Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter Four Hundred And Forty-Eight: The Liberation Of Kiara's Noble Phantasm, Happy Heaven, T

The Devil-Breaking Red Rose and the Destroying Yellow Rose

Diarmuid's two treasures, the red long spear has the ability to nullify the defense woven by magic power, while the yellow short spear can cast a curse on the target that cannot heal the wound.

These two long spears accurately penetrated Kiara's body, and pierced two holes in his beautiful body. Anyone who saw it, this was an irrefutable victory for the spearmen.



At this instant, Seshoinkin's loving Bodhisattva-like smile changed.


There was ecstasy in the snickering.

Under her eyes, her wet lips are smiling like a temptress at this moment.

A sense of palpitations arose spontaneously in the spearman's heart, but at this moment, Kiara Sesshoin had already started to act.

"Great enlightenment and liberation are at my fingertips, and the place I arrive at is Sashoin, a heavenly paradise like a jaw. Hehe——Let you be liberated in heaven (Happy Heaven · Taizangyou


in an instant,

The weather has changed.

Whether it was the bright moon in the sky or the flickering lights on the warehouse street, they all became dim at this moment.

A huge, breath-filled "hole" appeared above the sky.

Diarmuid can't move.

When the Noble Phantasm inspired by Kiara's heterogeneous magic power turned into a "hole" and hung high in the sky, it was too late.

If you look directly at the "hole", you will smell a strange fragrance, and your mind will become trance, and even your limbs will become paralyzed.

Something appeared.

Something is coming out.

The ability to think froze for a moment, but when he came back to his senses, he found that his feet had been stained.

Obviously there wasn't any until just now, but the filth flowing out of that "hole" had touched the ground at some point and covered his ankles, and even Diarmuid couldn't move freely now.

It's like falling into a quagmire.

Unable to speak.

The "hole" in the sky flows out, and the filthy mud continuously overflows to the end of the plain. Bloody flowers grow on the ground where it passes, and at the feet of the captured spearmen, countless pale and slender hands emerged from the ground.

hugged him gently.

Touched him gently.

Draw him gradually toward the foul hoard—

"what is this?"

Irisviel's thoughts were confused.

Sesseiin Kiara and the overflowing "hole" held in mid-air by the pale "rosette", she felt dazzled just by looking at it, and felt a sense of numbness just by breathing the air.

But beyond that, there is a sense of heartfelt, blissful joy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha…………"

The woman's coquettish laughter echoed, but the spearmen could no longer hear it.

Deep in the mud, he seems to have gone to another world—the flesh and flesh intertwined like countless snakes in front of his eyes [that light is almost like overflowing from the crooked prison itself.

Although I feel disgusted, although I feel repulsed, my brain feels like melting with joy.

Limbs could not move.

The densely gathered flesh like ants naturally approached him. Although the appearance was irregular, it was still a kaleidoscope of primary colors, harmonious and beautiful like a waterfall.

This is the Sabbat about "desire".

If "all the evils of this world" are stored in Fuyuki's Great Saint Cup, "then the hole on the top is filled with all the desires of this world."

If ordinary people touch it, they will be devoured and corrupted by the obscene sweetness in an instant, and melted into a part of the mud. Even for followers, it is a filth that must not be touched.

Because as long as there is a rational existence, "happiness" cannot be rejected, and it is only a matter of time to be melted.

"It is said that human beings are but unripe beasts.

release desire, indulge in desire,

In the end like frothy fruit melted in desire—”

Bodhisattva, with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, smiled like a seductress.

That's all.

Even beings who can become heroes and servants generally have an extremely tenacious will, but that is an unshakable will in the face of "suffering", but how long can it last in the face of "happiness"?

As Seseiin Kiara admits, as long as there is reason and desire, it is impossible to be her opponent.


Diarmuid Diarmuid's weapon dropped powerlessly, and his own spiritual base was also sinking in the filthy torrent, his consciousness dissolved by "happiness" merged into the hole in the sky that continuously overflowed with "desire" middle.

"Evil heretics——!"

Witnessing such an excellent knight being swallowed up, Arturia couldn't help raising her eyebrows. She gritted her teeth, her emerald green eyes were burning with astonishing fire, and the magic power and fighting spirit all over her body gushed out like sun flames.

"Hoo hoo hoo"

Sesseiin Kiara had a happy smile on her face, she stroked her cheek with her hand, and smiled at Saber: "`々 Ms. Arthur Wang is really jealous...well, well, this is just a normal follower You don’t need to be so hostile to me, right? Not to mention the curse on Ms. Arthur Wang’s left hand. Wasn’t it cured because I defeated Lacer? Hehehe”

"In that case, I will treat this injury—"

"Stop it, King of Knights."

Rider stopped Artoria's continuous anger with a calm voice from the side, and then he looked directly at Kiara Seseiin again, that rough face had completely lost the calmness and leeway it had at the beginning:

"Master of Caster..." He spoke to Fang Mingjing.


"I'm not trying to provoke the relationship between you and the servant, but this woman is really evil...Listen well, if you want to believe it, remember, the fragrance exuded by this woman is mixed with love potion, You can't believe what you say!"

Fang Mingjing looked at him in surprise.

What Yi Skandar said at the moment was completely from the bottom of his heart, and after the words fell, he didn't care whether Fang Mingjing listened or not, so he drove the wheel of Shenwei, and took his master away at a fast speed.

Kiara looked at his back and showed displeasure: "...Didn't you think that the servant would hurt someone behind the back? That's not right, I said this in front of the person involved."

Arturia looked indifferent, she seemed to have heard Master Emiya Kiritsugu's retreat order, even if she was unwilling, she could only leave here immediately with her wife Irisviel.

The only ones left on the warehouse street at this moment are Kiara and Fang Mingjing.

"Master, do you need me to find and crush the remaining bugs?"

"Little bug....dragon"

Fang Mingjing tilted his head and thought for a while.

The little bug was talking about Lu Junwu and the others, of course, not far away was a master who lost his servant, Kenneth El-Mello of Lemonhead.

"Forget it first, it's meaningless to solve it now."


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