Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter Two Hundred And Ninety Six: The Curtain

【Real and Unreal Realm】

When Fang Mingjing tried to use the power of Realm to reverse the scene in front of him, an invisible wave of fluctuation enveloped the place.

A strong sense of disobedience hit everyone.

No one can tell what happened, but Laike, who has a sharper perception, has an abnormal and distorted expression against Sawaki Kyosuke's body.

The extremely strong sense of disobedience seemed to overwhelm him completely.

It was a chill that seemed to be felt all over the body.

air, atmosphere, vibration, pulse, and all


All this has changed.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just killed you here, so I don't have to worry about breaking the "37"."

"What's the meaning?"

After faintly realizing that his own idea could not come true, Laike seemed to be a little annoyed.

Fang Mingjing didn't answer.

Just quietly appearing in front of Bu Laike, he raised a hand, and in an instant, the scorching Spiritual Qi like the sun burst out.


There was no time to react, Edwin Bu Laike was blasted out together with the door behind him, and the surrounding low-level monsters were turned into flying ash under the Sacred Spiritual Qi.


Being smashed fiercely into a tall building opposite, with Sawaki Kyosuke's body, Bo Laike's eyes were quickly dyed red.

He let out a ferocious growl from his throat.

In an instant, the Monster Qi gushing out of Sawaki Kyosuke's body turned into a torrent, burst out suddenly, and blasted all the low-level monsters generated in the surrounding city into pieces.

Looking at the Monster Qi in the opposite building that has completely turned into a substance, the Taimanin and Devil World knight subconsciously showed shocking expressions.

The dark power erupted by the King of the Devil World, that wave of air was like a fused solar flare, sweeping through the atmosphere, crazily shaking everything around. I saw the windows of the whole building were shattered amidst the screams, the concrete walls were quickly covered with cracks, and finally even the building itself was dangling in the air waves.

Blood color covered the entire sky.

next second,

In the smoke caused by the collapsed floors, Bu Laike rushed in front of Fang Mingjing, and ran towards Fang Mingjing with bloody hands.

The little saint tilted his head.

"An illusion? It seems that you have become much weaker."


Fang Mingjing didn't even move, just watched the offensive launched by Bu Laike, and the golden flames that emerged in an instant directly burned the blood river.

The expression of the King of Devil World suddenly became anxious.

He raised his wrist, bit it with his sharp fangs, then twisted his head, and the whole arm was actually torn off like this.

In an instant, among the countless splashes of blood and blood vessels, countless black sharp flesh whiskers frantically rushed towards Fang Mingjing like a tide. However, in just an instant, the terrifying tide of flesh whiskers was all burned into ashes.

Only the burnt smell of flesh and blood after being forcibly expelled by the terrifying high temperature remains. …

"I'm sorry... I felt wrong, you didn't get weaker, it's just that I got a lot stronger.

He muttered casually.

Fang Mingjing didn't want to play with Bu Laike any more, he raised one hand above his head, and then, the golden Yang Yan gradually turned into a spear in his hand.

A brilliant golden sun descended from the sky at night, sinking behind Fang Mingjing.

Huh...... Huh......

It was the sound of the fire being blown by the wind.

Fang Mingjing, who didn't even look at it, threw the spear in his hand.


The fired Yangyan Spear turned into a bright aurora, rushing towards the enemy with an avalanche of destructive power.

Although it is night now,

Although it is still late at night,

But the rushing spears shone brighter than the sun at noon!

Bu Laike's pupils contracted suddenly...

The strike in front of him reminded him of the scene where he was killed last time, and exactly the same as that time, he still didn't have any ability to resist.

The moment he realized this, a bright red impulse filled Bo Laike's consciousness - such a humiliation, what kind of joke are you kidding!? I am the eternal king of vampire Devil World!

However, no matter how much Bu Laike struggles, the tenacles of the monster wriggling out of the void are not tough enough to stop such a long spear, not even able to delay for a moment, the golden aurora easily tears through the ugly The piece of meat finally pierced a hole in Sawaki Kyosuke's body.

The Devil World King who used the body of Sawaki Kyosuke was defeated.

But at the next moment when his new body completely collapsed, a greater darkness exploded.

At the critical moment, Edwin Bu Laike's soul broke away from Sawaki Kyosuke's body, and then he approached Fang Mingjing with only his soul left, with overwhelming murderous intent and anger.

He wants to take away Fang Mingjing's body——

Since you can't beat him, then use this soul that can't be wiped out by 2.8 to directly seize his body!

When Bu Laike approached with a roaring roar, Fang Mingjing curled the ends of his hair with his tender white fingers, and then suddenly black flames ignited around him.

A breath of deadly destruction swept over.

After bumping into this terrifying aura head-on, Bu Laike's soul was burned instantly, he let out a shrill scream, and finally was completely reduced to ashes in the unbelievable scream.

The curtain is down.

However, Fang Mingjing had no emotion.

He looked down at Own's toes, kicked the ground lightly, and then turned around to Jinghe Azaji and the others behind him, showing a quiet and lovely smiling face.

Shine like the sun. .

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