Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 518: Fang Mingjing In Adult Form, The Power To Compile The World

The moment the gunshots sounded,

all, all, all

Completely changed.

The golden flame extinguished without a sound, and at the moment when time stopped, at the moment when time jumped wildly, everything seemed to be stuck in an eternal stagnation and distortion.

The power of Emperor Keke is running crazily between eternity and shuji.

As the hour and minute hands on the clock rotated crazily, the big gear of time also reached an incredible interval in a frenzy of flickering——At this moment, through countless years, Fang in the posture of a child Mingjing has grown completely in an instant!

"...Then, rewrite it, world."

He spit out a clear and gentle voice.

At this moment, Fang Mingjing's appearance has completely changed.

He was about ten years old, with a slender and tall figure. When he casually raised a hand, from under the slipped sleeve of the white shirt, it could be seen that his skin was as smooth as jade, and when he raised his eyes slightly, His intellectual eyes are as bright as a Galaxy Cluster.

The breath lingering around him is so stable and quiet.

Just standing there, there is a kind of weird [beauty] that completely eclipses everything in the world.

The filthy silt produced riots.

Although I can't understand what happened, the flames and high temperature of that Damn it have disappeared in an instant, and this is a good opportunity for it to swallow the opponent whole

The filthy Kuroshio completely started to surge.

Twist and Madness—


kill kill kill kill kill kill die go crazy go crazy go die kill kill kill kill go go crazy Die curse you curse you die die die die die

As all the mud in the entire space approached, all kinds of crazy messages desperately wanted to crush all sentient creatures.

But Fang Mingjing just watched calmly.

In fact, the world today has completely changed in his eyes.

turned into data.

turned into a graph.

into text.

While everything in the field of vision has been turned into something that can be understood at a glance, Fang Mingjing at this moment can even modify them.

The rewriting of the world——

He can do this level of things effortlessly.

Let all the laws of the world be modified and overturned according to his preferences, just like letting fish live in the sky, the sun is cold, and McDonald’s children’s nutrition package will give a small picture book

As long as he is willing, everything can be turned into new world laws and common sense.

So for now, the tide of filth has stopped.

Like fireworks, the endless filth suddenly exploded, and then turned into a huge face, which was full of madness and distortion, and then there was fear. It roared with hatred, while trembling with fear.

"It's so ugly..."

"Ugly things are unnecessary."

"What is not beautiful is unnecessary."

"So just disappear....become a blank with nothing."

He said with some joy.

So the filth is gone.

There is no trace left, completely disappeared from the concept——

The floor of the underground labyrinth returned to its original appearance, and Fang Mingjing, who had finished all this, suddenly raised his eyes and looked towards the corner.

In Orari's [Guild] altar, God King Uranus, who watched all this through the [God Mirror], completely froze his consciousness.

It's not that he couldn't understand all of this, but that at the moment Fang Mingjing stared at him, his entire existence was completely unable to think... As for when Fang Mingjing looked away from him after that The [Uranus is completely unknown.

Until the scene reflected by the [God Mirror] was nothing but nothingness, and for a long time after that... Uranus couldn't even move his body.

Fang Mingjing had left the underground labyrinth at this moment.

There is no need to open the [Gap], because the space at this time has no meaning for him, and he can even let himself exist in multiple places at the same time as long as he wants.

"`~If you are going to fall into a long sleep again......."

Like last time, Li Mingjing would fall into a deep sleep the moment he retreated from the state of forced growth.

At that time, this incident caused a lot of riots.

Fang Mingjing thought about it, and felt that it would be better for him to explain first.

chat group

[Group owner Stinky Douya uploaded a short video]

Stinky Bean Tooth: "To sum up, so from now on, I may have to sleep for a few more days... good night.

Ainz Ooal Gong: "Huh? Isn't it only noon now? What the hell is it that you've slept for days?"

Seventeen-year-old girl: "Siesta is good for physical and mental health."

Tony Stark: "So this one is the leader?"

Sword God Soderos: "Has the group master actually entered the grown-up posture again? I (of Li) remember that you seem to have gone to the world of Hestia... there is actually such a hidden Is it something of a degree?"

Hestia: "Ah! @沉豆牙小团主 Where are you now?!"

The answer is the bedroom in Hestia's room.

After posting the experience of the 100th floor in the maze as a short video and saying good night, Fang Mingjing exited this form, and fell into a deep sleep the moment his body returned to its youth among.

And at the moment when he fell asleep, the task module of the chat group also flickered slightly.

[Mission: Go to the bottom of the underground labyrinth of Olalie and investigate the truth of the existence of the labyrinth. Completed, reward: 5000 group points. 】

120,000 for 5,000...and...

This is a bit bloody. .

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