Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 310: I'm Very Interested, So Let Me Research It

As the original ghost, Wu Mi can turn human beings into ghosts by distributing their own blood, and out of caution, he will also plant a curse in the ghost's body while distributing the blood.

Through the curse, he can perceive the location of his dependents and read their thoughts.

It is precisely because of this ability that Onimai Tsuji confirmed that Naruto did not betray him, at least in her subjective consciousness she did not have the idea of ​​betraying him at all

"Don't be so angry. Is there anything that can't be solved by drinking tea and basking in the sun in the yard~?"

Seeing Boss Scrap's expression of fear and gnashing of teeth, Fang Mingjing said with a leisurely smile.

Aizen seemed to agree with this proposal.

"Well, wisteria tea might be good."


The murderous aura in the entire infinite city was completely ignited.

Oni Wu Tsuji has not shown much yet, but the "upper string" and "lower string" ghosts recruited by him have almost released their ferocious aura.

The toxin of the wisteria flower is extremely poisonous to ghosts, and the light of the sun is something that can instantly wipe out thoughts——

So when Fang Mingjing and Lan Ran said this, all the ghosts were ignited.

"Arrogant humans!!"

“Mere food.....!”

"Eat you guys!!"

Different from the murderous aura that rational human beings can emit, the murderous aura that grows together is simply some kind of monster.

Swallowing, eating, trampling, and destroying everything with just the killing intent, the next instant it turned into a violent roar and attacked the three of them.

Soderos, with his arms folded on his chest, was as motionless as a mountain.

Fang Mingjing and Aizen smiled.

The three of them looked very leisurely, and when the roar approached, only Lan Ran raised the mirror flower and water moon unhurriedly, and waved it.


The three lower string ghosts who attacked them from above and from the side were chopped off in half, and red blood splashed all around like raindrops.

All the ghosts watching this scene tightened their eyes.

But what made them feel horrified afterwards was that the bodies of those ghosts who had been cut in half fell to the ground and just let a lot of blood flow out, showing no sign of recovery at all.

what happened?

" is actually as the name says, it is a power that can directly kill souls." Soderos seemed to be a little emotional.

"Aren't you going to grab the experimental materials?"

Looking at those corpses, Fang Mingjing was surprised.

"These few have no value as experimental materials."

Aizen just responded calmly, and then he looked to a position on his right, where a figure of a ghost stood.

His gaze suddenly became interested.

And the moment Lan Ran saw it like this, the ghost who was wearing a monk's attire and closed his eyes suddenly felt like a frog on the top of a poisonous snake. He subconsciously gritted his teeth, trying to preemptively activate his own ability.

There is a deformed and weird eyeball in the palm of both hands. When the palms and eyes are facing this side, the eyes are suddenly closed with force, and an invisible force appears in the air and flies towards the three of them.

The power appeared in the form of a red arrow in the sight of the ghosts, and made a wonderful sound as it continued to swim, approaching Fang Mingjing and the others with lightning speed.

(Caught it!!)

Oni named Yawaha subconsciously smiled excitedly.

However, the figures of Aizen and Soderos suddenly disappeared at that moment, and only Fang Mingjing let the force hit him with an expression of interest.


Fang Mingjing's body was lifted up by that force.

Controlled by the invisible Hongjie Arrow, his body was constantly being accelerated and swayed in mid-air, almost turning into an afterimage——Yabayu's blood ghost technique, Hongjie Arrow, can freely manipulate the person hit Whether it is up or down, or front, back, left, or right, so when Yawaha attacks, he often takes the person hit by Hongjie's arrow into the air, increases the speed and then throws him to the ground Smashed into a puddle of meat.


"Hahaha, this is more interesting than a roller coaster—!"

Fang Mingjing, who was completely turned into an afterimage and was thrown around in mid-air, laughed happily.

Yawahae's face darkened.

But just when the eyes in his palms were tightly closed again, and when he was about to kill this human brat with all his strength, a hand next to him suddenly grabbed his wrist.


"Manipulating direction is really an interesting ability,"

Yawa Yu turned his head with cold sweat on his forehead, and saw Aizen standing beside him, his calm expression made people feel full of oppression, "I'm very interested, so let me study it

Click it.

The ghost's wrist was directly twisted.

Yawaha let out a scream of pain, but just when he gritted his teeth and was about to use his other hand to activate his ability, he heard a cracking sound and even Aizen twisted his ten hands .

Without the control of Hongjie's Arrow, Fang Mingjing, who was taken to a high altitude, was suddenly slammed into a pavilion with the momentum of a meteor.


The front suffered an impact comparable to a falling meteor, and the entire pavilion was directly destroyed.

However, Fang Mingjing was unscathed.

The child with astonishing beauty just patted the non-existent dust, and then laughed happily.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"I've been waiting for it for a long time."

Standing in another completely upside-down space in Infinite City, Soderos raised his beard and said.

Then, he stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the giant sword in the sword gate behind him, and then... like a Sword intent that could tear apart the sky, it crazily crowded the entire infinite city!

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