"Welcome, what would you like to drink?"

"A glass of rock salt cheese oolong tea and an ice cream, thank you."

Went out to play outside.

Because Fang Mingjing said he wanted to eat ice cream on the way, the two randomly found a ~ milk tea shop that sold ice cream and sat down.

"Did the movie just now look good?"

"I do not know."


"I just looked ahead and then didn't-"

Fang Mingjing said, wrinkling his nose cutely, "Because popcorn and suspense movies don't taste good at all,"

"That's why I told you to buy French fries just now."

"No, the crispy potatoes in the movie theater are not good. Only the french fries in the children's set meal are the best."

"...I told you that you won't be allowed to eat McDonald's recently.

Fang Xinwu pinched his little face affectionately.

While speaking, the ice cream has already been delivered.

Compared with milk tea, which needs to be blended, the production of ice cream is simpler. Holding the ice cream with high frosting in front of him, Fang Mingjing looked very satisfied.

Watching him eating ice cream bit by bit, Fang Xin took out his phone from his bag to take a picture of him in good time.

"What are you going to do after watching the movie?"

"Watch it again?"

"Okay, let's read it again."

......Uh, no, I'm just joking.

"Just know."

"Then go play the escape room? It's very interesting to see the poster when passing by just now.

"...That went last time, and Little Brother kept saying it was boring.


"Well, and you don't cooperate with the staff who pretend to be ghosts, which makes them quite embarrassed."

"Because it's not scary at all."

Listening to his muttering, Fang Xinwu seemed to recall the scene at that time, and couldn't help laughing.

When the staff member playing the butcher came out of the corner with a butcher knife, Fang Mingjing didn't change his expression at all, but greeted him politely with "Hello"

It's not right to make the other party fall with a butcher's knife, and it's not right to respond.

After all, no matter how ghostly the staff make up, Fang Mingjing cannot be fooled by their breath.

But then again, if ghosts really exist, then they should be even more afraid to approach Fang Mingjing, right?

The best example is the boss of the crumbs that has been turned into ashes, ghost dance without misery.

"Then it's better to go eat first."

"How about a barbecue for dinner?"

"it is good."

I have quite an appetite for barbecue right now,

But before going to the barbecue,

"I want to drink what my sister drinks."

Looking at the milk tea straw that the girl drank, Fang Mingjing became excited.

Fang Xinwu was not surprised either.

It's just like the strawberries at home, Little Brother always likes what she tastes first...

On the other hand, she's pretty much the same.

After that, the two sat in the milk tea shop for a while.

After I had enough rest, I started to look for a restaurant that would catch my eye.

Such a slow pace is actually quite pleasant.

Since moving to the urban area, the two of them will explore the interesting places around them bit by bit, as if they were exploring a map.

It was already after eight o'clock after eating the barbecue.

Night has fallen.

Fang Mingjing was in a great mood at this moment when he came out of the barbecue shop full of meat and oily smoke and breathed the fresh air at night.

"Little Brother really ate a lot just now."


"That's really nice."

There was a bit of joy in the girl's tone.

Fang Mingjing's food intake has always been so small that she feels distressed, but since she started breastfeeding, she has gradually become able to eat more.


Should this be attributed to her sister?

Thinking of this from the bottom of her heart, the girl felt a little proud of it.

"Are we going back now?"

"Well, is there anywhere Little Brother wants to go?"

.....I wanted to go to the mall to buy snacks, but now I can't get excited. "

"Then let's go straight home?"

"Well, I have a surprise for my sister when I go back."



"Is it a gift? Or what does Little Brother want to do?" Fang Xinwu smiled.

"It's a gift."

......So it’s not what Little Brother wants to do?”

Obviously, the girl's expectations dropped a little.

However, there was still a gentle smile on her bright and pretty face, and she replied that she would look forward to Little Brother's gift and so on.

It was also because her smile was so bright that Fang Mingjing couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

When he came back to his senses, he couldn't help laughing.

"Don't sister guess what the gift is?"



...... Can't guess, Little Brother is so wicked that my sister has no way to guess.

"I have no evil intentions."

Fang Mingjing said with a pure and innocent expression of "What evil thoughts can a cat have?"

What he said was enough to satisfy the girl's appetite.

However, on the way back, no matter how hard she guessed, she might not be able to guess.

After my sister guessed several answers in a row but failed to get it right, Fang Mingjing suddenly asked in a cheerful tone:

"Does my sister like little foxes?"

"Fox... Does Little Brother want a pet?"





It's almost home too.

Thinking about the surprise she will give her sister later, Fang Mingjing only feels very happy.

It was even cuter that way.

This chapter was written last night.

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