Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 351: Physical Examination


hospital bed.

When Bayi Yonglin checked Fang Mingjing's body, he asked him to lie on it.

To be honest, Fang Mingjing is in a bad mood right now - actually it is not because he is lying on the hospital bed, but because he is a little uneasy about the next physical examination process.

Shouldn't it be an injection?

Looking at all kinds of cold instruments around him, he felt nervous for the first time in his life.

Although being pierced by a needle into the skin is an experience I have never experienced before, but just imagining that feeling makes me feel uncomfortable, um... how can I say that Fang Mingjing is still a child.

"Relax, I don't know how to get an injection, it's just a physical examination."

As if she could see through his thoughts, Bayi Yonglin said, her voice was still so gentle and "September 17" soft and kind.

But the tension in Fang Mingjing's heart has not diminished in the slightest.

Because Yayi Yonglin just finished tearing up with Yakumo Zi... Although the two can't tell the winner, but as far as the result is concerned, the loser is Yayi Yonglin, and Yiyongzun is destroyed up.

Fortunately, this matter is nothing to Yongchangting. Mobilizing the group of monster rabbits to repair it, it only takes two or three days to rebuild it to the same level as before. This ward has just been built urgently. of.

"Is it necessary to have a physical examination?"

"Yes, after all, when making specific medicines, many factors need to be properly considered. In this case, it is best to do a comprehensive inspection."


Yayi Yonglin slowly put her hands on his body.

The white, slender fingers of a woman, didn't seem to be checking, but seemed to be feeling something carefully, and gently slid across his young body.

"...Sure enough."

she sighed.

With eagerness, even her eyes were moistened a lot, she gently pressed her hand on Fang Mingjing's chest.

The touch of a child's tender skin.

A too-beautiful smile appeared on Bayi Yonglin's delicate face, and she bent down a little towards Fang Mingjing who was lying on the hospital bed, the distance was so close that Fang Mingjing could even feel the fragrant smell in her breath.

"The temperature is normal."

She came to this conclusion.

Then he smiled, looked at his little face with warm eyes, and said aloud:

"Mingjing......Little guy, is that what I call you?"

"The next step is to check your heart rate, so you need to relax more."


This is not a simple request, at least for now.

Because the distance between Bayi Yonglin and him is too close, so close that even Fang Mingjing can taste the fragrance of her body, and the fragrance of that plump and mature body made him a little shy for a while .

As I said before, Bayi Yonglin is a dignified, mature and beautiful woman.

For a young gentleman like Fang Mingjing, he seems to naturally yearn for such an existence.

"I can't seem to relax."

Feeling it with the hand attached to his heart, Bayi Yonglin said softly.

But this seemed indifferent to her, and slowly, she lowered her poetic and picturesque face, and put her ear on his heart.


Feeling a little bit of being squeezed, Fang Mingjing couldn't help being a little cautious due to the touching body temperature, he couldn't help asking a little bit concerned:

"Master, don't you need a stethoscope?"

"There is no such thing."


Looking at the stethoscope hanging beside the hospital bed, Fang Mingjing nodded for some reason.

"Heart rate is fine."

"The blood circulation is normal, and the blood pressure is kept at a normal standard...Huh? Your appetite should be small, little guy."


Can you even hear this?

Little Shengzi had a frightened expression, but Baiyi Yonglin was smiling, she was still leaning her ear to his heart, and gently stroking his young and delicate body with her white, tender and slender fingers. .

"Could it be a kid with a sweet tooth?"

It's cute just thinking about it.

Such a lovely appearance, tender and childish performance, and even the touch of the body are so comfortable.... For her, this is like a treasure from heaven.

Bayi Yonglin only felt that Own's mind must be activated.

"Well, I don't like sweets."

Feeling the hand of Bayi Yonglin gently caressing her cheek, Fang Mingjing felt particularly uncomfortable.

At first, he thought that Yakumo Zi's claim that the other party was Shotacon should be a slander, but now that he looked at it, it turned out that this was the truth!

If this is not the case, there is really no way to explain it.

After all, she is a healer who can even refine the elixir of life. It's like seeing, hearing, asking, and knowing in medicine. It makes no sense for her not to be proficient in this kind of essentials. ——But now, her physical examination process is too abnormal, as if she is deliberately taking advantage of him.

"What's the matter, little guy?" Bayi Yonglin finally raised her head, she looked at the child gently, her eyes were earnest, "It seems a little too reserved."

......Because of the doctor's physical examination, it's a bit strange. "

"So it's because of this? Well, but most of them have been checked. Except for the high lactose intake, your body is very healthy."

Although he had expected such a result, 1.8 Fang Mingjing couldn't help being happy when he heard the answer. ——After all, you are in good health. It is always worth celebrating when you know there is no problem.

But what is lactose?

When little Shengzi felt puzzled, Baiyi Yonglin immediately gave a considerate answer: "It doesn't matter, as long as you eat less milk or dairy products in the future.

Is it because of eating too much milk...

Well, if it's because of this, then actually is not understandable.

Sister's, aunt's, and grandma's...

So eat at least twice a day.

"Okay, you can rest here first, I will prepare the medicine now."

Ah, if you have read the old book, you will probably find this chapter familiar. .

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