The underground labyrinth, the 100th floor——

When I arrived at this place, I found that there was nothing here.


The black land is flat, there are no walls in sight, and there are no monsters, only the pitch-black color stretches infinitely.

so quiet.

heard nothing.

Nothing could be noticed.

In the complete silence and darkness, Fang Mingjing frowned.

"That's all?"

"Could it be possible to continue? Or is what the old man said simply unreliable?"

————In the deepest part of the underground labyrinth, there is a "seven eight seven" combination of all evil thoughts.

In other words, what this place represents is all the dark and filthy abandoned holes in this world. If what is accumulated in this abandoned hole is really ugly and filthy, it should never be so peaceful.

Suddenly, Fang Mingjing noticed the voice.

At first it was just a very subtle sound of water flowing...but soon, the sound became louder and louder, gradually turning into a tidal wave and howling waves.

Something is about to move in front of the darkness.


Fang Mingjing saw a huge black wave with a dirty luster like mud rolling towards him.

"Did you hide until now?"

Fang Mingjing jumped back to avoid the huge waves, but the next second, he immediately noticed the same movement coming from behind.

Filthy waves...  

No, it’s not just that, Fang Mingjing looked at the upper floor—————The hole he dug out from the upper floor before now presents a black mud that is constantly squirming

In just half a minute, the entire 100th floor was like paper soaked in ink. A black liquid gradually oozes from the floor and ceiling of the floor, flowing and covering the entire floor.

The air was gradually filled with a distorted and crazy atmosphere.

In the tide of filth, a dark and oppressive evil thought permeates, almost crushing people alive.

The ground has become completely impossible to stand on.

Fang Mingjing stood in mid-air with his sword in his hand. Facing the waves of filth coming from all directions, his figure could only dodge constantly... Although he used his sword several times to blow the huge black waves to Destroyed, but this is useless effort at all, no matter how many times, the next second is counting a black filthy wave rushing towards him.

The black silt piled higher and higher on the ground.

They are swimming like water, but their shiny appearance makes people feel extremely dirty... Just looking at them will make you feel an abnormal sense of discomfort in your heart.

"This thing..."

Rao Fang Mingjing was a little unclear about how to deal with it at this moment, while he was evading, he carefully observed the current situation.

An aura of distortion and madness constantly permeates the entire space.

If it is said to be eroded by this evil thought, it is no wonder that a creature like [Fairy Spirit] would degenerate into [Dirty Fairy Spirit].

"So want to transform me into something like that?"

Fang Mingjing frowned.

He looked up at the area above, at the continuously flowing black tide on the ceiling, black fluid began to drip down from the ceiling in groups like rain, and after falling to the ground, it quickly turned into A monster that looks deformed.

The monsters vary in size and appearance.

Some had skin redder than blood, but their bones grew outside the flesh; Standing on the ground, without a body, and covered with deformed mouths......

Their appearance is distorted like the 【Evil Thoughts】 that overflows the entire floor......


While howling disgustingly, the monsters rushed towards Fang Mingjing in mid-air on the black tide.

It's disgusting.

No matter what, I don't want to be touched by such an ugly thing—

The moment Fang Mingjing turned cold, a huge aura gushed out from his body.

Suddenly the whole floor was shaken.

The aura that had never erupted with all its strength since the breakthrough of the Tribulation Realm finally erupted completely at this moment. In an instant, that is, the moment when the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the mountains and rivers shattered—the swarming crowd of ugly monsters, together with the howling waves, burst into the sky. He was immediately crushed to the ground under the absolute weight.


"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!"

Even though their heads were sunk heavily into the black mud and their bodies and bones were crushed, the disgusting laughter of the monsters did not stop at all.

The twisted and sharp laughter seemed to pierce the eardrums of people, echoing in the darkness.

5.4 10,000, 20,000, 30,000, 40,000...

It is impossible to count the number of monsters, and their number is increasing all the time!

Twisted deformities, crazy ridicules, along with the monsters' evil screams, the dark evil thoughts are completely blown out as if being pushed——

Witnessing the black mud falling like raindrops and turning into an ugly monster in an instant, a bright golden flame erupted behind Fang Mingjing, and the absolute power that did not exist in this world completely shook the entire space, making The screams of the monsters paused for a moment.

But in the next second, they laughed even more joyfully and crazily!


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