's more, the problem is that Azaki is clearly supporting him, but Sawaki Kyosuke is easily seduced by Oboro.

"Thank you, Little Mirror," Azaji said with a gentle smile.

"Hmm~ Hurry up, Shiranui Aunt has been waiting for you since just now."

"Really? Then let's go out quickly."


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