Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter Three Hundred And Five: Mom


A masculine voice came out.

Putting his little hand on the beautiful woman's thigh, looking up at her, Fang Mingjing made a masculine voice.

The corners of Gu Shiyun's lips raised slightly.

She grabbed Fang Mingjing's young palm and pulled him closer, and then a gentle smile appeared on that dignified and beautiful face.


"Hmmm..." He responded in a soft nasal voice.



Seeing his mischievous look, Gu Shiyun couldn't help but smile and open her hands, hugging him onto her ~ laps.

After turning her face to smell the faint milky smell and sweet smell emanating from his body, the eyes of the beautiful woman seemed to be soaked, tender and full of joy, she touched his forehead with her mouth .

"Mother's good boy..."


Little Shengzi leaned his head on her chest happily.

He likes such an aunt.


In fact, it seems that since he can remember, he has no impression of his mother.

Although because of the existence of his sister, he doesn't care much about this matter... But, he really longs for his mother's existence in his heart.

Although I often acted like a baby to my aunt in the past, but this time when I called her mother, my mood became a little different.

There is a very reassuring feeling.....

Fang Mingjing is too specific to say, but I just feel very happy now, especially happy that I can happily wait for the time to flow even if I don’t do anything.

Then........ want to act like a spoiled child, let my mother look at me with more tender eyes.

"Jing'er, are you going to set off fireworks?"

The slender eyelashes fluttered slightly, Gu Shiyun stared at Fang Mingjing's small face, and said in a soft voice.

"Is it time already?"

"It's almost there."


The fireworks are also something I have been looking forward to for a long time.

Being carried to the ground, Fang Mingjing ran out with a whoosh, as if being blown away by the wind.

It's a good night tonight.

The light night fog pervading the courtyard, the clouds drifting slowly with the evening wind, gradually revealing the figure of the big full moon hidden in it.

The cold moonlight casts down.

The shadow of the whirling tree swayed gently with the sound of wind and rustling of leaves.


In the yard, Luo Qimeng who came over at some unknown time waved at Fang Mingjing.

She ran over quickly.

Fang Mingjing noticed that she was holding a stinky pig in her arms, and she was also holding a piece of jerky that looked very heavy.

This stinky Little Sister.

Fang Mingjing hugged the cat from her hand a little depressed.

"Didn't you say you want to set off fireworks with the senior sister over at Danfeng Palace?"

"That's the plan...but Senior Sister and the others were arrested by law enforcement Elder."


"It seems that the law enforcement Elder has been eyeing us from the very beginning, so the senior sisters were all arrested before the fireworks were set off."

Luo Qimeng seemed to be snickering.

Sacred Land actually does not allow fireworks.

After all, when the Spiritual Qi rises into the sky and explodes brilliantly, it is often used as a means of warning and sending signals.

So whenever there is a festival, when the deacon in Sacred Land sees the brilliant Spiritual Qi flames bursting somewhere and rushes over there, he finds out that it is just a group of disciples setting off fireworks for fun... This kind of situation Naturally, it was banned by order.

However, probably because even if caught, the punishment is very light, so many disciples don't care at all.

Therefore, whenever there is a festival in the mortal world, a group of disciples with brooms laughing and laughing and cleaning can be seen everywhere in Sacred Land the next morning...

By the way, early this morning, Fang Mingjing saw a task of recruiting a temporary worker deacon at Zi Xiaodian, and after completing the task, there will be 4000 Contribution Points.

"That's why I came here..."

"Well, if you set off fireworks at Senior Brother Ming Jing's place, even Deacon won't come here."

In fact, Luo Qimeng is fine in the square of Danfeng Palace, after all, even if she is caught, she can completely recite "My Fourth Elder Grandpa".


The stinky pig in Fang Mingjing's arms let out a cry.

It landed on the ground and tentatively slapped the bomb-like sphere on the ground with its forelimbs, but at the next moment, a little fire ignited in Fang Mingjing's hand, igniting the fuze extending from the sphere.

When the fuze burst into flames and made a barking noise, it seemed to be taken aback and hid behind Fang Mingjing cowardly.

The next moment,

The fireworks went off.

Looking out from Zhishui Peak, there are two vaguely overlapping hilltops in the distance, only shadows can be seen at night, but at this time ten beams of bright light shoot into the sky.

The light did not enter the night sky.

Suddenly, like a flower blooming, a bright red firework was set off grandly in the night sky.


What followed was the dull sound of fireworks.

It sounded like there was a delay.

But immediately after that, one, two, three, countless rays of light of different colors rushed up to the sky one after another in the distant night with a long span.

bong, bong, bong—

Countless fireworks overlap together.

Red, purple, yellow, green, blue.... Countless colors of fireworks blared high in the sky. The scene was so gorgeous that many people looked up at Zui above the water peak.

The evil god swimming in the Lin Hai with the body of a snake stopped, and she raised her head, her light golden pupils reflected the fire that bloomed in the sky.

On Yuyue Peak not far from Zhishui Peak, Yu Qingyue held a glass of cold wine in her hand, and she looked in the direction of Zhishui Peak with a smile on her face.

"It's already started..."

Gu Shiyun and Liu Shimei also came out of the room at this time.

after seeing them,

"Mom, grandma~"

Against the backdrop of the grandly unfolding beautiful fireworks, Fang Mingjing waved at them with a bright smile. .

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