Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 333: Lucky And Unlucky Candies

PS: Subscribed so badly, the next chapter will completely end the plot of this game.

unable to breakthrough

Obviously, the attributes in all aspects are far superior to the opponent, but the problem is that Azaji Jinghe's attack cannot make any progress at all.

All were resisted by Soderos from the front.

"However, this is a game after all. It's somewhat dissatisfying that I can't experience the fun of real swordsmanship."

In the chaotic shadow of the knife, Soderos inadvertently sighed, which made Jinghe Azaki's sharp offensive slightly flawed.

"What does Mr. Soderos mean?"

"No, nothing, just complaining a little bit."

He laughed dumbly.

Immediately shaking his head, his eyes suddenly became serious.

He's about to start making moves!

Jinghe Asagi's heart was awe-inspiring. Since just now, Soderos has been only defending her offensive, and has basically never made any serious moves.

"Although it is a game, it seems that there are many skills that can be used."

When the voice wafted into her ears, Azaji Jinghe only saw an afterimage for an instant.

Not a skill, but using some kind of gait technique, Soderos unbelievably avoided Azaki's knife by gliding from the plane, and at that moment, cut the tip of the Taidao towards the woman's slender neck.

Asaji leaned back to avoid it at the critical moment.

But her reaction speed couldn't keep up with Soderos' sudden change of move. The opponent's foot staggered a step, and the next moment his wrist was retracted, the tip of the knife pierced again with the sound of breaking the wind.

Azaji Jinghe had no choice but to immediately parry with a knife.

The tip of the knife rubbed against the silver-white blade, bringing up metal sparks, Azaji Jinghe exerted a sudden force, and picked the direction of the knife to the sky. However, Soderos seemed to have expected her movement, retracted and released his muscular arms, and once again made a stance, the sword was just a hair away from hitting Asaji's vitals.

Taimanin couldn't help but admire in his heart.

With Soderos taking the initiative to attack, although it was only two or three short rounds of confrontation, Ashaji had to fall into the opponent's rhythm.

Every attack of the opponent is so neat and not sloppy, the knife goes straight to the vital point, aboveboard but yet tricky, Azaji has already pulled out all the stops just for defense.

Can't go on like this......

Asaji thought to herself.

Her eyes noticed the other Taidao worn by Soderos' waist. She knew that the other party was not serious at all now. If the second sword was also pulled out of its sheath, she might be defeated in an instant.

With this in mind, Asha Tianhe decisively used her own skill.

"Falling Sparkle"!"

The high-damage continuous slashes released after increasing the speed, when Azaji scolded and locked the target on the opponent in front of her, she saw the opponent's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Skills? Boring..."


The moment she used this skill, Azaji instantly tasted the taste of wrong love.

The continuous slashes that were completely turned into the speed of light were completely blocked or avoided by Soderos—normally speaking, it is simply impossible to do this with the opponent's attribute value.

"Swinging a sword can only be left to experience and instinct, and using skills to swing a sword according to established procedures? This is really boring!"

Her combos, which were invisible to the naked eye, completely missed her opponent.

Amidst the sound of breaking wind, Soderos's tone of reprimand made Azaji groan involuntarily.

During the activation of combo skills, she can only make the actions set by the system before the effect ends, and these actions are instantly seen through by Soderos.

The movement of footsteps.

movement of sight.

movement of the arm.

movement of the shoulders.

The sound of the knife cutting the wind.

Use all the information to predict the path of the knife, dodge or block it with a slight difference, and then...predict—

The sharp eyes caught Azaji's next action. Before that, the long knife in Soderos' hand brought a cold light.

Azaji's skills were interrupted immediately, and then she staggered a step.

Although she is only level A, but her blood volume is only one-third left... This is not surprising, after all, everyone has given up defense, and basically focused on strength and speed, which is worthy of the name. Defend.

" looks a little dangerous."

Fang Mingjing, who was in charge of watching the battle, muttered.

Although the battle between the two took a lot of space, it was actually only a short one or two minutes. The situation of the two people's battle left many players around watching dumbfounded...even some The player who originally planned to take the opportunity to sneak attack forgot to move.

*`々How are you going to continue?」


Azaji regained her stance, ready to stop Fang Mingjing again.

"No need, Sister Asagi... If you die and then lose points, it will feel like it's not worth the loss."

Fang Mingjing laughed. After stopping Azaji Jinghe, he looked at Soderos and said, "But does Soderos really want to PVP with me? In fact, I secretly prepared a lot of things.

.....Excessive props? Well, I'm more interested in that. "

"okay then."

Fang Mingjing seemed to have nothing to do with him.

He knew that he was just a crispy mage with a particularly low agility attribute, so he couldn't let Thord (Li's good) Rose get close, so he took out the "Deviation Strengthening Stone" from the inventory and returned it. In addition to this, there is another prop that I prepared myself.

"Lucky and Unlucky Candy"

On the surface, it was a black-purple lollipop, and the strange color looked unappetizing.

But its effect is powerful.

Make a random judgment after eating. When the misfortune effect is triggered with a 60% chance, the skill cooldown time of the skill CD is doubled; when the lucky effect is triggered, there is a 33% chance to reduce the cooldown time of the skill by half, a 6% chance to reduce the cooldown time of the skill by 80%, and a skill CD with a 1% chance Cooling is dispensed with. The effect lasts for three minutes.

Fang Mingjing bit the lollipop without hesitation.

When the iridescent light entered Own's body, Fang Mingjing's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and then he threw the "Deviation Strengthening Stone" high into the sky. .

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