Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 307: Boss Scraps Is Not Boss Crab

Crumb Boss is not Crab Boss.

When the news of the chat group suddenly appeared in Gui Wu Tsuji's mind, his first reaction was to get up suddenly, and turned his head to look around with cold sweat on his forehead.

what happened--!?


Facing completely unexpected and unknown things that definitely affect his own, Guiwu Tsuji subconsciously searched for all the abnormalities around him, and facing the empty walls around him, his widened red pupils visibly wavered.

Panic emotions enveloped him.

As the ancestor of Oni, who has completely surpassed human beings and survived for thousands of years, in fact Oni Mai Tsuji is extremely timid.

He fears Death.

The obsession with life makes him subconsciously resist all elements that make him feel uneasy, so when faced with uncontrollable things that suddenly appear in his consciousness, he must get rid of them immediately.

However, the existence of the chat group made him somewhat at a loss.

At this moment,

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "@油爸主, Mr. Crab? Are you the Mr. Mr. Crab who owns the Bikini Bottom restaurant?"

The bald and cloaked man: "Boss Crab 03... sounds delicious.

Kanna Kamuyi: "Crab..."

Asagi Ikawa: "Boss crumbs and boss crabs are different, right?"

Aizen Soyousuke: "Well, I personally think that there should be no such homonym errors in the chat group.

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "He doesn't even talk. @油爸主, do you know SpongeBob SquarePants?"

Oni Wu Tsuji looked at the messages that kept appearing in the chat group, and his face couldn't help but twisted.

He has somewhat figured out what this chat group seems to be a tool for communication? Although he doesn't know why this thing can reach Own's mind, but he feels that he has broken the stable ghost dance Tsuji Wuchan only felt a little annoyed, and the speeches of Fang Mingjing and others made him even more angry.

Crumb Boss: "Are you guys fooling me!?"

Stinky bean sprouts: "...

Seeing the other party's seemingly angry speech, Fang Mingjing quickly realized one thing.

The other party is not the crab boss.

There is no Bikini Bottom restaurant, no employees named SpongeBob SquarePants and Squidward, and no love for money.

The other party is really the boss——

In fact, when Fang Mingjing saw the nickname of this group, at first he thought of Guiwu Tsuji Wumi [but how should I put it...he subconsciously hoped that the other party would not join

Because that is a scumbag, a complete scum of the world.

Although it is not that there are villains in the chat group, such as Aizen Soyousuke, Ainz Ur Gong, Gin Jiu, Jindai Lishi and the others... But at least everyone can get along happily, Only Ghost Dance Tsuji is a downright uncomfortable garbage creature.

Stinky Bean Sprouts: .....wait for me. "

Fang Mingjing opened the permission of own group owner, and then entered the interface of "chat group member permission management".

After he found "Boss Scrap", he immediately shut down his permission to read chat group data.


[The group owner Stinky Bean Sprout uploaded the group information "Ghost Slayer Blade"]

When seeing the words Demon Slayer Zhiba, Gui Wu Tsuji felt his heart beating for the first time.

It was an unfounded premonition.

He intuitively felt that this group of materials had a lot to do with him——

However, when he subconsciously entered, what popped up was the prompt "The permission to read the group data has been banned".

What's the meaning!?

Guiwu Tsuji's face immediately became sinister, and the speeches of other people in the chat group made his face squirm with ferocious veins.

Hikari: "Ghost? What an evil creature———!"

Miss Hui Ye: "Disgusting."

Uchiha Madara: "I have to let people sigh that the world is so big, and this is the first time I have encountered an existence that can make me have such a strong killing intent!"

Seventeen-year-old girl: "Does the little group leader plan to do anything?"

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "Kill it."

The world's number one swordsman: "I agree with this proposal."

Sword God Soderos: "Ah, it's so unpleasant... It's fine if you don't know, but since you have a chance, let's take down this newcomer."

Seeing that they expressed their opinions as if they were air, and even said that they wanted to kill themselves, this made Gui Wu Tsuji's face start to twist uncontrollably.

Blood Qi burns with anger.

The tyrannical breath is like magma erupting from the crater, boiling and surging in the body of the ancestor ghost, making the whole exquisitely decorated room emit abnormal mournful sounds, the chandelier and the desk are in this trembling Explode directly under the movement.

590 "Old, Husband..."

A frightened woman's voice sounded from outside the room.

Oni Wu Tsuji turned around with blood-red eyes open, and saw a woman dressed as a noble lady sitting on the ground, looking in disbelief at the ferocious and distorted appearance of her husband, who was usually gentle and gentle in the past.

Kibu Tsuji twisted his eyes.

In an instant, blood and internal organs erupted from the woman's body.

But that's not enough.

Oni Wu Tsuji Wumi, with fierce eyes flashing, stepped forward. He looked at the woman's corpse with blood flowing all over the ground in front of him, and his whole right arm squirmed and swelled with flesh and blood, making a disgusting sound.

Suddenly there was a scream from the side.

In the corridor of the room that Kimai Tsuji walked out of, a six or seven-year-old girl in exquisite attire stared blankly at the body of her mother who had been dissected open on the ground, and then cried out in horror and bewilderment. Watch own "father".



Oni Wu Tsuji did not look this way.

But at that moment, his right arm turned into an afterimage and twisted, directly tearing the little girl into pieces.

Viscous blood spattered in the hallway. .

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